Social media is a cold world!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That's fucked up torturing the little fella. For the record, turtles are actually fast in water. When I was a kid my pops told me that where he from, they would ride them big gigantic turtles when they were on land (beach), but once the got in the water you don't fuck with them. They'll Maime your ass.

Memory lane...
Also when I was a kid, I had a pet turtle just like that one in the video. When I first got him he was as small as a quarter (coin). I put him in a tank just like the one in the video. Except I had nice size fish in there too. Well, I thought they could co-exist, but 6 months down the line when that turtle got a little size, say like two & half quarters in length, the fish kept their distance. One morning I woke up & the fish tank murking than mf. I see the half eaten carcass of one of my fish just floating. I was like oh well, fish got caught slipping. I cleaned tank & out everybody back in there. I only had one tank. Plus I was amused at how the remaining fish would elude the turtle. Month later woke up water murky again. Every fish dead & half ate. I kept that turtle for a long time. When it got a little bigger than the size of the turtle in the video, it learnt how to get out of the tank. Finally one day, it escaped into my big ass backyard in South Central... I hope to think he made to the sewer or the ocean. Wished that motherfucka the best.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Greet age day and appreciate each day

I got a call Saturday night. It was my Aunt Kay telling me that my aunt Diane, her sister, had passed away.

I was tasked with calling my aunt's daughter, who already knew. I talked to her for about a half hour. Then I called my father, my aunt's brother, and talked to him for about 20 minutes. We talked about life, the movie Life :giggle: , and it was cool.

The older we get, the more I understand we need to appreciate each day. You never know which could be someone's last, or even your last.

Say goodbye, and make it count. You might not get another one

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