Ive seen his dad in a clip and i wonder. There are a ton of ethiopians here in atl andI'm curious about Nipsey's father.
I've seen photos of them together, but was he around? Cats with dads dont usually get involved with that gang stuff, and Ethiopian parents are crazy strict. No way he could have been in it if he lived in the same house with him.
I notice there are a few different types amd
Depemds on where tbey end up living. Unfortunately the ones who end up living amongst americans , often pick up hood shit. Theh think THATS whag being an american
black person is ghetto ass shit, and they blend right in as quick as they can. Some down in tbe 4th ward have a deep atl accent and act hood. Then there are others who come at a time where they can live on their own community and immigrant parents there are ON A MISSION. unfortunately that also comes with an attutude tbat looks down on us. eritreans and ethiopians for some reason do really well in aquiring properties , and something tells me that part did rub off on Nipsey. He had a presence from his culture, but apparently picked up on the wronf aspects of american culture.