Sinnamon Love Ain't Playing That Shit No Pipes For Her


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor




Yo I am laughing my ass off right now. Heist I have NO harsh words for you after this. This shit is priceless! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
i shouldve known sinn was posting in here for it to be 11 pages

Sinn, youre finer now than when you 1st entered the game

desklamp, niggah you came off as an immature simp....step it up player

good 5 star thread...peace


i shouldve known sinn was posting in here for it to be 11 pages

Sinn, youre finer now than when you 1st entered the game

desklamp, niggah you came off as an immature simp....step it up player

good 5 star thread...peace

No disrespect alexw but homie it's BGOL. I'm not exactly talkin to Michelle Obama. I admit I came at her a bit aggressive at da beginin on some "you just anotha weak hoe sellin dat ass for change" type shit. But she's a pornstar fam. My lil words have lil to no real effect on her anyway. She been in da game for years and prolly heard it all before and den some. She'll be more than okay.

It's funny to me to see da lynch mob gettin all riled da fuck up ova somethin dat is completely in da land of fantasy.

lol kinda ridiculous. Niggas need to get a fuckin grip.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The first porno I ever saw was "Long From Dong" with Sinn being in a boy-girl and I think a boy-girl-girl scene.


I wish this shit was like digg were you could vote posts and posters down. I hate these cats that watch mad porn but hate the porn stars. They are people too. I don't think being a porn star makes you a lesser human being to be treated like or expect to be treated like shit by anyone. Trust me a lot of people are fucking broads that fuck just as many guys as porn stars there just aint video. I must also say that Sinn coulda dropped a dime on this site to all the porn companies she works for a long time ago but hasn't.. *I imagine she cops shit here too* She should get props for that alone.. Baby keep making movies just let some brothas tie you up everyone once in a while to balance that shit out.


Rising Star
99.9% Do that shit some time or another.

Not likely that many, but so what?

Sin ain't never escort? Her roomie Kitten ain't do it either?

And?? What's the connection to acting with people you KNOW. Shooting a sex scene can take hours. A performer may not wanna be with someone that bothers her for that long if she doesn't have to be.

Fuck outta hea!! ITS JUST WORK to them,.. trust,.. one way or another they work off camera too.

Who says they don't discrimminate when it comes to with whom they wanna "escort?"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lana is still one of my closest friends. She babysits for me sometimes. She and her husband have 11 year old and 3 year old sons. She's well, but just had her appendix burst last month. I'm sure she'll be at Kitten & my 4th of July BBQ.

Thanks for the info. What time should I be at the BBQ?:D

Mackavellian Nupe

Potential Star
Hey, I just wanted to say hey what's up to SinnamonLove, saying thanx for givin' love to the bruthas here, answerin' their questions and whatnot, and thanx for keepin' it real with what's goin' on in the XXX world.

I remember seein' your flix way back in the 90s, but honestly it wasn't until about a year or so ago, that I was really got into your movies. I loved your photosets at, they look GREAT!

Speaking of, I only have one question: What was up with the vids of you and the Tom Bergeron lookalike? Honestly, I couldn't get into the scene because I always was expecting ol' dude to make some sort of comment(s) on some celebrity dance couple or suddenly shout out, "Agree or disagree?" and "CIRCLE GETS THE SQUARE!!" :lol:

J/K, but the resemblance was that shocking.

Anyway, keep your head up, handle your bizness, and you'll be a'ight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not familiar with her doing real estate. She was working at a winery as a buyer before being laid off. Now she's working as a paramedic and waiting to take her test to be a LA Firefighter. She's undergone all her training, has had her background check (yes, they know she did porn,) and has undergone her physical tests as well... just waiting for it to be finalized. I am so proud of her! That's my baby!

Damn...Firefighter. Has her body changed much? Has she slimmed down and gotten all ripped and shit?


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Dudes are funny how they interview Sinn whenever she makes an extended appearance.

The gay shit in here :smh:

I guess I'm the only one who doesn't pay any attention to the dudes in the videos. The only way I know names, is from dick watchers on BGOL. :smh:


Rising Star
You forget that while watching porn we wanna hear the woman moaning & cumming not some idiot talking like he's having OZ flashbacks.

And another one.


I worked with him in Slippin' Into Darkness like 10 years ago and I punched him in the chest in the scene & told him if he didn't STFU & fuck me I was going to fuck him up. They left it in the scene

I need that scene. :yes: