Sherri Shepherd speaks out against all the nudity on the red carpet of the 2025 Vanity Fair Oscars


To teach the truth to the young black youth
BGOL Investor
Hate to agree with her but she’s right. I see these young girls with the skinout business everyday. It’s got to the point where as a teacher I have to have my female colleagues write them up for dress code violations. It’s so bad that there’s an entire room of over sized school clothes for them to change into. Sending them home won’t change anything and contribute to the less they learn and calling home no one picks up or grandma doesn’t drive.


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
As much of a goon as I am I do like modestly dressed women for the most part. There's a time and place for everything.
Like titties sometimes look better in clothes.

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I dont even understand the clothing shit to be honest. This shit was cool for the mtv awards. Thats why they have no longevity. Megan aint even selling thst much. I guess thats why lol.
Sex sells. Sex sells because there is a demand for it. The question is: how did they create this demand?


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
A movie full of nudity that celebrates sex workers essentially swept the fucking Oscars, what does she expect.

I'm waiting for a woman to show up totally naked in heels and call it "fashion" at this point.
Kanye West wife already did that at the GRAMMY's but I didn't hear her say shit about that though .

I mean I understand where she's coming from since she doesn't dress half naked like the rest of them which is why they will continue to judge others.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
They need to set dress codes. No ass/pussy and no titties/nipples or be sent home! Have some decorum!! Better yet, let a man show up with see through pants showing his dick! I bet a change would happen immediately!!
Kanye West could do some shit like that and nobody won't say shit to him..


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
A movie full of nudity that celebrates sex workers essentially swept the fucking Oscars, what does she expect.

I'm waiting for a woman to show up totally naked in heels and call it "fashion" at this point.


That part.

This is a complicated conversation that we ain't gonna have up in here.

Sherri ain't saying nothing new.

But I think when you talking THAT specific group if people you cannot compare it to regular society

We going to be hypocritical as he'll trying to act like if I made s thread of fully clothed covered women that these dudes would support that.

In fact I remember I tried and it caused a Damn revolt.

We are not going to celebrate how the hem lines this season are lower and the wonderful color palate.

Everyone watching for tits and ass. It's now a tradition. And the more out there the more attention. I don't think there is any malice or nefarious underbelly.

And if there is?

Bgol been supporting it for decades.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor

That part.

This is a complicated conversation that we ain't gonna have up in here.

Sherri ain't saying nothing new.

But I think when you talking THAT specific group if people you cannot compare it to regular society

We going to be hypocritical as he'll trying to act like if I made s thread of fully clothed covered women that these dudes would support that.

In fact I remember I tried and it caused a Damn revolt.

We are not going to celebrate how the hem lines this season are lower and the wonderful color palate.

Everyone watching for tits and ass. It's now a tradition. And the more out there the more attention. I don't think there is any malice or nefarious underbelly.

And if there is?

Bgol been supporting it for decades.
@jack walsh13 got a few threads with fully clothed women that I've seen giving them multiple likes. So,it's not like fully clothed women aren't getting props on BGOL because they are. But to be honest, I just feel like posting fully clothes women just doesn't excite me. I don't mind posting women with tight clothes or bathing suits. Because I've got some threads with women who were fully clothed. People not gonna always like what you post, nor should you try to appease everyone because then you're gonna stress yourself out.

BGOL is for naked women which a lot of dudes in here want to see.

But I do like there's plenty of threads for everyone that want something different that they would like.


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
These award shows are everyone's chance to get noticed in a sea of noticeable people. Remember when Lil Kim did it? It's all people talked about for weeks. Now with social media and it's minimal censorship everyone has a nipple out to go viral.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Hate to agree with her but she’s right. I see these young girls with the skinout business everyday. It’s got to the point where as a teacher I have to have my female colleagues write them up for dress code violations. It’s so bad that there’s an entire room of over sized school clothes for them to change into. Sending them home won’t change anything and contribute to the less they learn and calling home no one picks up or grandma doesn’t drive.
My senior year of highschool there were lots of girls getting sent home for violating the dress teacher i had told this White girl that she better go home right that second and change out of the outfit she had on(micromini skirt), after the girl did the teeth suck and stomped out of the room teacher said "... looking like she going to walk the friggin' street corner.." me and everyone in the classroom fell out laughing :lol:


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
These award shows are everyone's chance to get noticed in a sea of noticeable people. Remember when Lil Kim did it? It's all people talked about for weeks. Now with social media and it's minimal censorship everyone has a nipple out to go viral.
Did Lil Kim get any backlash when she had her tits out and her pussy out on stage? Were those talk shows upset about Lil Kim attire back then?
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It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
My senior year of highschool there were lots of girls getting sent home for violating the dress teacher i had told this White girl that she better go home right that second and change out of the outfit she had on(micromini skirt), after the girl did the teeth suck and stomped out of the room teacher said "... looking like she going to walk the friggin' street corner.." me and everyone in the classroom fell out laughing :lol:
The girl that was prom date, she had on a dress that if you were close enough, you could see her titties. She knew I was looking at her titties the whole ride going to the prom even though she didn't say nothing but smile. But her dress would always come slightly down that she would have to pull it up because the it was loose which is when I went with her to my senior prom back then.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Bunch of grandpas in this thread lol. The species was designed to be naked. All this other shit is from rules people got from made up invisible men in the shy.

Ninjas can always move to the middle east and they would see nothing but modest, fully clothed, burka wearing women.

Of course that same level of morality would be applied to them and just randomly fucking while unwed would get niggas hemmed up. Which I'm sure all the cats in this thread would be fine with since they want to inject morality into the culture.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Bunch of grandpas in this thread lol. The species was designed to be naked. All this other shit is from rules people got from made up invisible men in the shy.

Ninjas can always move to the middle east and they would see nothing but modest, fully clothed, burka wearing women.

Of course that same level of morality would be applied to them and just randomly fucking while unwed would get niggas hemmed up. Which I'm sure all the cats in this thread would be fine with since they want to inject morality into the culture.
I do not like Western society censorship, you don't see those other countries doing this shit. That's why people travel a lot because those women overseas don't mind being naked and they don't have these laws where a person isn't allowed to be naked and free.

People still follow this sky daddy telling them having sex before marriage or being naked is a sin.

Good thing a board like this exist because other social media sites are now banning women for posting nudes..

But then again, there's a lot of old school women that will always have a problem with women being half naked since they're religious being a follower of God.

If we go back in history about our ancestors, they were naked as well having to work, cook, and clean whie naked.


Rising Star
An inconvenient truth:

Whitey, who fears and hates anything NATURAL, has convinced you, via religion and Euro-centric mores, that there is something wrong with nudity.

Rape is FAR more rampant in Euro-derived cultures, especially in places like the U.S. Instances of rape, child molestation, and incest are far less common in civilizations that recognize titties for what they are: a food source for children.

Whitey sexualizes EVERY goddamned thing. This is why you have porn centered on women smoking, being covered with the sperm of multiple men, and chained up to shit while being fucked or forcefully masterbated.

Just sayin.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Kanye West wife already did that at the GRAMMY's but I didn't hear her say shit about that though .

I mean I understand where she's coming from since she doesn't dress half naked like the rest of them which is why they'll continue to be judge others.

She doesn't? Damn!

I always wanted to see Sherri Shepherd's titties. Even after the reduction (which was a sad day).

It's the Year of the Titty. Don't judge me.
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