science question- where ya at geniuses?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I read ur other posts & that's why I asked if u could explain the equation cuz clearly, u don't know what ur talkin' 'bout.

i care not to explain as you came in here to clown and not to seriously discuss.

i obviously can explain this equation as i explained it in a previous post.

if you'd read instead of looking to clown you wouldn't be asking me now. and if you know what this equation is you don't need an explanation.

also, as you CAN PLAINLY SEE - It's NOT EQUATION(S) plural - It's ONE EQUATION expressed slightly differently to illustrate that gravity affects both referenced bodies. NOT TWO EQUATIONS - 1.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm gonna make this shit even simpler for you...

The stars in our galaxy orbit around a black hole = center of galaxy. The further out you get, the less the gravity has an affect on you. We are on the farthest arm of the Milky Way galaxy, which is why we don't come into contact with a lot of shit (however you want to define that).

The closer you get inside the Milky Way, the more chaotic and beautiful it is. We are literally on the most boring part of this galaxy...

Makes you think...

4ce of n8ur

I read ur other posts & that's why I asked if u could explain the equation cuz clearly, u don't know what ur talkin' 'bout.

and you did exactly what i predicted. UNSUBSTANTIATED CLOWNING.


you couldn't even tell it was one equation and not two!!!!!


you've yet to show your knowledge in any post. I know why.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i care not to explain as you came in here to clown and not to seriously discuss.

i obviously can explain this equation as i explained it in a previous post.

if you'd read instead of looking to clown you wouldn't be asking me now. and if you know what this equation is you don't need an explanation.

also, as you CAN PLAINLY SEE - It's NOT EQUATION(S) plural - It's ONE EQUATION expressed slightly differently to illustrate that gravity affects both referenced bodies. NOT TWO EQUATIONS - 1.

Not trying to hate bruh... but i think you may be trying to go a little too deep. The basic answer was good enough for the purposes of this thread. Talking about trying to calculate the gravitational center of a multiple mass system is >>>>>> this thread by a long shot.

4ce of n8ur

Not trying to hate bruh... but i think you may be trying to go a little too deep. The basic answer was good enough for the purposes of this thread. Talking about trying to calculate the gravitational center of a multiple mass system is >>>>>> this thread by a long shot.

my nigga i agree with you. if you read a little further up i criticized the original nigga who bought out this precise topic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

i NEVER knew this


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Didn't think u knew how to interpret the equation.

The force between 2 masses is equivalent to the product of their masses & the Gravitational Constant divided by the square of the distance between the masses.

Basically, the equation says that the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance: as the distance increases, gravity decreases.

I don't see any of ur comments reflected here. So before u post shit, please know wtf ur talkin' 'bout.

and you did exactly what i predicted. UNSUBSTANTIATED CLOWNING.


you couldn't even tell it was one equation and not two!!!!!


you've yet to show your knowledge in any post. I know why.

Chase Bannon

BGOL Investor
This is probably stupid as all get out, but I can't make sense of this.

The stars and the planets are all in the same area no? Are they all fixed in their places as they orbit the sun? How do they not collide. How is there a clear path for the earth and other planets to orbit?

SOmething along those lines

Anyone who laughs at your question wants to seem superior to you. It's a small victory in their minds when they see that you don't know the answer to a question they do know.

When you look in the sky at night the stars might seem close to each where they could collide, but the truth is they thousands maybe even millions of miles apart. That's why it isn't so likely that they collide. A few of the brothas in this thread elaborated a little more on this issue.

4ce of n8ur

i'm not sure what you're asking.

gravity is a relationship between two objects with mass - according to the equations. therefore you have a relationship to the earth a gravitational relationship - and that relationship is governed primarily by two things - size and proximity. the bigger the thing - the more the gravity. the closer you are to it - the more it affects you. so earth's gravity acts singularly on you and affects your behavior. you jump up - earht pulls you back down, etc.

the earth's relationship to the sun is like a ball on a string. spin around and let the ball swing in a circle around you at the end of a string - and this is what you have - gravity is that invisible string. the orbit is balanced by gravitational pull on one side and centripetal momentum on the other - producing a stable orbit.
i think this is right anyway. i'm no astronomer.

Didn't think u knew how to interpret the equation.

