Real Talk: Would you a $10M / yr position if you had to publicly spread coon-ish views (Stephen S. Smith Approved) UPDATE: $20M years


Horace C. Jones II
A better question/thread would be to call out the people that talk like they want to uplift the so-called black community but are undercover agents. The ones paid to be “pro-black” but are really “anti-black” behind closed doors, using the community for profit.


Muthafucka answer the question the OP posed. Don't come in here with your own self-serving shit trying to hijack the OP. Get the fuck outta here nigga. Fucking fairy all day every got damn day on this board. Jealous ass coon. You one of them Jessie Jackson on Fox News on an open mic talking about cuttin President Obama balls off jealous ass type coon niggas. Faggit.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I couldn't stand that mofo along Whitlock,but the last couple of years he's won me over with the HBCU support and advocating for black coaches. But now back in the coon train he goes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ugghhhh, that's a tough one! I'd like to think I'd be strong willed enough to say; 'No'. Or smart enough to take the money and walk a fine line between SAS... Shyt is so bad I can't think or an opposite equivalent to him! But I can't answer that ?uestion until I am in that situation.

Be hated my entire life and have my kids talking to news outlets about how I hated what I did and tried to offset the terrible things I said by giving as much money I could to help our people... You can't wash your soul. That venom you spew has such a lasting affect more than the money you give that goes to peoples salaries and rarely ever gets to the intended people.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Stephen A is okay in my book. No less than three times on his show in the past few days, he has explicitly stated how situations are viewed through the lens of race and how white privilege pervades sports.

Not too many people are willing to go there.

I hear you but then he inevitably follows it up with some bullsh*t


Rising Star
Sad thing about it, is I doubt anyone’s telling him to spread that coonish point of view. It’s all him, which makes it worse. :smh:

Do you remember when he lost his job at espn around 08-09 he should is then that he was all about the money. He went on fox publicly talking down on Obama if I remember correctly saying how his own family would be upset at him speaking these points


Rising Star
Honestly,yeah I would and after I've had enough I would fall all the way the fuck back and support my people in many different ways to combat the fuck shit I signed up for.Paying for a few thousand to get higher education,help struggling black business owners and business's,start a network of circling the black dollar online and in our communities and other things and It won't ever be public if I have anything to do about it.

At that point you would be comprised and wouldn’t be able come back. Look at Jay-Z.


Horace C. Jones II
Do you remember when he lost his job at espn around 08-09 he should is then that he was all about the money. He went on fox publicly talking down on Obama if I remember correctly saying how his own family would be upset at him speaking these points

Yes. I see you remember that as well. He was on Sean Hannity almost weekly dabbing up who he called his "good friend" Sean Hannity talking mad cash shit about our last real legitimate President Obama. But, that would sit oh so well with the coons on this board.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
10 MILLION , uncle chuck.

not talking endorsements either

radio show speaking engagements, too

VIP everything tickets to EVERYTHING, networking possibilities...

you could get a LOT of GOOD WORK done behind the scenes.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I would. I'd do it for 2 years then go on every outlet to say I did it for the money. I could build alot for 20 million.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I hear you but then he inevitably follows it up with some bullsh*t

Well, he did qualify the white privilege statement by saying if the roles were reversed, MR would have got the same punishment.....

I'm thinking...there he go trying to make white folks comfortable about what he REALLY want to say right now.

But a lot of black folk have that bad though. Always catering to the white folks around them and trying to make them comfortable, as if our presence is some kind of chore to be tolerated. And therein lies the ingrained self-hatred. W.E.B. (we should call him Webbie but I digress) spoke about double consciousness and I hear him on that, but perhaps we should give considerably less energy to (or completely disregard) that voice that concerns itself with what others perceive.
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Rising Star
A better question/thread would be to call out the people that talk like they want to uplift the so-called black community but are undercover agents. The ones paid to be “pro-black” but are really “anti-black” behind closed doors, using the community for profit.


Right on, write on bruh!!! Say it louder brotha,, they dont hear you!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a tough one...

Would be basically have a PRICE to speak AGAINST black issues (on occasion)?

would you accept a $10 million a year contracted position at a media outlet to be a public face but a condition would be to publicly support views that went against BLACK people or were detrimental or just coon-ish?

I think this is different then my original thread about whether you would work with big tobacco, alcohol phama or firearms to promote smoking, drinking prescription drugs and gun use SPECIFICALLY to the young poor BLACK community.

So basically could you be the Stephen A Smith of a rival network?
Just because you don’t like his point of view he is a coon?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like you would have KILLED Myles Garret and COMPLETELY ignored the white boy started that whole thing..

like that.

for $10 MILLION annual
Sooo, Rudolph gets hit in the head with a helmet and your first thought is Cooning because they disappointed in Myles actions? That was not a black or white thing and to defend Myles would be wrong and irresponsible. When it comes to Rudolph there was nothing to talk about.

