Shooting just happened at a Trump rally


Rising Star
400 feet in every direction homie and Trump was an hour late as usual.

There weren't 360° of elevated positions... my guy told me it made no fucking sense how this could have happened considering all of the known factors.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Biden might as well schedule the moving trucks for the day before inaugural day. Since I moved to DC around that time of the year I can tell him its kind of hard finding movers around that time.

Joy Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Rachel Maddow, DL Hughley and Maxine Waters have basically lost their talking points.
No, this is not going to change a thing especially now the rat was inside of the Republicans house.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It must drive white strategists crazy. Like we're some code that they just can't crack. All we say is, "Just be real with us," and they're like, "What if we sell 'em sneakers...?"

"My gosh, Bob, we really thought those NEVER-SURRENDER sneakers would sky-rocket in the urban sector. Quite frankly, it's mind-boggling!!"

"What if we mention 'black jobs' at the upcoming debate? OK?! it's a GO, folks!! Let the big man, know!!"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This could have been way worse...very tragic..but we are very fortunate that this didn't happen during college football!! Imagine being interrupted by this bullshit! Let Coondace and Jason Chickenstock deal with this white on white crime. Who copping the new NCAA 25?
Right. Lol


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
People are noticed when the shooter identity came out in his background. Some of the Republicans started dancing around the shit they were saying earlier. This event was staged or there was about to be a Civil War in side of the Republican party either way Democrats and liberals stay far away from this bullshit and just elect Democrats this November. Because of the shooter identity and background Trump is not going to get too many sympathy votes from independent voters. A lot of things has changed over the last 12 hours.