Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter Accused in a Civil Suit of Raping a Minor with Diddy (Accuser Seemingly Lied On His Name!/Cleared of All Charges! Files Lawsuit)




Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
No surprise here. Shit we talked about Jigga man sexual deviancy on this board for years. From him messing with young girls under 18 to him messin with them trannies. This is not new news. These entertainers are god awful people who sell their souls for that fame and when they get some fame they let their inner devil out. I hope Jigga, Diddy, and whoever is next do life rot in jail fuck them all. I be looking at niggaz who defend entertainers with disgust like nigga they would watch you die before they help you.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Don’t forget….

Jay-Z owns Roc Nation.

Roc Nation is contracted with the NFL.

Roc Nation is having Kendrick Lamar headline for the Super Bowl this February.

The NFL is own by filthy rich Old White Billionaires who don’t give 2 Fucks about Black folks (e.g. Colin Kapernick). Jay-Z mainly got the contract riding the coat tails of the BLM movement.

America’s Princess Taylor Swift has over taken the NFL, and she is associated with the Kansas City Chiefs…who we all know will win the Super Bowl that will be “Given” to them so they can have a 3Peat.

The NFL will look for any little thing to rip up that contract and get Taylor’s scrawny Ass on that halftime show. Taylor can do it cuz she just wrapped up her ERA’s tour. She ain’t got to do too much preparation for it.

Jay-Z can get a parking ticket and they will use it against him.

We will wait and see….


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't believe there are statute or limitations when it comes to child rape.

It varies by state... According to Google

The statute of limitations for child sexual abuse in New York depends on whether the case is criminal or civil, and if the Child Victims Act (CVA) applies:
  • Criminal cases
    • The statute of limitations for predatory sexual assault against a child is five years.

    • If the victim was under 18 at the time of the incident, the prosecutor has five years after the victim turns 18, or after the incident is reported to law enforcement.

    • The CVA increased the statute of limitations for felony offenses until the survivor turns 28.

    • The CVA increased the statute of limitations for misdemeanor offenses to 25 years of age.
    • Civil cases
      • Before the CVA, victims had a short window of years after turning 18 to bring a civil lawsuit against their abuser.

      • The CVA allows survivors to file a civil lawsuit until they are 55 years old.

      • The CVA also allows survivors to file a claim against private and public institutions that may have been involved in the abuse.
    The CVA was passed in February 2019. It created a “lookback window” that allowed victims to bring an action up until August 14, 2021.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
Always let your lawyers speak for you. That's why you paying them all that money. Remember when Puff decided to go live and speak on behalf of himself? Just let your team handle everything.
Puff guilty though. A video of him dog walking Cassie in a hotel had just came out. What does this bitch have on Jay Z?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Also keep in mind the accuser claims there was another celebrity woman present who witnessed the rape. Best believe they have already spoke with this mystery bitch. If something did happened and she not with the no snitch life. She may have already collaborated everything the accuser has said to save her own skin. I know Jayz saying he not paying one penny. I just don't see anyway for him not breaking bread to make this go away.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Puff guilty though. A video of him dog walking Cassie in a hotel had just came out. What does this bitch have on Jay Z?
They didn't have anything on DeShaun Watson either other than their word against his. They bank on celebrities wanted to save some face and make stories like this go away. The problem Jay now has, it that once one accuser goes public. There is usually more who pop up and try to cash in.


Transnational Member

This is the relative age of his victim, I am not around teenage females like that so just to give you a perspective of what he might have been attracted to at age 30 based on my search. In many cultures, this would be acceptable, I think Elvis Presley married a 14-year-old. I don't know if it is rape because she can't consent or they used forced to have sex with her which is a big difference.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This is the relative age of his victim, I am not around teenage females like that so just to give you a perspective of what he might have been attracted to at age 30. In many cultures, this would be acceptable, I think Elvis Presley married a 14-year-old. I don't know if it is rape because she can't consent or they used forced to have sex with her which is a big difference.

Elvis dated Priscilla when she was 14. He didnt marry her until like 8 years later(She was 22, he was 32).

She also maintains they didnt have intercourse until after they got married.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

We the older generation have a saying for this one.... "A hit dog will holler".....

... What does that mean? It means in the Case of Jay-Z... All of the other incidents that happened to him over the years, whether its him or his wife, he didnt say or speak on the topic.
... But since this came out, he types up a whole college thesis paragraph proclaiming his innocence. This is coming from someone that dosent use social media.

Actions speak louder than words.... (IF ITS TRUE IT DID COME DIRECTLY FROM HIM)

24 years ago. I couldnt tell you what i had for breakfast yesterday.

Exactly, this whole "me too" BS needs to die