So my wife and our gf both want a baby. This was my Christmas gift.


Rising Star
Man I couln't deal with two women in the house in a commited relationship at once. My wife takes too fuckin long as it is telling me how her day was at work and I have to fake it like I'm paying attention. Now immagine going from one 9 minute mindless conversation right onto another piece of shit conversation for another 13 minutes. I can't fuckin do it!!! :smh:
They could talk to each other about their day, when you come home the focus is on you & your comfort.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Oh I trust my wife to the fullest.
We were having issues and she is the one that said maybe you need some new pussy and proposed the poly idea. I was opposed at first to be honest, but we found a match together, someone we were both comfortable with and someone that aligned with what we were looking for.

Wife and gf go out and do things together, they have gotten my houses immaculate. It's like they both handle shit with my rental properties and taxes and lawyers and so many personal things and has taken so much stress off my life.

They both love my children, if one can't take them to sports practice or shopping the other does. Gf handles her business she is amazing, I have no complaints.



Rising Star
This is where I am at with it.
If gf leaves with no kid it don't cost me shit.
If shit goes left after a kid it's a total different dynamic.
She is a sensible woman, like I said we all have a great relationship. I just am not sold on the fact that we all gonna be together for the rest of our lives or if a kid involved the next 18 years.
If my wife ever leaves its gonna cost me money.
If gf leaves its free and we can find another gf, a kid changes that.
I get it. So the gf isn't a woman you would marry and see yourself with for the rest of your life.
This is both a financial and legal issue.

I understand as I'm wanting to pursue a polygynous relationship for the primary reason of having more children than one woman can bear, and secondly to have a good support system for the children. I will not be a baby daddy, a weekend dad, or estranged from my children, and all my children will know each other & grow up together under the same roof(s).

Have you explored the options of a marriage contract with both women? With the contract clearly stating intentions and expectations.

I struggle with finding mature women still young enough to start a family. Most are 35 before they are mature enough for a family and by that time they've lost 90% of their eggs so just having 1 child is being hopeful.
27 yrs old is ideal, but most that age are not fit to be wives or mothers.


Rising Star
That is vital for the collective sanity.

Where I am now, one shorty gave birth in Aug 2022. I told my main about the pregnancy in March 2022, she took the news surprisingly well even bought gifts for my baby and everything. Fast forward to a week before my daughter was born. I spent 4-5 days with my main, during that time she got pregnant. So I'm juggling the hormones of a 4month pregnant woman and a 4 month postpartum woman. Be more efficient and prudent with your timing than I was if you choose to have a child with both women.
:confused: Where are their mothers? Aunts? Sisters?
Where's their support system? It takes a village, it shouldn't all fall on you.

Both these women are around my children as mothes and parental figures. ... they know if one isn't there to help them the other is.
This is what's important. Selflessly supporting each other, humility, nurturing.

I would definitely need that because I know I can't depend on women in my family, disloyal at best, toxic at worst.
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BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
Its not that I wouldnt marry her, I do see her with us for a long time, but what I see and what she sees maybe 2 different things.
Right now everything is great, i feel like she hasnt been around long enough yet.
I trust her, I love her and she has been on her best behavior for sure and handles her handles, but its only been a year.
I feel like she could turn at anytime.
We fuck raw with pullout, I dont pullout with wifey, if we are all 3 together and I am fucking her and close I will pull out and let off in wifey,
I can see in here face that she feels some type of way about that shit, she just has not said anything.
I was talking to wifey earlier bout this, not in depth and I asked her does she really think we should have a child gf, she said she doesnt see any reason why we shouldnt, brought up some great points about what she does and how having her around is help to both of us.
I also asked her about asking her to move in and she said she has been waiting to talk to me about that, she would love for her to move in. Again we didnt get in to details, and I already knew it was coming, so we decided we are going to talk about it and if we agree we will ask her to move in this week.
I am trying to build security with gf so that she knows that we are serious about her and we love her and we really want her to be part of our family.

I get it. So the gf isn't a woman you would marry and see yourself with for the rest of your life.
This is both a financial and legal issue.

I understand as I'm wanting to pursue a polygynous relationship for the primary reason of having more children than one woman can bear, and secondly to have a good support system for the children. I will not be a baby daddy, a weekend dad, or estranged from my children, and all my children will know each other & grow up together under the same roof(s).

Have you explored the options of a marriage contract with both women? With the contract clearly stating intentions and expectations.

I struggle with finding mature women still young enough to start a family. Most are 35 before they are mature enough for a family and by that time they've lost 90% of their eggs so just having 1 child is being hopeful.
27 yrs old is ideal, but most that age are not fit to be wives or mothers.


