There's black people doing this?
There's black people doing this?
its not even a racial or gender thing
this is across the board fuckery
In case y'all are wondering. Hickman is the writer that CREATED the Black Order.
It wasn't Jason Aaron it was Jonathan Hickman fan boy was saying he didn't know shit about thanos or the black order...
Shame the bitch ass deleted the original tweet .
I don’t see that changing much either. This is the “my truth” generation of people where their truth based on experience somehow resonates as some type of ultimate truth. They will challenge those who have studied or mastered a particular craft to boost their self-endowed intellect.
So many discussions I’ve had in groups on FB never really goes anywhere because so much is driven by emotion. And demographics be damn. I’ve came across the same behavior from everyone. Amazing to me is to know how emotional the older generations are (not a bad thing). This was something is didn’t really think about until I realized how conversations go no where.
This is why it’s difficult to communicate over social media or through typing and why I flourish best when face to face with a person. Im quick witted and I speak with a strong level of logic and sense. These same individuals that like to challenges does not have nearly the same amount of confidence when face to face.
Most certainly black folk is included.
I see this from us mostly only because I’m around and deal with black folk mostly.
However, the CAC is notorious for behavior towards black people. Having a PHD is like having the big joker to these people. There have been countless times white folks would be talking to me about something thinking they know more about it or try to speak above me. It’s funny to see their reactions when I tell them my credentials because you can see how small they turn afterwards.
I feel like "rational people" (whatever that means) are to blame in this too.
WE allowed the troll or fake contrarian to not only EXIST but to thrive.
We acted like every troll is lenny bruce or george carlin instead of shutting THEM down quick fast and in a hurry.
And like we were debating before...
I understand that it is lazy to tell someone "you haven't played so you need to watch your mouth"
but I think there IS a NEED for some type of checks and balances.
When you got people who could barely win a game on NBA Live on beginner...
but calling coaches and commentators hall of fame players WRONG when discussing the fundamentals of basketball?
we got a HUGE problem.
Yeah I GUESS its funny when Kyrie and Steph say patently absurd stuff like the world is flat or the moon landing is fake.
But its NOT.
and its not some type of indictment on the CURRENT generation either.
If Michael Jordan had said some dumb sh*t like THAT?
doesn't matter if there was Facebook or NOT
he would have been pillared...FOREVER
Hell we aren't even SURE he ever said "republicans wear Nike too"
and there wasn't Twitter then.
But its on him FOREVER.
We wallow in our stupid and unfortunately Facebook (which is MORE and MORE looking like the instrument to the downfall of modern society) is complicit.
Ads and feeds and news stories that are damn near TAILORED to ONLY support YOUR particular point of view is down right evil.
People are literally getting MORE insular more myopic....
more emboldened and constantly having their WORST attributes reinforced.
and then the WORST WORST yet?
OR admit they were wrong
(which goes ALL THE WAY BACK to somehow changing your opinion being a flip flopper!)
Well, I’m not exactly sure how you’re suppose to “shut them down” when they are not willing to listen in the first place.
I do understand what you're saying though. They are like the class clown. If nobody pays attention to them, then they see how stupid they look, but when you laugh at their antics, they keep it up.
That's how social media is able to protect these individuals. There will always be someone to agree with their antics no matter what.
There is no real solution to this increasingly annoying behavior, but there are ways to navigate through it all. But it depends on your ability to let things go.
Sort of like that DJ Envy thread where he responded to that troll instead of just letting it go.
Well, I’m not exactly sure how you’re suppose to “shut them down” when they are not willing to listen in the first place.
I do understand what you're saying though. They are like the class clown. If nobody pays attention to them, then they see how stupid they look, but when you laugh at their antics, they keep it up.
That's how social media is able to protect these individuals. There will always be someone to agree with their antics no matter what.
There is no real solution to this increasingly annoying behavior, but there are ways to navigate through it all. But it depends on your ability to let things go.
