shaddyvillethug: Target of drunk white guy repeatedly using N-Word in convenience store should have raped him

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  • shaddy's solution is wild homo and I oppose it

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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Lmaoooooo I was wondering if someone was going to mention that comment. Now you calling folks to your aid to come together like a rainbow colored Voltron to defend YOU. ROFL. Put on your big boy pants and explain yourself.

@playahaitian I know you and the OP have competing insult threads, but I'm surprised you aren't demanding answers from Shaddy. Where are your BGOL principles?

:popcorn: See Shaddy, I know how to instigate too... :yes:
And u called my niggas gay

What’s with the rainbow comment?

these posters are the heart and soul of the bgol community that we helped built for decades.

how dare u have the audacity to belittle them when all they do is dedicate they life and multiple sacrifices they have made to mark a incredible contribute to this site.

we are the culture than can not be stopped. Can not be reasoned with and will never ever stop caring on tradition.

I promise on Jesus birthday I will not stop.

we are the last or of the lost art.

we are the new found hope.

we are the regulators.

we are the most known unknown.

you evil bitch, we won’t stop ever.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
It’s 2:30 on Jesus Birthday and u still mad u can’t get me banned or exiled or reprimanded.


and why would any of my niggus listen to you?

Listen u bucket of slime , what I do or say in one thread doesn’t carry over to the next thread.

I just put lil cam presents under the tree.

now I log on to BGOL to wish everybody a merry Christmas but no, I have to deal with this yo-yo bullshit since u want to quote me.

I’m being very very nice on this day.

Don’t eat all the cookies you fat whale bitch.
And u called my niggas gay

What’s with the rainbow comment?

these posters are the heart and soul of the bgol community that we helped built for decades.

how dare u have the audacity to belittle them when all they do is dedicate they life and multiple sacrifices they have made to mark a incredible contribute to this site.

we are the culture than can not be stopped. Can not be reasoned with and will never ever stop caring on tradition.

I promise on Jesus birthday I will not stop.

we are the last or of the lost art.

we are the new found hope.

we are the regulators.

we are the most known unknown.

you evil bitch, we won’t stop ever.

That's a whole lot of typing to deflect from answering for your comments. At least now I have a better understanding of why you go from thread to thread arguing and instigating. Conflict is arousing to you. How many menfolk on the street have you had an altercation with which included you voicing the threat "I don't eff around. Keep yapping kneegrow and you'll end up raped"? ... inquiring minds wanna know...


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
That's a whole lot of typing to deflect from answering for your comments. At least now I have a better understanding of why you go from thread to thread arguing and instigating. Conflict is arousing to you. How many menfolk on the street have you had an altercation with which included you voicing the threat "I don't eff around. Keep yapping kneegrow and you'll end up raped"? ... inquiring minds wanna know...
Actually fat bitches arouse me.

I’ll break u dine

Then I’ll mke u a seafood boil afterwards bae

Rembrandt Brown


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
You molested your own daughter, GTFOH repeating that bullshit lie over and over hoping that it sticks.
The idea you make up molestation and throw my daughter in the mix will get you killed in real life. I will kill you then kill any off spring you have even a baby. You keep saying that lie and dare show your face. I’m not even playing . I will fucking exterminate your entire gene pool