Solar Power - Has anyone gone to using solar panels? My bill was -$17.26 this month


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
What's good? I got on the solar Power train in 2019. Even though PowerHome Solar went out of business, my panels still work.

I never turned my PS3 or my PS4 off, I don't turn lights off at night and my AC is always running. It does fluctuate. Last month it was $74 and the month before that it was $29.02.

Has anyone gone to using solar Power?

Now the T&A



Rising Star
What's good? I got on the solar Power train in 2019. Even though PowerHome Solar went out of business, my panels still work.

I never turned my PS3 or my PS4 off, I don't turn lights off at night and my AC is always running. It does fluctuate. Last month it was $74 and the month before that it was $29.02.

Has anyone gone to using solar Power?

Now the T&A

Can we have some more details?

How long have you had it, where do you live….have you experienced winter months.

thanks in advance

Carry on……


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Someone just posted a thread with this same subject as well as one with that brother that tests everything, in which he did a complete breakdown of price cost to savings ratio over several years and a break-even point for different companies as well as the lengthy permit process he undertook (1 year)... weather, how many months is it cloudy, rainy, snowy will affect your return on this... . he went high end with a system from Tesla and had it installed on his crib in Jersey

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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Is your solar equipment and installation paid off?
Solar panels and Equipment are paid off
Can we have some more details?

How long have you had it, where do you live….have you experienced winter months.

thanks in advance

Carry on……
I've had it since 2019. I paid 13,000 and got half of that back from taxes. My biggest light bill since then hasn't been over $100 I don't believe

When I tell you I don't turn my AC off in the summertime, I don't. That shit is running even when I'm not home. I live in Ohio. I don't know about the winter months, but it's still not bad considering. I don't have negative bills in the winter time, but it ain't that high either


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
They said check with your home insurance company first because they might drop you for installing them.

Nothing dropped as far as my insurance, but them doubling my order saved me a grip.

Considering I had a $29 Bill one month, a $74 bill another month, a negative $17 bill this month I would assume my break even point is not that far away considering a lot of people have electric bills in the $300 range in the summertime


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nothing dropped as far as my insurance, but them doubling my order saved me a grip.

Considering I had a $29 Bill one month, a $74 bill another month, a negative $17 bill this month I would assume my break even point is not that far away considering a lot of people have electric bills in the $300 range in the summertime
You with First Energy?

They let you do the whole meter roll-back or sell power back to the grid like MKB mentioned?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im in the solar field (as my side thing)......and in Cali (not sure about other states) the wave was to get in on the NEM 2.0

With NEM 2.0, Calis energy company (Edison) was giving customers 100% return on the energy they sent to the grid. and interest rates on owning your system were hella low so it was better than selling real estate.

NOW NOW NOW......Edison is only giving customers back 25% return of the energy they send to the grid, interest rates are high as hell (to own) and every system will now need at least 1-2 batteries to store energy and even then, depending on energy use, you may still get double billed during these high months

Im locked in at $179 a month. Our household average was about $240-$260 and then during the summer months like now it was be any where from $600-$700

So we are locked in with a fixed rate, we get 100% return, our system is built to cover 120% so we will get a very nice kickback from Edison at the end of the year.

Not saying I cant still plug you with great rates, its just now your system would either be a lease or a PPA. You still have the option to own but you wouldnt see real savings from what you're paying now (during regular months)


Transnational Member
With EV about to flood the market, now might be the time to look into them. You can save some serious money gasoline and house.

I am surprised more apartment complexes aren't going to solar, they can increase their ROI on their properties even more. An apartment roof design isn't as convuluted as a house and they can easily setup solar canopies in parking lot.


They also have the capital to invest in high efficiency heat pumps that they can pass down as slightly higher rent.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Platinum Member
Im in the solar field (as my side thing)......and in Cali (not sure about other states) the wave was to get in on the NEM 2.0

With NEM 2.0, Calis energy company (Edison) was giving customers 100% return on the energy they sent to the grid. and interest rates on owning your system were hella low so it was better than selling real estate.

NOW NOW NOW......Edison is only giving customers back 25% return of the energy they send to the grid, interest rates are high as hell (to own) and every system will now need at least 1-2 batteries to store energy and even then, depending on energy use, you may still get double billed during these high months

Im locked in at $179 a month. Our household average was about $240-$260 and then during the summer months like now it was be any where from $600-$700

So we are locked in with a fixed rate, we get 100% return, our system is built to cover 120% so we will get a very nice kickback from Edison at the end of the year.

Not saying I cant still plug you with great rates, its just now your system would either be a lease or a PPA. You still have the option to own but you wouldnt see real savings from what you're paying now (during regular months)
Hey Bro, my uncle is in Las Vegas and was thinking about going the leasing route. I listened to the salesman pitch with him. Basically he averages $325 a month bill for his electricity. The solar company estimates his bill will be $174 monthly from their company with the panels. However, in Nevada 25% of your energy has to come from the grid, so they estimate another $98 monthly bill from Nevada Energy. Plus there is some annual fee which the rep says will be under $100 and every year the solar company raises their rates 2.7%. After everything, he will save approximately $55 per month and he has to sign up for a 25 year lease.

There is so many thing wrong here, but the biggest thing is why would anyone sign up for a 25 year lease for a few dollars per month. Basically stopping your options to switch to newer technology or anyone else who buys the house for 25 years. My uncle is old and polite, but I honestly wanted to throw the salesman out on his ass. GTFOH with that bullshit.