Sort of like that DJ Envy thread where he responded to that troll instead of just letting it go.
Sadly as time goes on
they not respecting that BIG JOKER, fam
cause they DELIBERATELY SEEK out experts and try to debate their weak ass points ANYWAY...
and when they are caught?
Its either...
just kidding (which is a WHOLE other thread of sh*t that PISSES me off about this new attitude in society)
accepting you are right...then IMMEDIATELY going RIGHT back to talking their original bullsh*t point.
showroom devaluing YOUR credentials, when they not only have NONE but SOUGHT YOUR OPINION out in the FIRST PLACE!
Honestly, I NEVER expected anyone one to respect the big joker when I earned it. If anything, I knew I'd probably get challenged more just for having it.
It's funny you mentioned the "just kidding" part because I had a very thorough discussion to my daughter and wife about how daddy does not kid around.
I don't because I'm not smart enough to know when a person is joking or not. So I had to apologize to them that I am as serious as I am. But if they want me to care about their feelings, it's in their best interests that I maintain my honest persona so their is no confusion.
But with the things you've pointed out is why I strive for a deeper understanding of individuals because everything is connected to a past experience. Why are these people the way they are? Much of it have to with self-preservation of the new aged human being. In today's era, we are more mental than physical, so this preservation is having the ability to be an individual while boosting your ego through "likes", "reactions", and "comments" is an essential part for the modern human.
But this leads me to another aspect which is the increase mental health crisis we are seeing in this country. Again, all ties back to a past experience.
I meant that EARLY on in its development
the internet used to police such activity more AGGRESSIVELY.
especially on message boards like here.
I feel like we either got tired or because a FEW were humorous we allowed it to thrive and spread.
and the DJ Envy thing irritated me to no end.
and I KNOW it shouldn't
because it was almost a PERFECT storm of 2 sides basically right.
but then you have add HISTORY to it and then Envy looks like the asshole here in my opinion.
Envy THRIVES on being petty.
but is the MOST sensitive man I have EVER seen in the spotlight outside Trump.
You can't PUBLICLY cheat on your wife get CAUGHT and PLEAD for forgiveness on national airwaves (FURTHER EMBARRASSING HER) and THEN name calling the women you slept with as trash
It was such a checklist of bitch nigga it boggled my mind...
and he somehow someway became a SUCCESS
good for him
but he CONTINUES to CHAMPION this bitchass behavior.
SO I can completely understand someone seeing him show thousands of unwrapped gifts and getting slightly annoyed.
Yeah he should have IGNORED the post...
but I feel like you POSTED that?
you EXPECTED ALL POSITIVE...(especially on how QUICKLY he responded)
forget that you NEEDED WANTED positive affirmation
I think THERE is the real problem
all these people are a little extra broken
they see outside validation like HEROIN.
Because I can COMPLETELY see posting all those gifts as tacky and insensitive as f*ck too. EASILY.
But HONESTLY do NOT think that was his intention
And even Envy;s DEFENSE was weak.
He aint post that he gave gifts to some hospital or shelter like that
So again its the I want ALL the glory no repercussions attitude
the I am ALWAYS right cause that is how I FEEL attitude.
For this SUPPOSED RISE in therapy in our community?
There was must be a sh*t ton of bad therapists cause I aint seeing any change.
This bullshit is every fucking where. All fucking topics. People got bubble worlds to reinforce any bullshit they believe. They block anyone who disagrees with them. They occasionally spread out of their bubbles and end up on other feeds talking strange shit.
but gawd damn it man
you SUPPOSED TO !!!!!!!!!!
you aint wrong...
This bullshit is every fucking where. All fucking topics. People got bubble worlds to reinforce any bullshit they believe. They block anyone who disagrees with them. They occasionally spread out of their bubbles and end up on other feeds talking strange shit.
Don’t know what sparked this conversation but a lot of people just lack experience and don’t know how to obtain it.
They live in a bubble of fear, they never or rarely step out of their comfort zone to experience anything new to learn and gain life experience so that they can speak from experience.
So they stay in their comfort zone where they are safe trying to experience the world from the inside looking out. And with social media this is all too common the case.
So they seek out experts celebs or whoever they feel is a pillar in society that others look up to, to match wits with. Hoping to validate their truth by getting that person to concede to their truth.
Oh this shit happens all the time. Some of y'all know I work in advertising....I can't tell you how many times I've had people at Super bowl parties question me on shit. I've had dudes tell me to my face how one product really didn't want to be in the superbowl but had to be from public pressure not realizing I FUCKING NEGOTIATED THE DEAL!
Yeah everyone wants to be an expert.
Do you let them believe their bullshit or do you correct them? I know there has to be some satisfaction in pulling the big joker on them. Lol
I ALWAYS correct them. I have a very hard time letting stupid slide.
I ALWAYS correct them. I have a very hard time letting stupid slide.
It happens at least once every other year cause during Superbowl someone always brings up the commercials.
The best was when I was at a Superbowl party with work friends and we all started talking about which clients we hated the most. That shit was hilarious.
I sometimes find myself observing how much further will they carry their stupid. It be endless too
Oh this shit happens all the time. Some of y'all know I work in advertising....I can't tell you how many times I've had people at Super bowl parties question me on shit. I've had dudes tell me to my face how one product really didn't want to be in the superbowl but had to be from public pressure not realizing I FUCKING NEGOTIATED THE DEAL!
Yeah everyone wants to be an expert.
"interact with the pubic..."
Don’t know what sparked this conversation but a lot of people just lack experience and don’t know how to obtain it.
They live in a bubble of fear, they never or rarely step out of their comfort zone to experience anything new to learn and gain life experience so that they can speak from experience.
So they stay in their comfort zone where they are safe trying to experience the world from the inside looking out. And with social media this is all too common the case.
So they seek out experts celebs or whoever they feel is a pillar in society that others look up to, to match wits with.
Hoping to validate their truth by getting that person to concede to their truth.
this right here.... is how most of the world works...I gave a presentation one time and completely butchered it. And no one picked up on it.They couldn't question me because they didn't know what to ask.
this one post is full of much WISDOM from you (not mere knowledge but real wisdom)This is probably where you and I see this differently. I'm very humble. My knowledge was for myself and for others that wants to know what I know. I never went in with expectations of placing meaning of my PHD with anything other than an accomplishment.
But understand WHY I am this way. When I was earning my PhD, some of the people that was advising me were amazing first. Because I was a new grad student, their word was gospel a lot of times. Over the years of gaining my own knowledge and experience, I began to realize they didn't know what they hell they was talking about. They just had the ability to speak above me. I was like
So tested this out. I gave a presentation one time and completely butchered it. It was horrible and filled with bullshit wording and information. And no one picked up on it. They couldn't question me because they didn't know what to ask. It was then I learned their is other levels to this game. Because of that experience, a person's ability to talk above you does not equate a greater knowledge. That's I mention to you in that other thread, that I ask questions because I can for the most part follow where is person is going in conversations about something I lack knowledge in.
Yeah, those folks are easy to ignore. The only power they wield is on social media. They know they can't get away with it outside of it.
I had one student said he can without reasonable doubt through science and historical documentation that god exist. I bet him an A that he couldn't. He claim to have changed people's mind and perspective and I warned him I am not the one to do this to if he wants to maintain his faith. I told him to bring his preacher, bible and whatever else. Then he admits that he found a stronger faith due to his suicide attempt failing. It was at the moment I realized I'd probably should fall back and let him believe whatever he wants. It's not my place to talk a person down that rabbit hole because I will NOT build them back up.
Well stated.
Their is personal truth and ultimate truth. A personal truth has little validity on a grand scale of things. To the individual, it is grand because it's their whole world, but their world is so small and limited and they can't see it.