Sherri Shepherd speaks out against all the nudity on the red carpet of the 2025 Vanity Fair Oscars


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
I like ass and tits but this shit has gone too far.

As unfair, tyrannical, and unequal as women believe men policing their bodies is, it seems necessary, as many continuously demonstrate a need for our policing and regulating to prevent them from degrading and destroying social and societal standards.

You can only give a ho so much rope...

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
@jack walsh13 got a few threads with fully clothed women that I've seen giving them multiple likes. So,it's not like fully clothed women aren't getting props on BGOL because they are. But to be honest, I just feel like posting fully clothes women just doesn't excite me. I don't mind posting women with tight clothes or bathing suits. Because I've got some threads with women who were fully clothed. People not gonna always like what you post, nor should you try to appease everyone because then you're gonna stress yourself out.

BGOL is for naked women which a lot of dudes in here want to see.

But I do like there's plenty of threads for everyone that want something different that they would like.
These niggas gon accept whatever fuckin bitch I post and enjoy it.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
@jack walsh13 got a few threads with fully clothed women that I've seen giving them multiple likes. So,it's not like fully clothed women aren't getting props on BGOL because they are. But to be honest, I just feel like posting fully clothes women just doesn't excite me. I don't mind posting women with tight clothes or bathing suits. Because I've got some threads with women who were fully clothed. People not gonna always like what you post, nor should you try to appease everyone because then you're gonna stress yourself out.

BGOL is for naked women which a lot of dudes in here want to see.

But I do like there's plenty of threads for everyone that want something different that they would like.

you touched on a whole lot I can't get into it all right now.

but trust me I been here for a LITTLE while. So I know of what I speak.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
other females= the original slut shamers

if nobody trying to stop all this man kissing on every fucking series than nobody should be trying to stop provocative females from dressing.. we need balance.. if a gay dude has to get screen time now a days than I need to see a bunch of naked for no reason broads any and everywhere.. stop the man kissing men first b4 you stop sluts from slutting


"Are you gonna bring Halle? That's a fine bitch!"
BGOL Patreon Investor
The irony is you watch these award shows like the Grammys and the Oscars and people are showing as much skin as they can. Meanwhile, you have the AVN Awards and most of the talent is actually dressed. Weird.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The irony is you watch these award shows like the Grammys and the Oscars and people are showing as much skin as they can. Meanwhile, you have the AVN Awards and most of the talent is actually dressed. Weird.
Not weird the rules of many venues that host adult events have nudity rules and things you can’t do.. it’s why many chicks at exotica have to wear pasties and underwear.. if they don’t follow rules the vendor gets kicked out ( which is money down the drain).. also lot of places don’t, won’t, and are iffy with hosting adult events.. Hell it’s the reason why exxxotica is in nj and not originally was ny but certain big spots were funny style at them having their events there.. than eventually nj opened up their arms and I believe been hosting it there for the past 17 yrs

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Not weird the rules of many venues that host adult events have nudity rules and things you can’t do.. it’s why many chicks at exotica have to wear pasties and underwear.. if they don’t follow rules the vendor gets kicked out ( which is money down the drain).. also lot of places don’t, won’t, and are iffy with hosting adult events.. Hell it’s the reason why exxxotica is in nj and not originally was ny but certain big spots were funny style at them having their events there.. than eventually nj opened up their arms and I believe been hosting it there for the past 17 yrs
Good points.


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor

That part.

This is a complicated conversation that we ain't gonna have up in here.

Sherri ain't saying nothing new.

But I think when you talking THAT specific group if people you cannot compare it to regular society

We going to be hypocritical as he'll trying to act like if I made s thread of fully clothed covered women that these dudes would support that.

In fact I remember I tried and it caused a Damn revolt.

We are not going to celebrate how the hem lines this season are lower and the wonderful color palate.

Everyone watching for tits and ass. It's now a tradition. And the more out there the more attention. I don't think there is any malice or nefarious underbelly.

And if there is?

Bgol been supporting it for decades.
It is a complicated conversation cuzzo for sure. It is ridiculous some of the outfits these ladies are wearing to these events. The shit Kanye's wife is doing is just plain weird. It's on a whole nother level. Here's the thing Sherri didn't mention. Some of these ladies entire career was built off sex. Not to say they can't be sexy wearing less revealing stuff, but Megs career is based off her shaking her ass. Not because of her word play or flow or her producing skills. No. She sucks dick and pops her ass. Sex sells and by doing shit like this will keep her num er afloat best she can. An entertainer like H.E.R. can be much less revealing because her brand in which she created is more than just sex. Chole is in the same boat as Megan, (all be more talented if you ask me) but she makes a living talking A LOT about playing with her pussy. So that ass and tittie is gonna show to go with the material shes putting out. At the end of the day its a business decision. So as you mentioned its a little different than comparing it to everyday life situations. The question is how do you explain that to younger girls looking at this? Thats a legit question.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It is a complicated conversation cuzzo for sure. It is ridiculous some of the outfits these ladies are wearing to these events. The shit Kanye's wife is doing is just plain weird. It's on a whole nother level. Here's the thing Sherri didn't mention. Some of these ladies entire career was built off sex. Not to say they can't be sexy wearing less revealing stuff, but Megs career is based off her shaking her ass. Not because of her word play or flow or her producing skills. No. She sucks dick and pops her ass. Sex sells and by doing shit like this will keep her num er afloat best she can. An entertainer like H.E.R. can be much less revealing because her brand in which she created is more than just sex. Chole is in the same boat as Megan, (all be more talented if you ask me) but she makes a living talking A LOT about playing with her pussy. So that ass and tittie is gonna show to go with the material shes putting out. At the end of the day its a business decision. So as you mentioned its a little different than comparing it to everyday life situations. The question is how do you explain that to younger girls looking at this? Thats a legit question.

depending on how real you are as a’s easy to tell the truth.. in life there’s a bunch of diff demographics of people in life.. like drug free people and crackheads.. like females with decency and sluts.. just because there’s crackheads in life mean you should smoke crack and just like there’s whores in life mean you should be a slut.. also teach them about court jesters.. there are people that have been entertaining people since mankind exist.. from street corners, to train stations, to theatre, to tv.. one might get quarters to entertain one make millions.. just cause one make millions dosent mean they are greater than others at the end of the day they still a court jesters. Now that person that does back flips for spare change in the street do you want to worship them , grow up to be like them, care about everything they say and do? No so why do you think the person that do backflips and entertain people for millions of dollars is more important? They all court jesters at the end of the day.. so stop trying to follow these modern day court jesters they here to entertain you nothing more nothing less


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sherri Shepherd needs to STFU. If you ask me, we were let down by the Streaming Wars considering all the new premium subscription channels should have provided original content with ample opportunity to display celebrity nudity and instead we got the exact opposite. So where are we supposed to go now to get our fix of celebrity tits, well it looks like the red carpet. Now that booty cheeks have become mainstream, celebs rocking thongs & g-strings is no longer a violation of the Meta TOS, so the next frontier is titties. It's finally time to #FreeTheNipple and celebs are doing so with this growing trend of wearing completely sheer tops with no bras.

Sounds to me like Sherri is just jealous, she took what the good Lord blessed her with and handed it back before any of us ever got to get a good look. Everytime a big titty woman gets a breast reduction, and angel loses its wings, :giggle:. Anyway I'm loving this new trend and I hope it never ends...



"Are you gonna bring Halle? That's a fine bitch!"
BGOL Patreon Investor
Not weird the rules of many venues that host adult events have nudity rules and things you can’t do.. it’s why many chicks at exotica have to wear pasties and underwear.. if they don’t follow rules the vendor gets kicked out ( which is money down the drain).. also lot of places don’t, won’t, and are iffy with hosting adult events.. Hell it’s the reason why exxxotica is in nj and not originally was ny but certain big spots were funny style at them having their events there.. than eventually nj opened up their arms and I believe been hosting it there for the past 17 yrs
I get it but knowing a lot of the ladies in the industry, the general consensus is since they are always in a state of undress, they prefer to be elegant for the occasion. Truth be told, I helped Domonique Simone pick out her dress for this year’s ceremony.