Social media is a cold world!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This shit always trips me out. Women talking about the minimum height the day would date. That's where their standards lie, height. They'll date a guy with six seven eight nine kids. They'll date a guy who's married to another chick, but they won't date a short dude

Tony is right for sure. Women do that goofy shit all the time when they are asked questions like this. Gotta be 6'3", make 200K a year, have 3 houses, 17in junk, etc etc.....

Meanwhile, they broke, can't fuck, and between jobs.

Of course they will get with dudes shorter than what they are saying.

I'm 6' 2" before someone tries to come at me with some midget
I do hear that from A LOT of women though that they would rather date taller men over short dudes.