So when’s the housing bubble bursting?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Black homeownership rates have been largely stagnant for decades, despite rising slightly in recent years, according to a new analysis from Apartment List.

That’s bad news for closing the racial wealth gap.

Currently, the Black homeownership rate is 44% — up from 40.8% in 2016, with the number of Black homeowners increasing by about 750,000 in a five-year span. Yet that’s still just below the Black homeownership rate seen in 1980, researchers at the rental-listing platform said in a report released Tuesday.
Black homeownership rates, which are highest in southeastern cities like Charleston, S.C., where 58.1% of Black households own their properties, also remain low in comparison to white homeownership rates. In the second quarter of 2022, the white homeownership rate was 75%, according to the Treasury Department.
“The racial wealth gap in the United States has persisted since Emancipation, and after narrowing for over a century following the end of slavery, it is widening again today,” the Apartment List researchers wrote. “Homeownership plays a major role. Owning a home has long been considered a reliable path to economic security and generational wealth. But a legacy of institutional racism has created cultural, political, and financial barriers that have suppressed Black homeownership for generations, highlighting the housing market’s role in the nation’s enduring wealth gap.”
That legacy includes redlining, the practice of denying loans to people looking to buy in predominantly Black and immigrant neighborhoods designated “risky,” and racially restrictive covenants, which kept homeowners from selling to Black people.

Yet even before the Fair Housing Act of 1968 made such race-based discrimination illegal, Black homeowners were resilient; the Black homeownership rate almost doubled from 23% in 1940 to 45% in 1980, the Apartment List analysis said.

Related: The number of Black renters who can afford to buy a home plunged over the last year — as monthly mortgage payments have doubled since 2020

Because of segregation and disinvestment in Black neighborhoods, though, that homeownership “served as a less reliable source of wealth creation,” according to Apartment List.

“Today, Black households own 8.0 percent of the nation’s homes, but these account for only 5.8 percent of the nation’s aggregate home value,” Apartment List said. “And the median home equity for Black homeowners is half that of the median for white homeowners.”

The prospect of homeownership is also looking bleaker for younger generations of Black buyers.

While Black homeownership rallied after World War II, that primarily benefited the Greatest and Silent generations. Baby boomers managed to keep pace — until the Great Recession hit. Now, at age 30, 17% of Black millennials own their homes, 10 percentage points lower than prior generations at the same age, Apartment List said.

“Starting with baby boomers, every generation of Black Americans has attained homeownership at a slower pace than the generation that preceded them,” Apartment List said.

Read next: How one Black family got its 40 acres — and turned them into intergenerational success


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
OG Investor
"Pavlich said he watched as sold homes he had bid on resurfaced as rentals. “My fiancé’s parents sold their home to Zillow — we saw it for rent less than a month later,” Pavlich said.

Absentee buying increased in 40 out of 55 San Antonio ZIP codes with measurable buyer activity. Often, the greatest increases occurred in entry level-priced areas.

Most of the homes Pavlich looked at were in the $200,000 — $300,000 range — a category of home that is quickly disappearing. In 2019, 52% of new homes sold in the South were priced under $300,000, Census Bureau data shows. By 2022, that figure was 13%."



Rising Star
OG Investor
"even to afford a house in the lowest-priced third of the Greater Boston market required about $138,000 a year in household income in 2022" "A year prior, that figure was $96,000."

"there were 222,000 renters who could afford to buy a home in the lower third of the market in 2021. One year later, that number had fallen to around 125,000."

"Without a sustainable housing market, he said, the region is at risk of losing the residents who make the place tick: Teachers, social workers, even people in lucrative industries like biotech, whose salaries in most other cities would be more than enough to buy a place.

“People really need to start looking at the bigger picture here, which is what our city becomes when so many people can’t afford to live here,” said Guren. “It’s a city without diversity and without essential workers. A city for the wealthy, really.”"

"In expensive cities like Boston, homeownership has long been seen as the ticket to building wealth. Homeowner households have a median wealth roughly 40 times that of households that rent,"

"Black home buyers still often have to borrow more because they have been able to save less for a down payment and have unequal access to credit, so when the housing market shifts like it has, it disproportionately prices them out.

And that’s exactly what has happened. The Boston Indicators analysis found that some 58 percent of Black residents who could have afforded a lower-tier home in 2021 could not in 2022."



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