The force between 2 masses is equivalent to the product of their masses & the Gravitational Constant divided by the square of the distance between the masses.

Basically, the equation says that the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance: as the distance increases, gravity decreases.

I don't see any of ur comments reflected here. So before u post shit, please know wtf ur talkin' 'bout.

not only did i know what i was talking about i tried to dumb it down so dude could understand it instead of googling it thw way you did.

i've already looked through your shit. you clown niggas andrun in and out of threads. you're a fake intellectual elitist. you don't impress me.

you still haven't explained why you called one equation EQUATIONS - it's because you didn't know until you googled the shit.

you are transparent and frankly mildly pathetic.

4ce of n8ur

Anyone who laughs at your question wants to seem superior to you. It's a small victory in their minds when they see that you don't know the answer to a question they do know.

When you look in the sky at night the stars might seem close to each where they could collide, but the truth is they thousands maybe even millions of miles apart. That's why it isn't so likely that they collide. A few of the brothas in this thread elaborated a little more on this issue.

Agreed my dude. these laughing niggas lives are so pathetic they need this victory - to know they might have marginal knowledge of something that someone else doesn't - just to make them feel better.

look at dude above trying to answer the question with shit about gravitational constants - purposely obtuse language to put another person down.

people lik that are beyond reproach. and pathetic because such behavior shows they've goen down life's path of failure and are grasping at straws for impermanent victories no matter how small.


BGOL Investor
don't understand why the OP couldn't just look up the answer in an introductory physics text or 4th grade basic concepts in science? :dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
not only did i know what i was talking about i tried to dumb it down so dude could understand it instead of googling it thw way you did.

i've already looked through your shit. you clown niggas andrun in and out of threads. you're a fake intellectual elitist. you don't impress me.

you still haven't explained why you called one equation EQUATIONS - it's because you didn't know until you googled the shit.

you are transparent and frankly mildly pathetic.

Aww geez, who said anything 'bout impressing ur uneducated ass? U were giving WRONG info, that's all. I'm going to pick apart ur explanation cuz again, u don't know what ur talkin' 'bout.

gravity is a relationship between two objects with mass - according to the equations. Gravity is the amount of spacetime curvature. therefore you have a relationship to the earth a gravitational relationship - and that relationship is governed primarily by two things - size and proximity. That whole statement was pure fuckin' jibberish. Gravity is the relationship between distance(r) & mass(m). You can see that shit in the equation YOU posted. There's no fuckin' size or proximity in that equation.the bigger the thing - the more the gravity. the closer you are to it - the more it affects you.The more massive the object & shorter the distance, the greater the spacetime curvature will be. Black holes have 0 size & infinite mass. up before u post.

4ce of n8ur

Aww geez, who said anything 'bout impressing ur uneducated ass? U were giving WRONG info, that's all. I'm going to pick apart ur explanation cuz again, u don't know what ur talkin' 'bout. up before u post.

gravity is a relationship between two objects with mass - according to the equations. Gravity is the amount of spacetime curvature. therefore you have a relationship to the earth a gravitational relationship - and that relationship is governed primarily by two things - size and proximity. That whole statement was pure fuckin' jibberish. Gravity is the relationship between distance(r) & mass(m). You can see that shit in the equation YOU posted. There's no fuckin' size or proximity in that equation.the bigger the thing - the more the gravity. the closer you are to it - the more it affects you.The more massive the object & shorter the distance, the greater the spacetime curvature will be. Black holes have 0 size & infinite mass.



Two different theories.

did you just google again?


ah, scorp. it's too easy. you make this too easy homey.

I quoted you so you can't go back and change this foolery you posted it.

haha, your idiocy speaks for itself better than i could.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh no, there's no confusion on my part. Einsteinian physics reduce to Newtonian physics at non-relativistic speeds. Look it up. What else do ya got? :rolleyes:

4ce of n8ur

Oh no, there's no confusion on my part. Einsteinian physics reduce to Newtonian physics at non-relativistic speeds. Look it up. What else do ya got? :rolleyes:

that answer still shows that you don't understand the difference between the two. you're obviously googling the issues as they come up - obviating and ignoring the fact that you got them wrong before. which is why i will continue to quote you so that you can't go back and change your shit.




and i got your pm - i won't explain it to you over pm either - that's like a lame tactic to try homie. and insulting. :smh::smh:



Rising Star
OG Investor
don't understand why the OP couldn't just look up the answer in an introductory physics text or 4th grade basic concepts in science? :dunno:

from the answers that I've recieved, MANY OF THEM WRONG, apparently, I'm not the only person who didn't exactly know he answer. Many things that are fundamental get lost, it happens all the time. I misunderstood that concept, not exactly in the way that some that have come here and thought, but I did. I'm sure you have that misunderstanding about something that I may consider ridiculous. Oh well, I now have a slightly better understanding.

