So when’s the housing bubble bursting?


Rising Star
OG Investor
So 2025 will be the best time for people to buy or sell a house?

@havelcok - you put me on to that guy financial samurai. did you see his latest newsletter regarding housing? Interesting perspective.

This is all a guess. He going to have people waiting until 2025 and ain’t shit going to change . You can’t time this type of shit. It’s too unpredictable. These same clowns said after Covid housing would be dirt cheap and a recession was going to happen

It's definitely a guess, but if the Fed likes what it sees next year with inflation and jobs, it'll have no reason to keep rates high.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Population grew by at least a 100 Mil during that time.

I wonder what was the housing stock during that time.

Prices are so out of whack these days too.

Place I grew up in was built in 1959. Mom sold it for $300k+ in 2001. The new owners sold it at a loss for under 198k in 2004.

The home is currently assessed at just under 1.8 million as of summer of last year. The people who bought it at under 200k in '04 are happy as fuck.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
