she`s on airplane mode......[ spin-off...?]


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
real shit tho...on my bucket list ...

i only fingered my chick on a plane never fucked or got head....

BGOL...testify ...who`s done it...?:yes::yes:

Coming home on Leave from Germany in 90, I was Army and the chick was Air Force...a Becky. We were on a HOP, which is a Military Charter Flight and she was in the USAF Band. I got up to stretch my legs once we were at cruising altitude and all that and she approached me and started making small talk. Turns out we were born on the same day, her being 4 years older. All of my siblings who joined the military went AF except me so I had shit to talk about that she could readily relate to (in terms of Branch of Service and shit).

Three or four drinks into the conversation, she had abandoned any and all inhibitions that she may have had with the rest of her bandmates on board. Becky had curves and tits, but your garden variety flat ass for white chicks of that day, but she took me by the hand and led me to the restroom nearest the galley. She dipped into the bathroom and as soon as the Flight Attendants moved down the aisles, I dipped in with her. The woman played the Trumpet in the band, but she played the skin flute on that flight and I went into her raw. Amazingly, nobody came and knocked having to take a piss or anything. The shit blew my mind. I was 22 or 23 at the time.

Other than that, I've had two close ones with flight crews based out of Atlanta, also while I was in the military. Nothing came of them outside of Blueballs.:( But the second time landed me with a Sista from Camden flying home to Savannah to visit family. I had a Chicago White Sox hat on and they thought it said "Sex" and that was just enough to get their juices flowing mid-flight. No telling how many Brothers those chicks had fucked mile high.