Rest In Peace Tito Jackson

hog fat

Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tito had one job.
To play the guitar and to look cool while doing it.
The man NEVER once failed at fulfilling this task throughout his life.

And you know you've achieved a special status in life when only your 1st name is spoken for people to know exactly who you are.
Thanks for all the music and all the memories, Tito.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn I saw him in an interview a few days ago. He was rocking locks now.

RIP, The Jackson 5 was HIS band. He was the guitarist that started it.


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Tito was the one who got the Jackson 5 rolling; he used to sneak to play his father's guitar while his father was at work. Then one day, his father Joe Jackson caught him and whoppped his arse then after the whopppin' his father said "let me see what you can do" and pointed at the guitar so Tito could show him his talent.

So after all the clowning of Tito, Tito is really the one who braved a beating so they could all thrive....that was his sacrifice.

RIP Tito.....

He’s never mentioned when people speak on great guitarist of soul music.

RIP. I guess the clowning will cease for a while.

This is what gets me... that some folks have never realized that the family was a truly talented BAND and not just a group per se. We were all mesmerized by the precision of what they did on stage and the production of their music/sound, that we sometimes forget that they could and were playing those songs. Jermaine is another one on that bass. The man can PLAY.

To me this is similar to how Ringo Starr was often just seen as the guy in the background. Just a sidekick to the front 3 of the Beatles, but people who play drums will tell you that Ringo was a serious player.

RIP Tito.