Rest in Power, Director John Singleton


Rising Star
I have sources telling me that this information is untrue ... no major news organizations are reporting this story even though he has been listed as dead on Wikipedia for about an hour ... but Wiki is not a news organization. None of the major news companies are reporting this! Something aint right about this report .... at least for the moment.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

John Singleton Still Alive On Life Support, Non-Responsive


4/29/2019 6:26 AM PDT


John Singleton is still alive, contrary to reports Monday morning, but it does not look good.

John's publicist tells us the famed director is alive and on life support at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. We're told John is still in a medically-induced coma and is non-responsive and not getting better.

TMZ broke the story ... John suffered a stroke at Cedars 12 days ago ... this after checking himself into the hospital because of pain in one of his legs.

The "Boyz n the Hood" director has not responded to treatment and his condition is dire ... after what his mother, Shelia Ward, characterized as a major stroke.

In the middle of all of this, there's a family war over control of John's estate. Shelia has asked a judge to appoint her temporary conservator to handle his business affairs, while one of his daughters, Cleopatra, is trying to block the conservatorship, claiming Shelia is trying to fleece the estate and freeze out his 4 children.


An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Safe Travels Brother John

People Live like there's no tomorrow cause it's not guaranteed to anyone
Make TODAY Epic


Rising Star
Rip if true and the best was yet to come from him as a director....

baby boy