Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee diagnosed with pancreatic cancer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"My doctors have confirmed my diagnosis of pancreatic cancer," Rep. Jackson Lee, 74, said in a statement Sunday night. "I am currently undergoing treatment to battle this disease that impacts tens of thousands of Americans every year."

Jackson Lee, who represents Texas’ 18th District, which encompasses parts of Houston, recently won a primary election to regain her seat. This comes after Jackson Lee lost her bid to be the city’s mayor late last year.

Due to her upcoming treatments, Jackson Lee said she could occasionally miss legislative votes but she is "committed" to working with House Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries on legislation that is "critical for the prosperity and security of the American people."

Sheila Jackson Lee attends the Praise In The Park concert at Buffalo Bayou Park on March 18, 2023 in Houston, Texas. (Photo by Marcus Ingram/Getty Images)

Sheila Jackson Lee attends the Praise In The Park concert at Buffalo Bayou Park on March 18, 2023 in...
Marcus Ingram/Getty Images

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A member of the Congressional Black Caucus, she has served in Congress for roughly 30 years. Most recently, Jackson Lee reintroduced the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act in May.

“I am confident that my doctors have developed the best possible plan to target my specific disease," Jackson Lee said in her statement. "The road ahead will not be easy, but I stand in faith that God will strengthen me."



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor

EXTREMELY Poor survival rates unless caught early.
Sadly fixed. Cleveland's Ted Ginn Sr survived pancreatic cancer because they found it on luck. He was in the hospital for something else

'In 2012, following an unrelated procedure, doctors noticed Ginn’s declining blood sugar levels and discovered a tumor on his pancreas. It began a whirlwind of treatment, including multiple surgeries and a 60-day hospitalization.'


Rising Star
OG Investor
Hope she makes it...going to be extremely rough...she should give up the seat though...I know her recent challenger seemed to be pretty good and should be a worthy replacement (unless something happened I aint aware of)


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I feel politicians should step down in situations like this. It's semi-selfish to stay in the role, knowing that you can't dedicate your full 100%. This isn't a head cold, pancreatic cancer is serious...very serious.
When it comes to pancreatic cancer, it's not if you're going to die, it's when. If they didn't catch it and stage one or two, good fucking luck. Don't fill out your will tomorrow, do that shit today, like this very hour


Rising Star
Platinum Member
We need to start giving up these seats. It feels like someone should have been prepared and ready to step in. Many of our older representatives are literally dying or becoming gravely ill while still in office, and it's creating more chaos. Plus they need to enjoy their later years before end of life kicks in.

You are correct. Godspeed to the sista. We need to have a bench. Next man/woman up.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
She must drop the weight. Cancer is NOT natural or genetic but environmental. People can’t be out here walking around overweight, eating badly, not exercising, smoking and drinking and thinking shit will happen.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
She must drop the weight. Cancer is NOT natural or genetic but environmental. People can’t be out here walking around overweight, eating badly, not exercising, smoking and drinking and thinking shit will happen.
Did you drop the trannies? You dick eating faggit !


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Im glad we've gotten to the stage where dying under 75 can still be considered too soon.

RIP to an absolute icon and trailblazing legend. She didnt have the best reputation among some circles but what she accomplished in life and endured is nothing short of amazing.

Thank You for your contributions to your people.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately most of these congress persons will die in office and not make way for new blood. Nancy Pelosi will die in office, James Clyburn will die in office, Mitch McConnell will die in office, Maxine Waters was on CNN last week playing with her wig on camera she will die holding that seat and many more of these people just don't know when to retire.

In any event R.I.P


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pancreatic....usually doesn't get found early enough to be really treatable. Had someone close to me die from it. Diagnosed in June, Died in March. No cancer death is easy I'm sure, but damn, Pancreatic is cruel as fuck.