Raw Dog Material...when u just gotta say f**k it

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I swear she looks like this bull dagger pimp I used to know. Bish was always showing her nice tittays, but she was about business.



Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
Yeah, she’d come in the bar about 5:30-6, where dudes were having after work snorts. Like this girl, she didn’t look like much, but had really nice tittays and would leave her employees in a suite at a downtown hotel. Guys would take care of business with her and give her half the cash. She’d call the hotel room (this was before cell phones). She made sure that the customer gets his dick hard looking at her tits before he left the bar. When he got to the hotel room, it didn’t take more than 10 minutes before he finished. In the meantime, the pimp had moved to another bar and had another customer ready. She had a stable of young girls that all lived together and she was always packing.