Sophie Hall...6 foot 1 Australian...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol... this board is hilarious.

Like anyone would turn her down if she was knocking on your door asking to fuck.

Like kats are so high and mighty that they will turn down free pussy.

Fuck that shit.... is she a 10 no.

Based on those thighs and ass would I fuck...


You know how it is on BGOL, everybody got a dyme piece.... :lol:



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Bitch looks like Drago. Fucking horrible looking bitch .

:lol::lol::lol:I thought they were casting for a Rocky remake !!!!

Lol... this board is hilarious.

Like anyone would turn her down if she was knocking on your door asking to fuck.

Like kats are so high and mighty that they will turn down free pussy.

Fuck that shit.... is she a 10 no.

Based on those thighs and ass would I fuck...

You know how it is on BGOL, everybody got a dyme piece.... :lol:

I'll be the first to say that I don't have a dime piece.......also glad to say that I'm not a resident of a penal colony in the south pacific.....that being said....there's a whooole lot of better more womanly, less strong in the face around....stop acting like you just got out of prison nucka !!!!:dunno:

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Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
My g

U softer than Ricky Martin singing in a room full of pillows in the year 1969 at studio 51

You true bitch nigga scum

I pray u don't see Christmas tomorrow faggt
No man with a c section scar should be talking tough. I will piss in your mother's face under mistletoe while looking dead at you. You won't do shit ya bitch.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I hate all you niggas under 160 who complain all the fucking time

Light weight niggas need to be put to death

So I can fuck all these bitches

Raw and reproduce
You can have all of them big manly bishes no fight........only reason you're above so that you can fight any men that don't give in to you easily.....that's where the thug in you comes out... "Omar" !!!