Don't know much about Galaxies...oops. In 4th grade, and basic school in general, I only remember discussing the Solar System. When you discuss stars at the same time, it would seem that they are a part of it.


Ok this makes sense. No wonder Voyager couldn't get home. They were literally on the other side of the galaxy :smh:

Yeah, when my boy showed me this I was like :eek:. Explains a lot about the series and movies though.

This is the star wars one - I thought it was pretty crazy too. Of course it was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. :lol:

EDIT: The pic was too damn big, so this is a link to it.

And here's another pic. Not as cool as the first, but still worth checking out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
bitch stfu.

The general theory of relativity is constructed so that its results are approximately the same as those of Newton's theories as long as the velocities of all bodies interacting with each other gravitationally are small compared with the speed of light--i.e., as long as the gravitational fields involved are weak. The latter requirement may be stated roughly in terms of the escape velocity. A gravitational field is considered strong if the escape velocity approaches the speed of light, weak if it is much smaller. All gravitational fields encountered in the solar system are weak in this sense.

Notice that at low speeds and weak gravitational fields, general and special relativity reduce to Newtonian physics, i.e. everyday experience.

Apparently, u have no concrete info to provide. The shit u posted was all wrong. But, I see u wanna play this lil game. You can play it but, not once have u provided info to affirm ur comments. Dawg, I majored in physics so ur not gonna win this argument. U can't provide info to back ur shit up.


This is probably stupid as all get out, but I can't make sense of this.

The stars and the planets are all in the same area no? Are they all fixed in their places as they orbit the sun? How do they not collide. How is there a clear path for the earth and other planets to orbit?

SOmething along those lines

gRAVITY SON ....gravity is the king in the universe

I know a lot of people are laughing at you for asking this question but actually it's a tough one to wrap your head around.

all the planets in our solar system have diffferent masses. (they don't all weigh the same.) as a result they have developed orbits at different distances from the sun. and then there are the 2 big gas giants sweeping up solar debris at the middle of the solar system. look up the shoemaker-levy comet. it crashed into jupiter just klike it was supposed to, protecting the inner planets.

so in a nutshell gravity hold different planets in there prospective orbits.


Rising Star
OG Investor
^^^ YOU TWO ARE HILARIOUS^^^^ Oh well, I guess that's the way the two of you debate, yall must know each other LOL


gRAVITY SON ....gravity is the king in the universe

Close, but not quite. Gravity is the prince of the universe - electromagnetic attraction is king. Without it there'd be no matter in the universe for gravity to affect. You're right about the rest though - gravity is what keeps everything revolving around everything else, moving, rotation, etc.


Rising Star
OG Investor
gRAVITY SON ....gravity is the king in the universe

I know a lot of people are laughing at you for asking this question but actually it's a tough one to wrap your head around.

all the planets in our solar system have diffferent masses. (they don't all weigh the same.) as a result they have developed orbits at different distances from the sun. and then there are the 2 big gas giants sweeping up solar debris at the middle of the solar system. look up the shoemaker-levy comet. it crashed into jupiter just klike it was supposed to, protecting the inner planets.

so in a nutshell gravity hold different planets in there prospective orbits.

I get that- I think where I fucked up is the fact that the other stars aren't in our solar system at all. The sun is the closest star to us, which is why we orbit the sun. The sun, and all other stars orbit whatever the center of our galaxy is called. So yeah, Gravity puts it all in a fixed pattern, but I was wrong well ahead of that :lol:

4ce of n8ur

bitch stfu.

