While stationed in Meridian Mississippi in 1996, I didn't know that Meridian Mississippi is like Klan headquarters or some shitdam shame ...
n white people today got some nerve to try n down play racism like they aint put us thru hell
n continue to do so on the low n sometimes dead in our face ...
A shipmate of mine, white guy, went and got a new car as folks just out of boot camp tended to do. His mother told him to just drive around and get lost and find his way back out. That's the best way to learn new territory
So he did
Fast forward a few weeks and he and his girlfriend, a black chick, and me decided to go bar hopping with our friends IDs who looked like us.
We walked into one bar that was built like a pencil , you went to the door and you can go straight back
We walked inside the bar with his arm around his girlfriend and him talkin to me and they were having a Klan meeting inside the bar
Half the guys in the bar had their hoods on while the other half didn't
Our reaction time was a bit quicker, we did an about-face and hightailed it out of that bar.
I went to jump in the passenger seat, his girlfriend open the back door and dove inside while my friend did a Dukes of Hazzard across the hood, open the front door, sat and turn the key in one motion all before those crackers exit at the bar
But they were coming.
My boy peeled out and we heard whooping and hollering behind us as they ran to their trucks.
I don't know how long they chased us but my heart was beating out of my chest. My buddy was calm though, he didn't look back oh, but his girlfriend was terrified
That bit of advice his mother gave him about getting lost and finding your way back out when in New Territory kept him from running into a dead end or something because we eventually outran the klan in his car.
We didn't stop until we got on base. The three of us hugged while shaking and crying realizing we came that close to never being seen again
I bring this up because I heard Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte had a similar run-in with Mississippi racists back in the 60s