Rising Star
Its not that I wouldnt marry her, I do see her with us for a long time, but what I see and what she sees maybe 2 different things.
Right now everything is great, i feel like she hasnt been around long enough yet.
I trust her, I love her and she has been on her best behavior for sure and handles her handles, but its only been a year.
I feel like she could turn at anytime.
We fuck raw with pullout, I dont pullout with wifey, if we are all 3 together and I am fucking her and close I will pull out and let off in wifey,
I can see in here face that she feels some type of way about that shit, she just has not said anything.
I was talking to wifey earlier bout this, not in depth and I asked her does she really think we should have a child gf, she said she doesnt see any reason why we shouldnt, brought up some great points about what she does and how having her around is help to both of us.
I also asked her about asking her to move in and she said she has been waiting to talk to me about that, she would love for her to move in. Again we didnt get in to details, and I already knew it was coming, so we decided we are going to talk about it and if we agree we will ask her to move in this week.
I am trying to build security with gf so that she knows that we are serious about her and we love her and we really want her to be part of our family.
Would you marry her? Straight answer


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
I love her.
I love what she brings to the table, energy, attitude and all.
She is dependable and there for me, my children and my wife.
Last week i was on my home from work and she called, ask if I could stop at the store and pick up a couple things. I was like sure I am close ill see you in a few minutes. She is like no, I want you to bring the things home, I am cooking tonight.
I said ok.
I have been asking my wife to paint my kids bathroom for a couple weeks now. I had somebody come in a prep it.
Well I didnt know she had done it during the day, her and gf had talked.
So when I get home, gf cooking, wifey watching tv, I go in kiss them both, tell gf this is a nice suprise.
She says she knew I worked all day and wifey painted the bathroom and figured we shouldnt have to cook.
I appreciate shit like this.
I would marry her.
Would you marry her? Straight answer


Rising Star
I love her.
I love what she brings to the table, energy, attitude and all.
She is dependable and there for me, my children and my wife.
Last week i was on my home from work and she called, ask if I could stop at the store and pick up a couple things. I was like sure I am close ill see you in a few minutes. She is like no, I want you to bring the things home, I am cooking tonight.
I said ok.
I have been asking my wife to paint my kids bathroom for a couple weeks now. I had somebody come in a prep it.
Well I didnt know she had done it during the day, her and gf had talked.
So when I get home, gf cooking, wifey watching tv, I go in kiss them both, tell gf this is a nice suprise.
She says she knew I worked all day and wifey painted the bathroom and figured we shouldnt have to cook.
I appreciate shit like this.
I would marry her.
Then approach her the same way you went about courting the fiancé. If you waited X amount of time before proposing, X amount of time before moving her in, X amount of time before considering impregnating her, then do the same for the gf.

No reason why the gf should get a fast track to the same security & resources that the fiancé has earned.

Keep it equal. Manage expectations.
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BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
She is earning and proving everyday.
My thing is will she have this same energy in a year.
This is what i will have to talk to wifey about.

Then approach her the same way you went about courting the fiancé. If you waited X amount of time before proposing, X amount of time before moving her in, X amount of time before considering impregnation her, then do the same for the gf.

No reason why the gf should get a fast track to the same security & resources that thr fiancé has earned.

Keep it equal. Manage expectations.


Rising Star
She is earning and proving everyday.
My thing is will she have this same energy in a year.
This is what i will have to talk to wifey about.
Yea, sound like you already know how to handle it. If it's gonna last then waiting a year won't hurt


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
I hope you find waht you looking for fam.
Its really lot of open minded women out there.
The only thing I can tell you is the only reason this dynamic works for us is because we all on the same page.
You have to give as much as you take from the relationship.
And first and foremost a poly relationship cant just be about pussy, you are going to have to gain a real understanding of everyone feelings.

Yea, sound like you already know how to handle it. If it's gonna last then waiting a year won't hurt


Rising Star
I hope you find waht you looking for fam.
Its really lot of open minded women out there.
The only thing I can tell you is the only reason this dynamic works for us is because we all on the same page.
You have to give as much as you take from the relationship.
And first and foremost a poly relationship cant just be about pussy, you are going to have to gain a real understanding of everyone feelings.
Yea, believe me I know. I'm done trying to convince women that are not open to it.
So many women think its just about pussy and start speaking from a place of insecurity. Not no open relationship shit, not no swinging.