Apparently, u have no concrete info to provide. The shit u posted was all wrong. But, I see u wanna play this lil game. You can play it but, not once have u provided info to affirm ur comments. Dawg, I majored in physics so ur not gonna win this argument cuz u can't provide info to back ur shit up.

nigga of course you googled it.

now answer me this asshole.

why did you use einsteinian theory to describe a newtonian equation?

why would anyone who knew anything about this topic do that?

and why did you make no reference to the einsteinian graviational field equation despite using einsteinian theory?

why would a smart person would accidentally call a cat a dog and then try and reference it away?

it's obvious that they resolve at non relativistic speeds but they describe gravitaiton in different ways - like how particles interact as both particles and waves.

you used ONE THEORY TO DESCRIBE ANOTHER - the classic sign of a nigga who knows not wtf he speaks of. this is why you keep answering me because you need to prove something to me. you know that i know you're full of shit. I KNOW IT NIGGA.

This is why you PMed me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
^^^ YOU TWO ARE HILARIOUS^^^^ Oh well, I guess that's the way the two of you debate, yall must know each other LOL

Nah, I don't know that illiterate bitch. It's real easy to fake knowledge until u run into someone who actually knows it.


OP, this might help make it a little easier to understand: This is a good picture of what gravity would look like if you could see it:


Think of the universe as being a big flat trampoline. When you place an object on it, it makes a dent. The heavier the object, the deeper the dent. Anything that is close to that object is likely to get sucked into that dent. Remember those things at the mall where you'd drop a quarter and it'd start rolling around and around the funnel until it finally fell inside? That's exactly what our planets are doing around the sun, and it's exactly what our solar system is doing around the black hole that is the center of our galaxy.

Our planet makes a small dent, and the moon is slowly rolling around and around the outside of that dent, trying to roll down to the center (which is the earth). The sun makes an even bigger dent, and all of the planets are rolling around and around the dent that the sun makes, trying to roll down into the center. The huge mass of the super black hole in the center of the galaxy makes an even bigger dent which our solar system is rolling around.

See how this works? The reason our galaxy isn't affected (much) by other galaxies is that they are far enough away that their dents don't reach our dent. Sometimes you'll get two that are close enough that the dents will start to overlap. When that happens they each fall toward each other until they collide.

Crazy, huh?

4ce of n8ur

Nah, I don't know that illiterate bitch. It's real easy to fake knowledge until u run into someone who actually knows it.

so why you PMing me then homo?

why do you keep googling shit to explain to me since i'm so illiterate? why does this matter so much to you?


I know why. and you know i know.


I see you, nigga.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
field equations measure the change of energy/charge/gravity in a region of space. The gravity equation is a relationship between to masses & the distance between them. These two are NOT the same thing. Prove me wrong with CONFIRMED INTERNET INFO. cuz ur words meaning nothing.


Now if you REALLY want to boggle your mind, try wrapping your head around this shit: When you go outside and look up at the stars, that is NOT at all what the universe looks like right now. Many of those stars are long dead and gone. Many of the black spaces between stars have new stars that were born long before humans ever evolved. It's just that the distance between the galaxies is so immensly huge that it takes light a long, long, loooooooong time to get from there to here. So the light you're seeing is millions and millions of years old (maybe hundreds of millions).

So what you're doing is you're actually looking back into time. You're seeing the universe how it looked millions of years ago. :eek: It gets more recent with objects that are closer, but the further out the objects are the more you're looking back into time.

A great example of this is that scientists are thinking now that the star in Orion's armpit (the constellation) has gone supernova. If that's true then the constellation Orion is already gone forever. The thing is that we won't know for a long time since the light of the supernova hasn't gotten to us yet.

4ce of n8ur

field equations measure the change of energy/charge/gravity in a region of space. The gravity equation is a relationship between to masses & the distance between them. These two are NOT the same thing. Prove me wrong with CONFIRMED INTERNET INFO. cuz ur words meaning nothing.

So you're admitting that you refered to the newtonian equation with EINSTEINIAN THEORY?

in order to answer my question you'd have to admit that right?


now, scorp, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

It's a yes or no question. :hmm:

Now, is that the mark of someone who knows what they are talking about?


ah scorp. i can see you. all mad. refreshing your browser. googling shit on the side trying to counter and think ahead!!!!! quickly minimizing the window so you boss doesn't see it when he walks past then coming back.

refresh. nope, 4ce ain't answer. fuck that nigga.


