SO MUCH WIN!! 'I Voted for Trump now I'm using Food Bank'


Rising Star
OG Investor
Ill take your strawman...

Mexicans coming here doesn't bother, or really affect me. In fact, Trump going over board to build a pointless, ineffective wall and making Americans pay for it will affect me more than some people coming here will. But again... It's rich that people that didn't do shit but be born here getting self righteous about who gets to come and live here. Personally I don't give a shit about the immigration issue. Because there are bigger issues to address... So why should we spend billions on a wall when Flint... When cops are killing... When gerrymandering... When gentrification... When our economy... When our infrastructure... I could go on forever... So tell me again why I need to be ridding with Trump and other morons about a fucking wall???...
You don't care about the immigration issue. It doesn't effect you. Cool. Get outta the thread then. See ya in another issue.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
You don't care about the immigration issue. It doesn't effect you. Cool. Get outta the thread then. See ya in another issue.

The wall(and fallout from the village idiot trying to get it built) does though... That's the issue I care about... Immigration was not the point of the thread however.


Gutta Queen Super Star***
BGOL Investor
I was going to comment on her dumb ass also. She forgot the simple arithmetic or concept of "more people/customers equal more tips". I also hate immigrants who think no one else deserves a chance after them. Fuck her.

They interviewed the dumbest motherfucker they could find. There is a reason her ass is only a waitress.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
:lol: This is hilarious if it's really over a wall. The illegals still getting paid because they sure as shit not out of work, but the citizens of the country getting horse fucked.

They ain't trying to keep illegals out. If they were, they'd pass laws giving out serious time to employers of illegals. These fools riding hard for Trump are riding hard for nothing. :smh:

What's crazy is once peoples pockets get right when the government comes back on, even the ones who flipped on Trump will go back. The spin will be crazy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lets call it what it is...a cult. A cult of racism and insanity.

I feel awful for the people who are affected who didn't vote for this.

But for these people tho...fuk em

That racism is a hell of a disease. It's worse than heroin because at least with heroin, you feel good while destroying your life. Racism is causing this dude to lose his farm, and I bet he'd blame the mexicans instead of that dumb ass Trump.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If they were, they'd pass laws giving out serious time to employers of illegals.
I've been saying this the whole time. How many US born citizens, outside of the greeting staff and customer service, work at Trump's Mar Lago club? You think the kitchen and housekeeping staff is filled with Tyrones and Becky-Anns?


Horace C. Jones II


Horace C. Jones II
Feel the wrath of your boy Trump you dumb ass crackas. MAGA!

You lost sons of bitches would've NEVER gone through this under President Obama.

So............let it burn! Just wait until you don't get that second paycheck.



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
February 1st is when Food Stamps are deposited on EBT cards.

Walmart and other large grocery chains are dependent on that money coming into their stores.

The first week and first weekend of the month is jammed pack at Walmart, Kroger, Costco and other grocery stores cuz of those Food Stamps.

Walmart stores are connected directly to their HQ in Bentonville, AK. They see a drop of sales starting Feb 1st.....they will be on the phone with Trump.

Putin ain’t the only person that can make Trump jump.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
February 1st is when Food Stamps are deposited on EBT cards.

Walmart and other large grocery chains are dependent on that money coming into their stores.

The first week and first weekend of the month is jammed pack at Walmart, Kroger, Costco and other grocery stores cuz of those Food Stamps.

Walmart stores are connected directly to their HQ in Bentonville, AK. They see a drop of sales starting Feb 1st.....they will be on the phone with Trump.

Putin ain’t the only person that can make Trump jump.
Trump don't give a fuck about that shit. His supporters on benefits just as stubborn as him. They don't mind starving as long as they think someone else getting it worse. :smh:

Media running any stories about problems people facing will only fuel the fools on Trump's side. Republicans will be on food stamps and glad others aren't getting any. :hithead:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Feel the wrath of your boy Trump you dumb ass crackas. MAGA!

You lost sons of bitches would've NEVER gone through this under President Obama.

So............let it burn! Just wait until you don't get that second paycheck.


He does realize this is America right? He thinks shit is sweet right now as he tries to blame everyone else, and all it takes is one crazy white person to turn a building into rubble. Crazy black guy might pistol whip someone, a crazy white guy...let's see...shooting up schools, shooting up movie theaters, bombing office buildings, letter bombs, shooting up concerts...crazy white folks take a lot more people out along with the intended target.
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Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor

My moms hits them shits up with her church buddies and she don’t even need to

Anythin free and she’s on it tryin to sell it for cash and she don’t even need to

Shit kills me


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
Everybody knows, if they're honest, it's not about security. The simple fact is white people do not want brown people entering the country in numbers they think will cost them their privileged place in America. :hmm:
America is full of what I call 'reluctant racists'. They want the luxury of the white supremacist mindset without the pressure of being called on it. As such, they'll defend the Trumps of the world, (much to their own detriment) as long as someone will deal with the brown folk for them, and also wear the racist mantle for them.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
America is full of what I call 'reluctant racists'. They want the luxury of the white supremacist mindset without the pressure of being called on it. As such, they'll defend the Trumps of the world, (much to their own detriment) as long as someone will deal with the brown folk for them, and also wear the racist mantle for them.
Excellent way of putting it.



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I have a question,

Dont these federal workers still have to show up for work?? There just not getting paid, once they figure out the budget they will get paid for the days they worked without pay..
That applies to essential employees for the most part, I think. None essential employees are just furloughed without pay and benefits.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
That racism is a hell of a disease. It's worse than heroin because at least with heroin, you feel good while destroying your life. Racism is causing this dude to lose his farm, and I bet he'd blame the mexicans instead of that dumb ass Trump.
I'll bet that muhfucka employs a shit ton of Mexicans on his farm too and a lot of them under the table.