Saddam Hussein hearing his case verdict that he is sentenced to death (5th November 2006)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He would still be in power and still alive if he didn't treat his own people so bad.

Them muslims be talking that religious stuff and saying "God is Great" while doing some of the evilist shit to people and like with everything else you have to let it fly


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Got what he deserved. Under fucked up circumstances. I remember watching a video, of him when he first came to power. Just came out handing death sentences to random ass politicians. Accusing them of being a trader to Iraq.


BGOL Patreon Investor
And? He could’ve been righteous but he chose to do something else. His son raped a woman on her wedding day.
Ain't no "and". I said what I said.

We had no business over there.

It was under the premise of non-existent "hidden" weapons of mass destruction.

Bush and co. thought Hussein would resist their demands for U.N. inspectors to enter Iraq to look for them and that would be the pretext needed for invasion.

Hussein called their bluff and not only allowed the inspectors in but destroyed short-range missiles daily as an act of good faith.

U.S. still invaded. All about imperialism and the oil grab.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Ain't no "and". I said what I said.

We had no business over there.

It was under the premise of non-existent "hidden" weapons of mass destruction.

Bush and co. thought Hussein would resist their demands for U.N. inspectors to enter Iraq to look for them and that would be the pretext needed for invasion.

Hussein called their bluff and not only allowed the inspectors in but destroyed short-range missiles daily as an act of good faith.

U.S. still invaded. All about imperialism and the oil grab.
I agree with you. It doesn’t change the fact he’s still in a hole in a Tikrit. His evil sons are dead and that’s a good thing.

Are you going to cry for Gaddafi too?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He would still be in power and still alive if he didn't treat his own people so bad.

Them muslims be talking that religious stuff and saying "God is Great" while doing some of the evilist shit to people and like with everything else you have to let it fly
He'd be almost 90 today. No way a guy who lived the life he did would make it to that age.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
He would still be in power and still alive if he didn't treat his own people so bad.

Them muslims be talking that religious stuff and saying "God is Great" while doing some of the evilist shit to people and like with everything else you have to let it fly
He kept the Country stable, yeah his methods are questionable. But just as I said....


Rising Star
Ain't no "and". I said what I said.

We had no business over there.

It was under the premise of non-existent "hidden" weapons of mass destruction.

Bush and co. thought Hussein would resist their demands for U.N. inspectors to enter Iraq to look for them and that would be the pretext needed for invasion.

Hussein called their bluff and not only allowed the inspectors in but destroyed short-range missiles daily as an act of good faith.

U.S. still invaded. All about imperialism and the oil grab.
I agree with you. It doesn’t change the fact he’s still in a hole in a Tikrit. His evil sons are dead and that’s a good thing.

Are you going to cry for Gaddafi too?

Not to mention they earlier tried bating him w the Kuwait invasion.

Propoganda is a v. important tool when they’re trying to get you.

Gaddafi was to get a humanitarian award right before he got put on the chopping block.

Wasn’t he trying to get a United currency for Africa………oh hellllll nah.

I wonder how different things would’ve been in this social media era.

The truth is that self-serving narrative that has been conveyed to us

Carry on……


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not to mention they earlier tried bating him w the Kuwait invasion.

Propoganda is a v. important tool when they’re trying to get you.

Gaddafi was to get a humanitarian award right before he got put on the chopping block.

Wasn’t he trying to get a United currency for Africa………oh hellllll nah.

I wonder how different things would’ve been in this social media era.

The truth is that self-serving narrative that has been conveyed to us

Carry on……
There are 40,000 dead Palestinian children on the internet right now. The Rohingya Massacre was started on Facebook. Things will never change because the people who line the streets that the rich step on have evolved as a species to be stepped on.

America has well over a million black people in jail. What are we doing about that? Nothing! Because the power structure has drawn the sand in the line that nothing will be done. What is the defense budget? How far advanced is China’s military capability? In 10 years the defense budget is going to be double what it is now. That is how Empires roll, baby.

When will DC and Puerto Rico be given statehood?


BGOL Patreon Investor
Not to mention they earlier tried bating him w the Kuwait invasion.

Propoganda is a v. important tool when they’re trying to get you.

Gaddafi was to get a humanitarian award right before he got put on the chopping block.

Wasn’t he trying to get a United currency for Africa………oh hellllll nah.

I wonder how different things would’ve been in this social media era.

The truth is that self-serving narrative that has been conveyed to us

Carry on……


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not to mention they earlier tried bating him w the Kuwait invasion.

Propoganda is a v. important tool when they’re trying to get you.

Gaddafi was to get a humanitarian award right before he got put on the chopping block.

Wasn’t he trying to get a United currency for Africa………oh hellllll nah.

I wonder how different things would’ve been in this social media era.

The truth is that self-serving narrative that has been conveyed to us

Carry on……
who killed him,?(gaddafi)


Transnational Member
US intelligence helped Saddam's Ba`ath Party seize power for the first time in 1963. Evidence suggests that Saddam was on the CIA payroll as early as 1959, when he participated in a failed assassination attempt against Iraqi strongman Abd al-Karim Qassem. In the 1980s, the US and Britain backed Saddam in the war against Iran, giving Iraq arms, money, satellite intelligence, and even chemical & bio-weapon precursors. As many as 90 US military advisors supported Iraqi forces and helped pick targets for Iraqi air and missile attacks.


Saddam was on CIA payroll and sold oil during the Arab embargo over Israel weakening their blockade. He was talking collaborators this and that when he at one time was the biggest one.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who killed him is not as important as the entity that decided he needed to be killed.

The person that financed the chess board and arranged it that his king would be in checkmate is the ultimate killer.

The people hired to complete the deadly deal were merely pawns.

Carry on…….
it is was his OWN people...they chased him down, beat him, shoved a poker up his ass, and shot him...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He would still be in power and still alive if he didn't treat his own people so bad.

Them muslims be talking that religious stuff and saying "God is Great" while doing some of the evilist shit to people and like with everything else you have to let it fly

Yea I heard his son didn't help his cause...

They were doing waaay toooo much..

And to be a shot caller like Saddam..

But to go out like a pussy hiding in a hole..

Only to be lynched...he went out gay as fuck.

He was supposed to go out in a hail of bullets

He was supposed to come out that hole blazing....

Lots of folks in charge don't deserve any respect

If you ain't ready to die you are unworthy

Of leadership


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Got what he deserved. Under fucked up circumstances. I remember watching a video, of him when he first came to power. Just came out handing death sentences to random ass politicians. Accusing them of being a trader to Iraq.
I don't get it, why was being a trader a bad thing? What kind of trader?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He would still be in power and still alive if he didn't treat his own people so bad.

Them muslims be talking that religious stuff and saying "God is Great" while doing some of the evilist shit to people and like with everything else you have to let it fly

That ain't why the US got rid of him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don’t believe nothing this country says. They are political liars and economic hitmen. Saddam received a key to the city of Detroit and wasn’t a problem although they said he gassed his people. He still was allowed to receive a key on US soil.