Social media is a cold world!!!

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member
My lady told me the other day that her friend wants to get with this dude because she likes his social media.

Mind you she is not into this dude, it's just that she likes his social media...smh

The other day I watched a show and this woman who was getting married said she doesn't know how her social media will react to her knew man.

Wow! since when did that become a criteria.

Society is well done IMHO, aand it's about to be burned to a crisp.

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor
My lady told me the other day that her friend wants to get with this dude because she likes his social media.

Mind you she is not into this dude, it's just that she likes his social media...smh

The other day I watched a show and this woman who was getting married said she doesn't know how her social media will react to her knew man.

Wow! since when did that become a criteria.

Society is well done IMHO, aand it's about to be burned to a crisp.
