Random TikToks/Red Notes (Informative & Entertaining)

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
9 years???? and she won't serve all that???? fuck that

She should starve in jail until she dies.....damn, I have mental problems now...:angry:


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member

I worked my Uncle's farm one summer when I was about 13 y.o. He didn't have his own tractor or combine and the neighboring farmers would till his soil and help with the yield during harvest. The rest, he did on his own.

All of my older cousins and brother would get picked up by the larger farms to bail hay and work crops as a summer job but I wasn't big enough. They used to come and pick people up in front of this store the way they pick up Mexicans at The Home Depot while I and friends/relatives my age would be left standing there.

Well, my Uncle Horace happened to be passing by one morning and he scooped me up for the summer to help around his farm. I fed all the fowl and slopped the hogs in the mornings, gathered the eggs, and cleaned up around the coops and the yard, etc.

After that, he'd give me a big straw hat, a bag of seed, and a broom stick. Poke, drop three seeds in the hole, cover them over, take a step; poke, drop three seeds in the hole, cover them over, take a step...repeat until half the acreage was done.

I was working in that field like a sharecropper. :lol:

After lunch, I had to go feed the Boar. He had his own pen, separate from the sows and the piglets. This muhfucka must've weighed 450-500 lbs.
He had rooted all the dirt in his pen, despite the ring in his nose, and it looked like he'd dug ditches in his pen.

They try to cover themselves in mud to stay cool but it was dry as a bone in there. This big muhfucka was laid up like he was asleep so after putting slop in his trough, I was calling, "Sueeeey," to him but he wasn't responding. All I heard was a couple of grunts out of his ass.

I decided that I'd give him a wake-up call by throwing mud clods at him and he still wouldn't budge. "Alright, you fat sucka, ummo come and smack you upside the head then," is what I was thinking to myself. :hmm:

Just as I'd put my leg over the top rail of the pen and was ready to jump in, Uncle Horace had just come around the barn and saw me. :oops::eek2::eek:

"Heeeyy! Don't you jump in there! That hog will KILL you!" :eek:

I got down and he got the Boar to get up. This muhfucka had tusks about 8 inches long. I never knew domestic pigs grew tusks until then.

Me: :eek2::scream::scared:

As an adult, my garage door got wedged shut because of a tree branch that was struck by lightning landed on top and knocked it out of square from the sheer weight of it. I tried to pry the door open with the help of some friends to no avail.


I decided that I'd unbolt the springs from the door with those fuckers under FULL tension...clearly not thinking at all. What saved my bacon was that there was the safety cable running through it (as shown here and my springs were twice this size) to keep it from decapitating my ass on an 8ft ladder.

Once I was down to the last thread of the last fastener, that spring shot like a bullet and the recoil sent it back and forth 5 or 6 times before I could even react. :eek2: The shit went down so fast that it didn't scare the living shit out of me until I had my feet on the floor and assessed what had happened.

I worked third shift and was home alone. The wife was at work and the kids at school. I would NOT have been found until the late afternoon. :smh: