shaddyvillethug: Target of drunk white guy repeatedly using N-Word in convenience store should have raped him

What do you think of shaddy's idea?

  • shaddy's solution is necessary- Time to send a message

  • shaddy's solution is bold but reasonable and I endorse it

  • shaddy's solution is wild and I oppose it but it is not homo

  • shaddy's solution is wild homo and I oppose it

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Troll Hunter
BGOL Investor

You got banned for that shit

And I never forget none of your posts

U forget my cousin is @LeroyDibiase

He sure did catch a ban for spamming Black Girl On Line with images of goats. He''s been a suspected goatfucker ever since.


Rising Star
He sure did catch a ban for spamming Black Girl On Line with images of goats.

You are an expert on all things Costanza so that’s probably accurate. Y’all remember my shit better than I do, I’m Lil Wayne to you stans.

He''s been a suspected goatfucker ever since.

Confirmed, ever since I upgraded from being a yourmotherfucker, which was rock bottom for me.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
To clarify for those reacting to your post, you’re referring to Shaddy, the male rape proponent, correct?

Yeah. I oppose rape. Especially man on man, but it was courageous for shaddy to come out like this. I do hope that he gets some therapy so that he he can stop expressing his homosexuality with violent man rape fantasies. But admitting it was the first step.


Rising Star
Yeah. I oppose rape. Especially man on man, but it was courageous for shaddy to come out like this. I do hope that he gets some therapy so that he he can stop expressing his homosexuality with violent man rape fantasies. But admitting it was the first step.

I understood you but when I saw damoistbi laughing at your post I knew his dumbass thought you were on his side riding (pun not unintended) for man on man rape.

Some real MAGA cult shit in this thread…


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I understood you but when I saw damoistbi laughing at your post I knew his dumbass thought you were on his side riding (pun not unintended) for man on man rape.

Some real MAGA cult shit in this thread…
You and Spider-Man are playin duos?

Damosthy doesn’t always think about u when he laughs

Remember this is MY THREAD and u took a joke an made a thread about it

I should charge u a NIL fee but it’s cool be cause the OP IS A…..


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Yeah. I oppose rape. Especially man on man, but it was courageous for shaddy to come out like this. I do hope that he gets some therapy so that he he can stop expressing his homosexuality with violent man rape fantasies. But admitting it was the first step.
Bro , you’re not a fucking super hero

This shit is not real

Seek help


Rising Star
It’s hilarious how not one person would save the OP if he were hanging off a cliff for his life. I’d step on his hands and watch him fall

Spiderman came to my rescue.

And the silent majority has my back.

You want to be the popular girl on a porn board, you have at it, Dr. Mean Girls.


Rising Star
The silent majority that has your “back”. Faggot


A section of my majority, sure. I guarantee one of them could and would beat your ass for me. I’m gonna sic the most flamboyant assassin since Andrew Cunanan on your ass.