So none of the don’t vote members are worried about the 2025 project?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Y’all are ok with this?

Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes taking partisan control of the DOJ, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuelproduction.[8][13] The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts,[14] though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism.[15]Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated.[16][17] Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.[18][19] The Project urges government to explicitly reject abortion as health care[20][21] and eliminate the Affordable Care Act's coverage of emergency contraception.[22] The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity.[7] It proposes criminalizing pornography,[23]removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,[23][24] and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs,[3][24] as well as affirmative action.[25] Some conservatives and Republicans also criticized the plan for its stance on climate change[26]and foreign trade.[15] Other critics believe Project 2025 is rhetorical window dressing for what would be four years of personal vengeance at any cost.[27] The project's authors also acknowledged that most of the proposals would require controlling both chambers of congress.[27] Other aspects of the plan have recently been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and would face court challenges, while others still are norm-breaking proposals that might survive court challenges.[28]

The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrantsliving in the United States.[29] It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of those sentences.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
This is not an exercise.

These nutjobs are planning to ban porn including going after the people who make it.

These lunatics want to make “The Handsmaid’s Tale” real.
