RIP Nipsey Hussle

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Peep this one:

Here's a clearer video, the shooter shoots Nipsey seems to leave for sec and Nipsey is still alive, & the shooter comes back to finish the job with shots to the head & then the shooter kicks Nipsey.



Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Is this really the fucking loser who did it? Clout chasing bitch.

So for calling out a snitch Nipsey loses his life. :smh: A lil petty nigga.

People wanna believe it was a government conspiracy because that’s what kind of status Nipsey had and how great he was in our hearts and minds, we want his death to mean something more to us.

But low and behold it is all undone by some simple dumb shit.

I think I spoke on this before about why these young niggas are killing each other in another thread, and a lot of it stems from acceptance and entitlement. They want acceptance into the groups/circles/cliques/gangs/friendships and when you deny them that and reject them leaving them on the periphery is when they want to kill you. That’s the reason for a lot of these killings nowadays. Nobody knows how to be their own man or build their own thing. There is a serious lack of character where they can’t stand rejection, because they feel entitled to the relationships others have formed, especially when you they have money and noteriety behind them as Nipsey did.

“Thou shall not covet thy neighbor.”

So he got on a red sweatshirt so I suppose that makes it gang related :rolleyes: :smh: Loser trying to make his name off Nips death.

Looks like he stood over him to finish him off, that’s when the headshot comes, you can see Nip head go back and he covers himself.

I think we can put the Dr Sebi stuff to rest now with all the videos that's come out this afternoon.

This is just pure fuckery, but shit were all aware of.

Let's keep it a buck... if Nipsey wasn't who he was, this would've been another day in the hood.

That being said, this shit was personal af. Dude had nothing to lose.


Cleveland D-T-W [216]
BGOL Investor
So with the shooter wearing a bright red shirt in the heart of a crip stronghold is he a Blood? if so when they figure out what blood set he is apart of will there be a whole bunch of murders soon.....or will they just target him and his?

The kick in the head after I might have to shoot your mother or pops for that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So with the shooter wearing a bright red shirt in the heart of a crip stronghold is he a Blood? if so when they figure out what blood set he is apart of will there be a whole bunch of murders soon.....or will they just target him and his?

The kick in the head after I might have to shoot your mother or pops for that

Shooter a crip

Im talking about the big truck. The other looks like security



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
so tired of this shit.

not sure why but just this minute this shit really got to me. maybe seeing the dumb ass nigga that did the shit, maybe seeing LL arrive and hearing her say that's my husband, maybe the post that he was meeting with the people on some super positive shit today.

man i'm just so tired of it all.


I want my daddy's records!
Platinum Member
Military trains triple tap with 1 to the head

Do you know how good a shot you need to be to do that perfect in real life ?

Not the range, out in public. Muscle memory and training over and over.

They added 2 more shots to make it look like someone who could just spray and got lucky.
failure to stop drill


Transnational Member
I looked at his videos, interviews, and did a little research, I can't see why anybody would want to kill him. He did try to put some of my content in his video which is dangerous to get it popping.

I like to move around to different cities to remain unknown and prevent beefs from growing. He sat in the same spot for his whole life.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
No doubt.

I remember Spike Lee almost got the wrong people dealt with when he posted an incorrect address that was supposed to be George Zimmerman on Twitter.

I remember that.

That would have been horrible. I understand the emotions are running high for justice. I just don’t want someone to take an L that has nothing to do with it.

That’ll make things much worse.


BGOL Investor
The people that got shot with Nip are still alive. Cant wait to hear from them. Wondering if they'll talk about it - and be honest.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember that.

That would have been horrible. I understand the emotions are running high for justice. I just don’t want someone to take an L that has nothing to do with it.

That’ll make things much worse.


Plus I'd rather the individual be arrested as opposed to murdered considering all the conspiracy theories out there.

If he's already dead then for the most part he'll remain obscure and those theories will persist and grow over time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m not saying that’s not the dude that did it, but twitter can fuck around and get some innocent people hurt without proof.
I been hearing that dudes name in a few of the videos I seen shortly after the shooting. At first i was like what kind of name is shitty.

But after seeing the pic with the same name, it all ties together. That most likely is the fuck nigga that did this.