Is this really the fucking loser who did it? Clout chasing bitch.
So for calling out a snitch Nipsey loses his life.

A lil petty nigga.
People wanna believe it was a government conspiracy because that’s what kind of status Nipsey had and how great he was in our hearts and minds, we want his death to mean something more to us.
But low and behold it is all undone by some simple dumb shit.
I think I spoke on this before about why these young niggas are killing each other in another thread, and a lot of it stems from acceptance and entitlement. They want acceptance into the groups/circles/cliques/gangs/friendships and when you deny them that and reject them leaving them on the periphery is when they want to kill you. That’s the reason for a lot of these killings nowadays. Nobody knows how to be their own man or build their own thing. There is a serious lack of character where they can’t stand rejection, because they feel entitled to the relationships others have formed, especially when you they have money and noteriety behind them as Nipsey did.
“Thou shall not covet thy neighbor.”
So he got on a red sweatshirt so I suppose that makes it gang related

Loser trying to make his name off Nips death.
Looks like he stood over him to finish him off, that’s when the headshot comes, you can see Nip head go back and he covers himself.