Players grab each other’s face mask and pull on each other’s helmet all the time. If Myles would have yanked his helmet off and tossed to the side he would not have been suspended or the incident even news worthy.

Myles was suspended because he hit a player in their unprotected head with a helmet on national TV.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To answer the question. No, I wouldn’t Coon for any amount of money
I watch First Take often and it seems that SAS supports the black community/issues. What has he done that makes him a coon?
Maybe I missed something..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hear you but then he inevitably follows it up with some bullsh*t
It is not easy to do SAS job. The second you say anything people don’t agree with you will be labeled a coon also. Also you are smart enough to understand that your circle of friends and places you visit on the Internet don’t speak for all black people. People tend to think their friends or places they frequent on the Internet is the voice of everyone

The reality is....just as many people agree with SAS comments as the ones that disagree. You have to stop thinking every black person has to think the same way.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
I've seen alot of kats say what they won't do for money in front of friends and family but will turn around and do it any way. People sell out for money every day some do it for free.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
To answer the question. No, I wouldn’t Coon for any amount of money
I watch First Take often and it seems that SAS supports the black community/issues. What has he done that makes him a coon?
Maybe I missed something..

Again i don't want to make SAS the coon poster child. It was just to get the thread topic started, he is constantly thrown in these debate discussions because of his comments.

There too many examples of these instances already well documented on here.

Just do a quick search fam.

But you answered the question honestly that is most important


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
To answer the question. No, I wouldn’t Coon for any amount of money
I watch First Take often and it seems that SAS supports the black community/issues. What has he done that makes him a coon?
Maybe I missed something..

Again i don't want to make SAS the coon poster child. It was just to get the thread topic started, he is constantly thrown in these debate discussions because of his comments.

There too many examples of these instances already well documented on here.

Just do a quick search fam.

But you answered the question honestly that is most important


Rising Star
Coon is a very misused word these days. Kaep ain't God and is not above criticism.

Unpopular truth. The NFL had nothing to do with brothers and sisters getting shot by the police. And his protest did nothing to stop.or shed light on the situation. His protest became about him. And is still about him. Tell me the last time the supposed point of the protest has been talked about.

Unpopular truth. Kaep was a below average quarterback. If I remember right he was benched when these protests started.

I say all that to say this. No one has the right to tell another black man how to be black.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Coon is a very misused word these days. Kaep ain't God and is not above criticism.

Unpopular truth. The NFL had nothing to do with brothers and sisters getting shot by the police. And his protest did nothing to stop.or shed light on the situation. His protest became about him. And is still about him. Tell me the last time the supposed point of the protest has been talked about.

Unpopular truth. Kaep was a below average quarterback. If I remember right he was benched when these protests started.

I say all that to say this. No one has the right to tell another black man how to be black.

I agree coon is misused a lot

But this is not a Kap thread.

Being pro or against Kap doesn't determine your blackness.

The question was if you be willing to place yourself in a well compensated position knowing you may have to compromise your morals.

I just gave a hot button example to start the discussion


If anyone of any color thinks the nfl is "responsible" for black people being shot by police?

I would suggest you run quickly in the opposite direction

Protest is protest. To be seen and heard by as many as possible.

And sporting events have a very long storied history of being venues for numerous causes throughout history.

Rembrandt Brown

I would not do "The Blaze" style treachery but Stephen A Smith style? Hell yes, I would do it for a year and then expose the deal and everyone involved, damaging their infrastructure and using a good chunk of the money to build something positive. Not even a tough decision IMO.


Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
First off if you are not a coon they aren't even going to offer you that kind of money in the corporate game, I know I worked for a few major corporations and trust if they smell you ain't no bitch you ain't getting shit. Bruh you have to do shit like go to their churches, babysit their kids, walk their dogs, buy them lunch, carry their bags etc; and be a closet fag in the more extreme cases too. Ultimately no is my answer, you ain't getting that unless you already bitchmade, not from the corporate chiefs anyway.


Rising Star
OG Investor
So people actually believe there’s a white or Black person from ESPN’s management telling Stephen A to shit on Black people for ratings and money? :confused:
these people are idiots , and this whole convo is ridiculous.

We should replace the name Stephan A with the names of all their favorite rappers, or better yet, the porn stars that brought us all to this board. What a bullshit fake honor poll lol.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And lose the respect of my family? I'm good.

I hear you but its the money. Always the money. 10 million a year is legacy money.

And like i mentioned in the original post...

would your family be disappointed if you worked in alcohol or tobacco targetting your black kids?