Rising Star
Hey Bro, my uncle is in Las Vegas and was thinking about going the leasing route. I listened to the salesman pitch with him. Basically he averages $325 a month bill for his electricity. The solar company estimates his bill will be $174 monthly from their company with the panels. However, in Nevada 25% of your energy has to come from the grid, so they estimate another $98 monthly bill from Nevada Energy. Plus there is some annual fee which the rep says will be under $100 and every year the solar company raises their rates 2.7%. After everything, he will save approximately $55 per month and he has to sign up for a 25 year lease.

There is so many thing wrong here, but the biggest thing is why would anyone sign up for a 25 year lease for a few dollars per month. Basically stopping your options to switch to newer technology or anyone else who buys the house for 25 years. My uncle is old and polite, but I honestly wanted to throw the salesman out on his ass. GTFOH with that bullshit.
Did they mention a lien on that house because their equipment now becomes part of that property?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey Bro, my uncle is in Las Vegas and was thinking about going the leasing route. I listened to the salesman pitch with him. Basically he averages $325 a month bill for his electricity. The solar company estimates his bill will be $174 monthly from their company with the panels. However, in Nevada 25% of your energy has to come from the grid, so they estimate another $98 monthly bill from Nevada Energy. Plus there is some annual fee which the rep says will be under $100 and every year the solar company raises their rates 2.7%. After everything, he will save approximately $55 per month and he has to sign up for a 25 year lease.

There is so many thing wrong here, but the biggest thing is why would anyone sign up for a 25 year lease for a few dollars per month. Basically stopping your options to switch to newer technology or anyone else who buys the house for 25 years. My uncle is old and polite, but I honestly wanted to throw the salesman out on his ass. GTFOH with that bullshit.

I want them but I'll wait until there are more affordable options to buy them outright. My brother did some lease or finance for like 20 years & the company is no longer in business smh.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey Bro, my uncle is in Las Vegas and was thinking about going the leasing route. I listened to the salesman pitch with him. Basically he averages $325 a month bill for his electricity. The solar company estimates his bill will be $174 monthly from their company with the panels. However, in Nevada 25% of your energy has to come from the grid, so they estimate another $98 monthly bill from Nevada Energy. Plus there is some annual fee which the rep says will be under $100 and every year the solar company raises their rates 2.7%. After everything, he will save approximately $55 per month and he has to sign up for a 25 year lease.

There is so many thing wrong here, but the biggest thing is why would anyone sign up for a 25 year lease for a few dollars per month. Basically stopping your options to switch to newer technology or anyone else who buys the house for 25 years. My uncle is old and polite, but I honestly wanted to throw the salesman out on his ass. GTFOH with that bullshit.
Yeah bro. I can't really speak on Nevada cause every state has lil ish that's different but out here, leases are trash (at this very point).

With leases, your interest rate will jump up EVERY year of the 25 year lease. You don't even own at the end of your lease. You would have an option to renew another lease OR purchase your panels outright but in 25 years, who knows how functional they'll be.

Then to top it off.....your systems would HAVE to come with back up batteries. Problem is, even with batteries.....customers will still be double billed during the summer months.

I dropped out. I couldn't sell nothing that I knew was gonna fuck someone in the long run cause these businesses are built on word of mouth and no one was about to refer this BS.

Hopefully ish changes for the better in 2024 and at that point I'll revisit but as of now, I'd stay away from solar (and again, just speaking on Cali residents).


Platinum Member
It actually get worse. The salesman send us a chart of "Saving." The first thing is he adds 17% increase to my Uncle's electric for 2024 and tells him that is what he should expected to pay. He pulled the number straight out of his ass. According to numerous Vegas newspapers, the January 1, 2024 increase will be 3.3% and for most single family homes it will be 2.6%.

Then in the chart he adds an 8% increase every year for the next 24 years and writes "Rate Increased per Buffett". I'm assuming he is taking about Warren Buffett, but whatever he is referring to has nothing to do with historic rate increases in that jurisdiction. That information is public and is easy to find. Once again BS, I read in Southern Nevada there is a law that utility companies only can apply for a rate increase every 3 years. The last rate increase was 2021.

Lastly, the basic math was off and it always seems to favor the Solar company. Even if it off by $5 over a 25 year lease, add the 2.6% yearly escalation clause and it adds up and reduces your saving.

I'm looking forward to Solar, but there has to be a better more cost effective way than dealing with these companies.


Platinum Member
Did they mention a lien on that house because their equipment now becomes part of that property?
Of course not, but I did read lots of horror stories about people having difficulty selling their homes because buyers don't want to assume old draconian leases. Also, the Solar Companies will screw you if you as the homeowner if you try to buy out the lease. A lady called into Dave Ramsey and was saying when she installed her new solar panels they were worth $35,000. However, now several years later, she wants to sell her house and in order to buy out her contract the Solar Company wants $78,000.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
If you live is in the south, especially you can benefit a lot from solar panels. The sun is putting out a little bit more energy than usual so you could really benefit from it.
100% correct, wonder how many in Houston could have benefited from this. :idea:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
100% correct, wonder how many in Houston could have benefited from this. :idea:

Im in Houston a few mofos in my subdivision have panels, they shit was out too.

Them solor folks come to my house about once a month. Tell them everytime I'm not interested. My house is 2500 square feet. I have double pane windows and a high efficiency hvac system. My recent bill was 153.00, next month will probably be a little higher then the bills really dip low after peak summer
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