Serious Hypothetical For The Board..... Thoughts ?


SINCE 1998
BGOL Investor
This is something I believe all people should think about and prepare for
on the outside chance that what some would like to see happen actually comes to fruition.
With all that Is happening and the impending election that will not be business as usual no matter who wins,
If there should be civil unrest or (God Forbid) a Civil war
Where do YOU (depending one what side of the fence you're on)
believe will be the safest place with the best chance of survival ?

We have postes here about guns and all other types of prep stuff.....what say you ?
Many will not survive just by attitude alone.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm headed to the police station or the jail and lock myself in just like drunk Otis from the Andy Griffin show.....all of that after I gather up family and food.

If worse came to worse I'm headed to the woods even though I don't like it but that's how my people survived from slavery by going into the Everglades.... I'll do the same


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's over for 99 percent of these dudes on here.

I've said this before, they have no survival skills. No Boy Scout type training.

All the tough talk from the Big City guys. A week without Electricity, Water, Cell Service, they're done.

Call southerners Bamas but can't live outside that urban jungle.

Don't know how to:

Make fire
Dress a wound/make a tourniquet
Use a hunting or swiss army knife
Tie knots
Use HAM radio
How to spot poisonous plants/berries
Make traps for food or booby traps for protection
On and on.

Them people whose politics you don't like, and rightfully so, been stocking up, camping, learning how to survive in the wild for weeks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have two sisters, a brother, 5 nieces and 3 nephews, two grand nephews and a grand niece. I’m flying or driving to them and putting in work on anyone who approaches. I just updated my will so they will be good if I get snipes. I’m front line for them all day. FIRST!


SINCE 1998
BGOL Investor
I have two sisters, a brother, 5 nieces and 3 nephews, two grand nephews and a grand niece. I’m flying or driving to them and putting in work on anyone who approaches. I just updated my will so they will be good if I get snipes. I’m front line for them all day. FIRST!
... A Will.... You do know if this happens there will be no more rights ... Right ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just like in The Last of Us.

Professionals would be useless.

Who needs a lawyer, accountant after the apocalypse?

Health care professionals

That's who would be needed first and foremost.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
My immediate family would survive..
I have enough fire power and the skill to use them to do whatever is needed.
I can hunt,fish, don't have a need for modern tech and growing up in deep East Texas the woods are a second home.
My only weakness would be educating the people (family)around me to stay isolated and not trust anyone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Civil war / unrest is between the caucasians. The main people that will be affected are the ones that need them for survival. That is the vast majority of our people, unfortunately.


SINCE 1998
BGOL Investor

Bro... This some interesting shit !
What's crazy is... How many times can you get a first hand account
on how to survive a catastrophic civil war from someone who lived through it ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
News Flash: Running into the woods with yur kin/skills won't get it...Many of our enemies are already organized/trained/prepared..We need to do the same/more/faster already. Good flik but...left out what might actually happen for us in cities/suburbs/ case scenario is no bueno.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's just me and my 2 adult kids. I have enough food and water for about 1 month. I got enough weapons and ammo to arm us all with 500 round each (I know that's not a lot of ammo). My biggest concern is my house is made of wood and rifle caliber bullets will go through the walls. I would probably reinforce one room with sandbags or something. We all are vulnerable to fire. A few Molotov cocktails can be a deadly weapon. I have 3 cars that I try and keep filled up. I also has a small generator that's been sitting new in the box for the past 2 years :smh: .

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
Ok, I'm not running into no woods to hang out...white folks waitin on that....the things they would do to us with no laws...shiittttt

you wake up after one night in the woods and.....



SINCE 1998
BGOL Investor
News Flash: Running into the woods with yur kin/skills won't get it...Many of our enemies are already organized/trained/prepared..We need to do the same/more/faster already. Good flik but...left out what might actually happen for us in cities/suburbs/ case scenario is no bueno.

Yep... I saw this. I think Ill watch It again tonight


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yep... I saw this. I think Ill watch It again tonight
Staying in a city will be a death sentence or you will become prey..
Low density areas(farming communities or wooded areas with resources) will give you the best chances..imo
The larger cities will probably be controlled by criminals..if government collapse happens.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
This is something I believe all people should think about and prepare for
on the outside chance that what some would like to see happen actually comes to fruition.
With all that Is happening and the impending election that will not be business as usual no matter who wins,
If there should be civil unrest or (God Forbid) a Civil war
Where do YOU (depending one what side of the fence you're on)
believe will be the safest place with the best chance of survival ?

We have postes here about guns and all other types of prep stuff.....what say you ?
Many will not survive just by attitude alone.

If it ever came down to a SHTF moment in this country.

The safest place to stay is in your home.

If you need to go out for resupplies or just get something that you desperately need. It’s best to go out after the sun goes down, that way you can use the cover of darkness to move around.

Don’t attempt to immediately leave your city, town. Every moron will be doing that jamming all the roads making them worthless.

Stay Calm and Think Smart.