If I can be monogamous with one, then I can be polygynous with two and still keep everything in house.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I love her.
I love what she brings to the table, energy, attitude and all.
She is dependable and there for me, my children and my wife.
Last week i was on my home from work and she called, ask if I could stop at the store and pick up a couple things. I was like sure I am close ill see you in a few minutes. She is like no, I want you to bring the things home, I am cooking tonight.
I said ok.
I have been asking my wife to paint my kids bathroom for a couple weeks now. I had somebody come in a prep it.
Well I didnt know she had done it during the day, her and gf had talked.
So when I get home, gf cooking, wifey watching tv, I go in kiss them both, tell gf this is a nice suprise.
She says she knew I worked all day and wifey painted the bathroom and figured we shouldnt have to cook.
I appreciate shit like this.
I would marry her.
Lol. You're laying it on real thick.

His girlfriend just so happen talked to his wife about painting, so she comes over paints and has dinner on the table.

Yeah? Yeah!


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
So when my wife first approached me with poly she brought up lot of points, when I tell you she basically had to talk me in to it because I was opposed she really had to convince me.
Her thoughts are I am king, I take care of her the kids, the bills, everything, I am a provider and I deserve what i want.
There are times where she cant give or provide what I want and I shouldnt have to not get what I want when I do what I am supposed to do.
Verbal arguments or disagreements which we may not see eye to eye on, the gf provides another perspective to issues.
Remember my wifey likes girls as well so it also gives her something she wants.
It also makes wifey comfortable and secure knowing that I dont have to go anywhere out of our marriage.
This is where I talk about the feelings, because it basically makes her feel better knowing if we have a problem and I leave the house, I can go to gf and talk her and I aint out doing some dumb shit and vice versa.
If wifey on her period she knows I am stopping at gf house on my way home from work.
I will tell her I am going there, we will talk about it, she will be like you have fun baby ? You good now ? Did gf take care of you.
I cant speak for anyone woman, I just know mine wants to make sure I have every thing i need in life whether she can or cant provide it, she is going to make sure i get.
The added help of a gf is great plus as well. Gf is here right now and they are upstairs watching some ratchet shit on tv leaving me all the way alone. My mom died today so I am not in the most social mood and they both understand that and are leving me in my thoughts in my man cave. They are kicking it, and at some point they better get they ass down here and start cooking, nikka hungry round this joint !

Yea, believe me I know. I'm done trying to convince women that are not open to it.
So many women think its just about pussy and start speaking from a place of insecurity. Not no open relationship shit, not no swinging.

If I can be monogamous with one, then I can be polygynous with two and still keep everything in house.


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
My wife painted.
Our gf talked, wife during the day, told her she was painting the bathroom.
Gf took it upon herself to come and cook.
Read nigga.

Lol. You're laying it on real thick.

His girlfriend just so happen talked to his wife about painting, so she comes over paints and has dinner on the table.

Yeah? Yeah!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
he asked a quesition, I gave him an aswer,
maybe you didnt see where he said he is looking onto this lifestyle.
I am just trying to give the best advice I can.
Listen: bells are going off in my head. I read the post, I felt it was a bit much for me, and I said it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
cant say i been through any shit like this :lol:
my advice yall been together and all love and care for each other. aint no way you not putting a seed in your wife and not your girlfriend. neither past 30 with no kids .....shiiiid. they feel they both got a standup dude....they ready. they probably wanna go through their pregnancies together.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I am in a poly relationship, I had talked about this before here. I just turned 52, my fiancee / wife will be 30 in March, date set for August 2023, our girlfriend is 28. Wifey and I been together for 3 years, gf 1 year. We had a beautiful Christmas, gifts and all spent the the whole day together, gf does not at this time live with us. I already know that her living with us is on the horizon because it has already been brought up in casual conversation. We all exchanged gifts yesterday and they both said they want a baby next year.

Now my wife I am cool with and I had a full understanding before we got serious of what she wanted, she had already told me she wanted 2 kids before the age of 35 and I was with it, so it is no shock to me. I already have 4 kids, 2 college graduates, 2 on the way to college, so its no big deal to me. She is my wife so Imma give her what she want.

Our gf on the other hand is a another story. While this is no type of jumpoff scenario or anything like that, and we both love her, but I dont see why I am supposed to put a baby in her. The gf and I have a great relationship, plenty of things in common, to say the least she is an awsome addition to our relationship. She does a lot for my wife, she does a lot for me. I couldnt ask for anything else, the bitch is down to ride for both of us.

I aint broke by any means and I can afford more children. I am trying to explain to my wife that i dont want to make a seed with someone that I am not married to. I am trying to explain the consequences of bringing a child into this world with someone that might bounce at anytime. She is stuck on the idea I dont want any more kids, when I am happy to give her kids cause she is my wife I just dont want to give our gf kids.

