Most family members are liabilities. His dad, a liability. Did you watch the video?
It's not just $850k house. It's $850k, plus a car, plus a light bill, plus gas, plus a phone, plus furnishing the house, plus taxes, plus vacations, plus...
You wanna pay for something for the rest of their life get a damned dog. I got to take care of me for the rest of my life, I can't spend my life babysitting grown people who want to live off of my hustle without hustling themselves, parents included. I didn't have loving parents. My mom has my sister and brother, and my dad has his girlfriend
You want fish, I'll teach you to fish, but I'm not giving NOBODY $850K in fish. Absolutely not. I'm not paying nobody money just to exist just because we shot out the same nutsack/womb.