but its (a phrase I think you may have invented) EMOTIONAL hypocrisy.
Its like I have NOTHING against gay people...but keep that faggot shit away from me.
That kid wasn't raped I WISH some thick ass blonde white girl MOLESTED me when I was in grade school
I feel like the emotional has completely OVERTAKEN the rational...
I wrote a tweet it got a bad response...I will KILL myself
not just delete it or apologize
I Will KILL myself.
I think MANY white folk justify Trump the same way...he was just KIDDING, I just wanted lower taxes...
he wasn't SERIOUS
Its like if it FEELS good it must be right.
and we have ALSO entered the realm where if and WHEN you correct someone?
You have to be so careful...cause somehow in THIS climate
correcting someone can be seen as BULLYING!
everything (facts be damned) is based on how that person FEELS at the PARTICULAR moment and time.
How can a THINKER like yourself deal with that?!?
How I deal with it? When it comes to emotions, I have zero solutions.
Emotions are very personal, so I definitely do not have the right to tell a person how they should feel about something.
So best I can do empathize. That's it. I honestly do not deal with it well. It's very stressing for me.
Once upon a time, I could not give a damn, but being a teacher caused me to care about people more and I don't like people.
So I'm always at a constant conflict. But I accept this as who I am becoming. I still have a very assertive personality, so I have no issue presenting solution regardless of how a person feels about something.
I understand how you feel about navigating through this new age of stuff. It's very annoying, but it also makes it very easy for me to turn the mirror onto people.