Social media is a cold world!!!

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Platinum Member

Surprising actually how many niccas nut up when a woman is straight to the point. I was at a girl friend's house kicking it and her sexy cousin was on the way...she talked about how her cousin was a I perked up. Cousin arrives and we all partaking of the party supplies and the cousin starts talking about how niccas be talking shit and she'll tell them to come on then...right now...let's go do it. Maybe they're in a house with a few folk...and the niccas won't follow her to the bedroom. I jokingly said for her to try that shit on me....didn't want to seem serious because she might not have taken the bait.

She took the bait.....ten minutes later as that carpet is burning her back while she getting slid over the carpet with them legs up and begging me to cum she learned a valuable lesson about a BGOL vet.