Social media is a cold world!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Actually he only half right. 640 AD Islam announces it's set. 711 AD moors from West Africa invade & conquer Portugal, Spain, & Southern France. They rule the area from 800 years until 1492 AD. Three waves Muslim conquers came over that 800 years. The first two were from West Africa & North Africa, the last were from the Middle East & Turkey (Saracens, the ones who fuckd it all up with their greed & betrayal of Blacks).

The Roman empire had collapsed and the Catholic church's influence dying. Here comes Islam bringing Europe out of the dark ages with science, culture, education, and better explanation & understanding of the world.

Christian church responds by doubling down on learning science & co-oping it's origin. They also foster the birth of White Nationalism. I argue that White Jesus on a cross is the first white supremacy symbol. Nation states develop and the moors are driven out of Spain 1492. The church decrees the doctrine of discovery, 1493 AD. The doctrine says that Christians can take the lands & enslave non-christians and dark-skinned people. Setting the stage for imperialism, colonialism, and our modern capitalist world.

The Catholic Church fostered the siblings of White Nationalism & modern science.
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