Sopranos Goes Out With A Whimper


chitownheadbusta said:
stil cant get into hbo site..........................:hmm:

me neither.. everyone in the world must be trying to get on the HBO site and see what the real deal is.
Freakin Ben Ladin probably somewhere trying to log on somewhere tight right now! :angry:


Like everbody els i thought my satellite went out but i think what vicious said might be right.
I could be wrong... but I think Tony got hit... The last dude wearing the Members Only jacket that went to the bathroom probably shot him in tha head.... and Tony never saw or heard it comming. Hence why the show ended the way it did...

remeber bobby said that to him in the first episode and then he flashed back to it last week.


damn 323 pages already on the hbo site... mofo are maddddddddd

some are calling it a brilliant move

but i wanna know was there any fuckign sound at all when it went pitch black??

cuz u gotta to realize there was two flunkies... then that dude that went into the can and then a group of brothas walking by the jukebox....

seriously i think chase as trying to emulate life...

as one said on the hbo website.. now u know what it feels like to be whack lol and have a million people pissed off lol


Potential Star
WOW that was some BullShit!!! Like everyone else on the board I thought my SAT went out until I saw the credits. Muthafuckers are going to be at the watercooler tomorrow talking about this bullshit all day.

nothing to watch on Sunday night now. Fuck the NBA Finals. I wasn't going to watch it anyway. Spurs in 5.

Can't wait til NFL season starts...Bring on Sunday Night Football!!! :yes:


Yo we might have seen the ending at the beginning when tony was sleep in what looked like a casket and music was playing.

I guess the cat was suppos eto be chris since some people believe their love done scome back as pets :rolleyes: .


MadSkillz said:
I reading in a chat room that the HBO site went down for a few. I think its back up now.

I'm on HBO site now, but they aint update it with todays final episode.
Damn this wack! :smh:


Support BGOL
The show let you draw your own conclusions. It gave you the end of the NY/NJ feud which closed out the beef chapter. It let you see that the feds personal lives are fukked up while chasing these mofos.
The show let you draw your own conclusion and gave itself an out just in case it's not the last season.
I liked it.


Rising Star
OG Investor
While I do not agree with the approach I think Chase was pretty clear in letting you know that Tony was killed. The first scene of the episode was foreshadowing his death.
I think the sudden black out and the music stopping indicated he died.


Support BGOL
The show let you draw your own conclusions. It gave you the end of the NY/NJ feud which closed out the beef chapter. It let you see that the feds personal lives are fukked up while chasing these mofos.
The show let you draw your own conclusion and gave itself an out just in case it's not the last season.
I liked it.


don't forget that when tony walked in he he had a jackedt and was looking at his self seated in at the table. they always trying to throw some dream bullshit in but for real good riddance. the only thing that i have to hold on to is the freaking Wire.... hope we don't have another repeat with that about some damn docks and dead Russian broads....


Kubrick said:
While I do not agree with the approach I think Chase was pretty clear in letting you know that Tony was killed. The first scene of the episode was foreshadowing his death.
I think the sudden black out and the music stopping indicated he died.

where u get that B.S from ?? We all here speculating until hbo decides to post it. If it was clear then it wouldnt be a discussion with everyone wondering what happened.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Anybody know where I can stream the final episode? I missed it watching this fucking suck ass game 2 of Spurs vs Cavs. It's a waste of fucking time!


Potential Star
Some Funny Shit if you ask me, had me channel checking life a mofo!
Thing is in this society very raely do that let the bad guys win, but in this case they got to win. Can't kill the franchise.


OG Investor
ViCiouS said:
I could be wrong... but I think Tony got hit... The last dude wearing the Members Only jacket that went to the bathroom probably shot him in tha head.... and Tony never saw or heard it comming. Hence why the show ended the way it did...

They might be trying something new

Now that i think about it. You seem to be correct. They would have made this point better though if they had the camera from his perspective and him looking across at Carm, before the screen goes blank.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Anybody know where I can stream the final episode? I missed it watching this fucking suck ass game 2 of Spurs vs Cavs. It's a waste of fucking time!


Rising Star
OG Investor
kurrupt said:
where u get that B.S from ?? We all here speculating until hbo decides to post it. If it was clear then it wouldnt be a discussion with everyone wondering what happened.