Like I said we both love our gf, like genuinely love her. She is family, she sleeps with us, we go out together, they go out together, we all balance each other and she fits perfectly in our life. If I have an issue I cant discuss with my wife I can go to her and she is like a mediator, if my wife has a problem she does the same. We all work together well and we are really one big happy family,

Problem is my wife really wants me to seed her up, and like I said I already knew waht I was getting into with my wife, she is younger no kids , wants babies, I can totally understand that and I signed up for it. I am just having a problem getting her to understand that I signed up to make her babies and not our gf.

get em pregnant both of em...fuck gotta to keep em happy...brah

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Yea, believe me I know. I'm done trying to convince women that are not open to it.
So many women think its just about pussy and start speaking from a place of insecurity. Not no open relationship shit, not no swinging.

If I can be monogamous with one, then I can be polygynous with two and still keep everything in house.
It's crazy how many women are open to it. Much like everything with women, it has to come from the right man(whatever that is to them) at the right time.

My ol' lady can't have no more kids, but she is willing to help mother another one. All the women we play with are young. Problem with SOME women isn't that they aren't down. It's they are worried about family, friends, and society.

This thread is interesting to me because I didn't know any other posters had similar situations.


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
It all sounds crazy until you experience it first hand.
We found our gf going on dates, not so much playing.
Dinner, hanging out, concerts,, gf being around the crib.
We wasnt fucking everytime we see her.
It was times they went to lunch took the kids out, it was times gf and I went out.
Just like you have a mental and emotional connection to ur wife you have to build that with gf.
Ur wife also has to build the same connection as well as ur gf, there is nothing one sided about this shit.
It all sounds great but it does take work.
I hope you 2 find what ur looking for fam.

It's crazy how many women are open to it. Much like everything with women, it has to come from the right man(whatever that is to them) at the right time.

My ol' lady can't have no more kids, but she is willing to help mother another one. All the women we play with are young. Problem with SOME women isn't that they aren't down. It's they are worried about family, friends, and society.

This thread is interesting to me because I didn't know any other posters had similar situations.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any updates @DJ

Also I think this was glossed over, but a big R.I.P. your moms.

How long did it take you to cope with that loss?

I'm starting to see more ppl talking about losing parents and got some bad news about my moms.......she's not on the reapers door, but she's not young anymore either......


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
Any updates @DJ

Also I think this was glossed over, but a big R.I.P. your moms.

How long did it take you to cope with that loss?

I'm starting to see more ppl talking about losing parents and got some bad news about my moms.......she's not on the reapers door, but she's not young anymore either......

We are all still doing good, still happy as we can be.
We just got back from Orlando yesterday morning, so I haven't been on here for a week. Went down to meet up with my daughter and grandkids.
Picture this, me, wifey, gf, my 2 younger daughters, my older daughter, and 3 grand daughters.
Was a drain having to deal with 8 females from 8 to 32 yo.
We all had a great time though.

For me, as close as I was with my mom, I think it took awhile for things to really sink in. Initially I could accept and comprehend her death, but the reality takes a while to settle in. Even this past week on vacation, I found myself thinking about how she will never see her grandkids or her great grandkids grow up. I can't send her pictures of our vacation and call and tell her about it. She won't be at my wedding, or be there for any more milestones in my life.
I take solace in the fact that I am fairly successfull and she passed knowing that I was doing well and not someone that she would ever have to worry about.
It is sad when anyone close to you passes, and while I am to the point that death is inevitable, and you never know when your number is gonna get pulled, I still have a hard time knowing that she is not here to share the joy that I am experiencing with my own family.
It is a struggle but I know she out there somewhere making sure that I keep my head up.


Rising Star
I am in a poly relationship, I had talked about this before here. I just turned 52, my fiancee / wife will be 30 in March, date set for August 2023, our girlfriend is 28. Wifey and I been together for 3 years, gf 1 year. We had a beautiful Christmas, gifts and all spent the the whole day together, gf does not at this time live with us. I already know that her living with us is on the horizon because it has already been brought up in casual conversation. We all exchanged gifts yesterday and they both said they want a baby next year.

Now my wife I am cool with and I had a full understanding before we got serious of what she wanted, she had already told me she wanted 2 kids before the age of 35 and I was with it, so it is no shock to me. I already have 4 kids, 2 college graduates, 2 on the way to college, so its no big deal to me. She is my wife so Imma give her what she want.

Our gf on the other hand is a another story. While this is no type of jumpoff scenario or anything like that, and we both love her, but I dont see why I am supposed to put a baby in her. The gf and I have a great relationship, plenty of things in common, to say the least she is an awsome addition to our relationship. She does a lot for my wife, she does a lot for me. I couldnt ask for anything else, the bitch is down to ride for both of us.

I aint broke by any means and I can afford more children. I am trying to explain to my wife that i dont want to make a seed with someone that I am not married to. I am trying to explain the consequences of bringing a child into this world with someone that might bounce at anytime. She is stuck on the idea I dont want any more kids, when I am happy to give her kids cause she is my wife I just dont want to give our gf kids.

Like I said we both love our gf, like genuinely love her. She is family, she sleeps with us, we go out together, they go out together, we all balance each other and she fits perfectly in our life. If I have an issue I cant discuss with my wife I can go to her and she is like a mediator, if my wife has a problem she does the same. We all work together well and we are really one big happy family,

Problem is my wife really wants me to seed her up, and like I said I already knew waht I was getting into with my wife, she is younger no kids , wants babies, I can totally understand that and I signed up for it. I am just having a problem getting her to understand that I signed up to make her babies and not our gf.
I see exactly what you are saying and I feel that If one had kids they should be married; it’s easier for everyone involved; but you wild for this poly shit lol lol lol…
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It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I am in a poly relationship, I had talked about this before here. I just turned 52, my fiancee / wife will be 30 in March, date set for August 2023, our girlfriend is 28. Wifey and I been together for 3 years, gf 1 year. We had a beautiful Christmas, gifts and all spent the the whole day together, gf does not at this time live with us. I already know that her living with us is on the horizon because it has already been brought up in casual conversation. We all exchanged gifts yesterday and they both said they want a baby next year.

Now my wife I am cool with and I had a full understanding before we got serious of what she wanted, she had already told me she wanted 2 kids before the age of 35 and I was with it, so it is no shock to me. I already have 4 kids, 2 college graduates, 2 on the way to college, so its no big deal to me. She is my wife so Imma give her what she want.

Our gf on the other hand is a another story. While this is no type of jumpoff scenario or anything like that, and we both love her, but I dont see why I am supposed to put a baby in her. The gf and I have a great relationship, plenty of things in common, to say the least she is an awsome addition to our relationship. She does a lot for my wife, she does a lot for me. I couldnt ask for anything else, the bitch is down to ride for both of us.

I aint broke by any means and I can afford more children. I am trying to explain to my wife that i dont want to make a seed with someone that I am not married to. I am trying to explain the consequences of bringing a child into this world with someone that might bounce at anytime. She is stuck on the idea I dont want any more kids, when I am happy to give her kids cause she is my wife I just dont want to give our gf kids.

Like I said we both love our gf, like genuinely love her. She is family, she sleeps with us, we go out together, they go out together, we all balance each other and she fits perfectly in our life. If I have an issue I cant discuss with my wife I can go to her and she is like a mediator, if my wife has a problem she does the same. We all work together well and we are really one big happy family,

Problem is my wife really wants me to seed her up, and like I said I already knew waht I was getting into with my wife, she is younger no kids , wants babies, I can totally understand that and I signed up for it. I am just having a problem getting her to understand that I signed up to make her babies and not our gf.
It makes sense, putting a seed in your GF would be like having to deal with her for 18 yrs of child support if y'all was to break up.

So, I understand it's an easy decision to put a seed in your wife since she will still be there no matter what and it's the traditional way of creating a family being married which in the western society is the correct way to do it.

So, whatever you decide, hopefully it makes sense for all 3 of you.
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BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
I see exactly what you are saying and I feel that If one had kids they should be married; it’s easier for everyone involved; but you wild for this poly shit lol lol lol…

It makes sense, putting a seed in your GF would be like having to deal with her for 18 yrs of child support if y'all was to break up.

So, I understand it's an easy decision to put a seed in your wife since she will still be there no matter what and it's the traditional way of creating a family being married which in the western society is the correct way to do it.

So, whatever you decide, hopefully it makes sense for all 3 of you.

yall get it !!


Rising Star
It makes sense, putting a seed in your GF would be like having to deal with her for 18 yrs of child support if y'all was to break up.

So, I understand it's an easy decision to put a seed in your wife since she will still be there no matter what and it's the traditional way of creating a family being married which in the western society is the correct way to do it.

So, whatever you decide, hopefully it makes sense for all 3 of you.

This old ass bitch ain’t even got 18 years left. :lol:

When this nigga was 30… his wife and make believe girlfriend was like 10 and 12.

Uncle DJ. lol wassup unk? Moth balls smelling ass nigga