Racism & Sports Talk: WFAN - These New Yorkers Actually Like Trump


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Wow, Richard Neer said some shit? What did he say... damn, I always thought he was the most even tempered, non-judgemental guy on radio. That opinion may have to change I see.

He usually is...

I swear this Kaepernick thing just brings out all the latent dormant cac dna.

It's like black lives matter.

They can't help it.

my favorite

is how they gush over Ali and sh*t on Kaep in the same damn breath.

That is when you KNOW they lost.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
WFAN is fucked Carton of the Bomber and Carton morning show just got popped for a ticket scam business. Dude might do real time and with Mike retiring they are losing their 2 biggest personalities.

The Christie experiment was a failure and there is no heir apparent at the station.

I couldn't be happier since I grew to hate the overall MAGA vibe of most of the station and lack of blk/young voices.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
WFAN is fucked Carton of the Bomber and Carton morning show just got popped for a ticket scam business. Dude might do real time and with Mike retiring they are losing their 2 biggest personalities.

The Christie experiment was a failure and there is no heir apparent at the station.

I couldn't be happier since I grew to hate the overall MAGA vibe of most of the station and lack of blk/young voices.

Wait wait a minute

Research and a dedicated thread is needed

And probably a small party if true.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
WFAN is fucked Carton of the Bomber and Carton morning show just got popped for a ticket scam business. Dude might do real time and with Mike retiring they are losing their 2 biggest personalities.

The Christie experiment was a failure and there is no heir apparent at the station.

I couldn't be happier since I grew to hate the overall MAGA vibe of most of the station and lack of blk/young voices.

Holy sh*t....

If I was a superstitious person I would say this karma.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My moms always told me that down south racists were at least honest about their racism. She said that northern racists pretend to be cool but are constantly going behind your back to do snake shit.

Now that I'm older...I see it for myself.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

In retirement, Bill Daughtry lays it out and gets to the point
Vincent Davis | 10/19/2017, 3:42 p.m.

Bill Daughtry

Every day news items and headlines overshadow the ones before it. Colin Kaepernick takes a knee. The president says something stupid. A Hollywood mogul is ousted from a company that bears his name amid a sex scandal. The effect of Kaepernick taking a knee last year broadens into something much larger 18 months later. The headlines and topics evolve, and we’re on to the next story.

During the early days of May 2014 the headline was “Russo Says Blacks Can’t Cut It in Sports Radio / Russo Catches Heat Following Comments About Finding a Worthy Black Host for His Satellite Radio Channel”—all about Chris Russo, a sports talk radio personality with a channel on SIRIUS Radio, and his inability to identify a person of color who is as knowledgeable and capable as he is to host a national sports talk radio show. It all was started when he was asked by a caller during his show why he didn’t have a Black person on his satellite radio station. Russo responded by saying that he had not found a Black host “who is worthy of doing a national talk show.”

If he had checked and done his research, the way we all check box scores, he’d have been hipped to Bill Daughtry, who held a position at ESPN, 98.7 on the FM dial, here in New York City.

Daughtry, who for years aspired to be the radio voice of the New York Yankees, adept at just about every sport imaginable, had proved over the years to be one of the most knowledgeable, all-around sports talk media guys in New York City. Some years back, he covered the New York Islanders (a hockey team) for WMCA, and most recently he helmed New York Knicks host duties on their television network. One listen—OK two listens—to Daughtry should convince anyone that he is the man for the job.

“Once you reach a certain level in any business, and I’m not trying to say anything or anyone was beneath me because in our years together at FAN, me and Chris got along very well, but there’s just some things that you’re just not interested in, for a myriad of reasons,” said Daughtry. “I wanted to do baseball play by play. I was never really interested in being a talk show host, but that’s what I wound up being, so I had to be the best that I could be at that. At the time Chris said what he said, I thought he was wrong, but I wasn’t trying to prove otherwise because that wasn’t something that I was interested in doing it.”

Daughtry, a selfless man who puts family first, has been married to his wife Carol, “a Brooklyn girl,” for 25 years. His knowledge and recall of sports events is amazing. “As Black people, we had to do more, we had to know more, we had to be about more,” he noted. “When I worked at WMCA in the early 80s, we had the Islanders on our radio station. The Islanders were the reigning Stanley Cup champions. Growing up in New York City, about the only thing I knew about hockey was off sides and a goal. In the fall of 1981[when he started there], one of the first things I got [working at WMCA] was a media pass and a parking pass to Nassau Coliseum.”

He added, “I spent a lot of time out there learning the game of hockey.” Dennis Potvin, an Islander great, gave him a pair of skates.

He continued, “I have a pair of his old skates. It was the first pair of hockey skates I ever had. I broke my ankles on those skates trying to learn how to skate, but I eventually would up being adequate, proficient on the ice. I can skate. I can play a little bit of ice hockey. Took me a little while to figure it out, not only the game, but mastering ice skating. For Black folks to be a success in this age of specialization, and niche this, and advocacy that, you still need to have everything buttoned-down. You still need to know as much as you can know about as many things as you can know about if you are going to be a success.”

About his achievements and disappointments, he stated, “Whatever I did not achieve, I have no one to blame but myself. Maybe the path that we had to travel was a little harder, but still, I had to travel a path.” Quoting Sean Connery from the “Untouchables” movie, he said, “What are you prepared to do?”

As talented as he is, Daughtry, who can also be heard hosting a jazz program on WBGO, did sports talk radio because it was a way to earn a living. “It’s not what I ultimately wanted to do, but I reached a point in my life where I had to say that I don’t have anything more to give to this chase of this baseball job,” he admitted. “We had four kids, and she [Carol] made it pretty clear to me that I wasn’t going to be running all over the damn country, and I got four kids here that I have to raise. And that directly affected my thinking about trying to get a job as a baseball play by play announcer. It really narrowed the field of perspective places where I could do it. It narrowed the field of economics. Once you see that things aren’t going to go the way you may have planned, or wanted them too, you damn sure better be flexible enough to adjust your plans and figure out how to make it work. And that’s what we did for the last 25, 26 years.”


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
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