It's all speculation on my part. Personally I thought Chase was trying to convey that Tony died but I could be wrong.
I thought the close up shot of Tony at the beginning of the episode with his eyes closed and the organ music in the background was foreshadowing his funeral.The way the episode ended with the music stopping and the sudden blackness was indicating Tony had just died.
The entire series was really about Tony anyway. If he died what was the point in continuing.
Not to be an asshole or anything but ... never mind.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Anybody know where I can stream the final episode? I missed it watching this fucking suck ass game 2 of Spurs vs Cavs. It's a waste of fucking time!


Rising Star
I had taped it on DVR and thought my shit had fucked up. Then the credits, WTF!!! Woke the wife up and shit she thought something was wrong!!!!!!!!!!! DaYM, these mafuka's!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Maximumtrini said:
Now that i think about it. You seem to be correct. They would have made this point better though if they had the camera from his perspective and him looking across at Carm, before the screen goes blank.

If Tony got popped, then that was a wack way to do it.. If they was going for that 1st person angle. He could have easily been looking at Carm and Right when u see Carm about to make a face of danger it goes silent and the camera angle drifts slanted to the side fading too black.
I mean thats just an example of what they could have done.. something like that would have been more.."ooohhhhhh"

The same way u felt when Brody got popped on the Wire..they needed to do something for that kind of effect.


Its amazing, I went to hbo/soprano board and it seems like the majority people over there love the ending.. while most of us over here hated the ending. We should rush their message board mad deep and tell em how wack the ending was. lol

Someone over there said the cat kept staring at Chrissy pic cause he was a rat. Interesting


man this episode was scary, i think im going to have nightmares lol...what the fuck was up with Tony seeing himself? and the cat? man im buggin right now lmao


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Sopranos ended brilliant. Remember when Tony told Bobby. Do you think you'll hear the shot when you die. The show as through Tony's perspective. So when it went blank it was Tony's death. He didn't see or hear when he got clipped. Go back and watch the eralier episode with Baccala.


UnoBetter2 said:
I had taped it on DVR and thought my shit had fucked up. Then the credits, WTF!!! Woke the wife up and shit she thought something was wrong!!!!!!!!!!! DaYM, these mafuka's!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Everyone flipped out at that moment. Alot of households were tight. I know people gonna start they work late tomorrow yappin it up


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
..the hell? they might as well have shown a trailer for the Sopranos movie at the end.. IMDb's message boards flooding like crazy

now if The Wire pulls this same mess :mad:


Kubrick said:
It's all speculation on my part. Personally I thought Chase was trying to convey that Tony died but I could be wrong.
I thought the close up shot of Tony at the beginning of the episode with his eyes closed and the organ music in the background was foreshadowing his funeral.The way the episode ended with the music stopping and the sudden blackness was indicating Tony had just died.
The entire series was really about Tony anyway. If he died what was the point in continuing.
Not to be an asshole or anything but ... never mind.

The entire episode was about AJ..if Tony was killed in the still a wack ending because of the way they did it. For the finale we all suppose to be like 'Yooooooooooooo did u see?" "yooo the way he go it was crazy!!'
Give me something.. dont have us all here wondering what the hell happened to our cable service and if we missed anything. Man we all got jerked!! bottom line!


Rising Star
OG Investor
Anybody know where I can stream the final episode? I missed it watching this fucking suck ass game 2 of Spurs vs Cavs. It's a waste of fucking time!


moblack said:
The Sopranos ended brilliant. Remember when Tony told Bobby. Do you think you'll hear the shot when you die. The show as through Tony's perspective. So when it went blank it was Tony's death. He didn't see or hear when he got clipped. Go back and watch the eralier episode with Baccala.

You really think having our screen go blank and having half of America checking they cable boxes and tvs was brilliant??
1) They could have figured out a better way to do it. Let Carm face look like she about to say something and have everything slow down with the camera angle falling sideways and going out of focus. Something so that everyone on this board would know hands down Tony got it.
2) Who would have reason to pop Tony?? Tand please dont give us a drawn out speculation.
Bottom line, the war is over..
Until posts what happened, im sticking with the fake build up making u think something was going to happen and then leaving u wit blue balls!!


dig it said:
bullshit!! canceling HBO tomorrow, dont need thta shit till the wire comes back. most fucked up ending in the history of TV. Some crazy ass fan gonna whackl chase for that shit

On the real... I thought that my cable went out too!
I agree.. that was the worse ending of all time!

Completely WACK!


That last episode showed me I wasted the last 6-7 years watching this bull shit Im gonna cancel least until the Wire comes back and they better hope no one leaks that again! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: