Sports Biz: Stephen A. Smith back at ESPN UPDATE: becomes ESPN highest-paid sportscaster $100M 10 yrs


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Was wondering what happen. Turned to his show on Fox on Monday mornings to hear him talk about Sunday and got some other dude.

Glad to see him back.

BGOL can't handle people with a different viewpoint.

Never liked this guy... I used to see him at the store in moorestown, he's a coon @ss nigga... never liked him on paper or in person.. wish he would just disappear

You're talking :confused:

Chase Bannon

BGOL Investor
So did he get fired by fox? I know in my area he was replaced by zak and jak. He must have lost all his markets.

The writing was on the wall that he was about to be canceled on Fox Sports Radio. Instead of letting him be the only radio show in the morning, Fox offered certain radio markets zak & jak as an alternative show they could syndicate instead of Stephan's Show.

i used to listen to him every night/morning.
He actaully quit and was supposed to have his own Showtime cable show. Apparently that deal fell through so he went to plan B hosting local shows on espn....

zak and jak suck btw

I didn't realize he had something set up with Showtime.

I use to listen to Stephen's morning show. I listened to it online. Fox use to air it twice a day. I kinda liked his show, but he was too egotistical. Everything was focused on him and his life. He barely let Deb Carson and Dan speak. I enjoyed the different insiders and guest he brought on the show, but at the end of the day the show was too centered around him and his personal life.

When he had the Quite Frankly show on ESPN 2 I thought instead of an every weekday show, they should have aired that show once a week. Seems like it was too hard for that show to come up with new topics everyday. I really knew that show was going in the bucket when they had that Friday football round table with Hugh Douglas and others. That shit was corny as hell and they sounded like a bunch of loud unorganized negroes fighting to speak at once.

I really thought Stephen would be good for MSNBC. I'm not too sure about him having his own show on there, but he would be good to guest appear on the shows that are already on there. He would probably be a good entertainer/political reporter based on his uncommon views.


BGOL Investor
the most annoying voice in sports...I hate the way he speaks and he's only on point 50% of the time. It's ike he thinks the louder he is, the more people he will convince...oh well. I do like that when people try to shit on black athletes he puts himself out there to back them up


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Stephen A. Smith Signs Multi-Year Extension At ESPN

One of the Worldwide Leader’s most popular and polarizing personalities is staying put. Stephen A. Smith, who joined ESPN in 2003 as an NBA analyst and reporter, has re-upped with the sports network in a multi-year deal.

A featured commentator on ESPN2’s daily debate program First Take, Smith will continue to appear regularly on the mothership’s signature SportsCenter and on numerous other programs and platforms. He also hosts The Stephen A. Smith Show, a weekday program on SiriusXM radio.

“Stephen A. is one of the strongest and most distinct voices in sports commentary today, and he will continue to enliven a wide variety of ESPN television and audio offerings with his thought-provoking takes on the news of the day and topical issues where sports and culture intersect,” said John Wildhack, EVP Programming and Production at ESPN.

Smith found himself in hot water with his bosses last year over his comments about the NFL’s Ray Rice situation. The remarks touched of a maelstrom of criticism on social and traditional media, leading to him apologizing on camera. ESPN suspended him for a week.


Son of Community
I'm happy for him. I don't agree with everything he says, but, I do think he sincerely cares about being a positive role model for our youth.


Support BGOL
No wonder Stephen A. was going so hard buck dancing in the paint lately.

It was a contract year!!

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Subservience pays.

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Support BGOL
Its called being an employee.

Black militancy, in a white dominated society, is not a wise move financially.

Either use that strength to launch out on your own, or have CACs influence what you say, or how strongly you say it.

They're not going to pay you and you remind them of who they are at every turn. 'Cause they are habitual linesteppers. Often times with a smile, which makes you lashing back look like the so-called paranoid, angry black person.

Got to hand it to 'em. They have mastered their bullshit.

Stephen A. Smith knows what he is, and what he wants, so he has no incentive to side with black folks.

Subservience pays.

<iframe src="//" width="612" height="710" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Its called being an employee.

Black militancy, in a white dominated society, is not a wise move financially.

Either use that strength to launch out on your own, or have CACs influence what you say, or how strongly you say it.

They're not going to pay you and you remind them of who they are at every turn. 'Cause they are habitual linesteppers. Often times with a smile, which makes you lashing back look like the so-called paranoid, angry black person.

Got to have it to 'em. They have mastered their bullshit.

Stephen A. Smith knows what he is, and what he wants, so he has no incentive to side with black folks.

Has nothing to do with militancy.

Is Kenny Smith militant? Was Stuart? Tom Jackson?

SAS ( as well as Don Lemon ) are sending the dangerous message that you have to insult black folk to get ahead.

All he's proven is what his balls are worth.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I wouldnt tap dance but i would be lying if i said i wouldnt consider doing an occasional two step for those numbers.

Shit, I already talk down to you some of you BGOL loser pieces of shit for free daily.


Support BGOL
Read everything I said.

I said working in a white owned corp. determines what one says, or how strongly one says it.

In other words, most will never express the raw emotion on TV for fear of offending white sensibilities.

A lot has happened in the last two years, and the responses by blacks celebs has been very measured. Wearing fucking t-shirts have angered CACs. You don't think these black celebs aren't aware that they can't say how they REALLY feel?

No need to front.

Black people have been biting their tongues for the sake of employment for longer than any of us have been alive.

I understand it. As Dave Chappelle said, he can't feed his children integrity sandwiches.

Its a reality of being black in a white dominated society.


These sell-outs wouldn't feel the need to do so if we had something for them to buy into.

But, black people want absolute commitment to the community with nothing tangible to offer.

Thats not entirely realistic.

If you have any ambition in this society, and you aren't the business owner type, you will bend. Period.

Shit, niggas are out here bending for crumbs. Fuck you think they'll do for a life-changing come up?

Has nothing to do with militancy.

Is Kenny Smith militant? Was Stuart? Tom Jackson?

SAS ( as well as Don Lemon ) are sending the dangerous message that you have to insult black folk to get ahead.

All he's proven is what his balls are worth.


Support BGOL
How much did he get since it was enough to wake up the other crabs?


My nigga, Stephen A. Smith is publicly spitting in the faces of the black community, and you expect for them to be ok with that?

Especially since you've send him bend completely because he offended some white bitch, who, by the way, was wrong?


I'm a realistic person, so I'm not like most of these people who expect a dude like Stephen A., who is dependent on white people for his lifestyle and financial security... do anything other than what he is doing.

Once again, you will either watch what you say, or watch your tone. Either way, the white dollar has bitched you out.

AT THE SAME TIME, you made your choice, but that don't mean we have to like it.

I can't stand the sight of Barkley or Stephen A. right now.

It is what it is, tho'. If they're content with it, fine. I'm not going to feed them and take care of their families. Dwight Mann will, tho'. :smh:


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Has nothing to do with militancy.

Is Kenny Smith militant? Was Stuart? Tom Jackson?

SAS ( as well as Don Lemon ) are sending the dangerous message that you have to insult black folk to get ahead.

All he's proven is what his balls are worth.

Read everything I said.

I said working in a white owned corp. determines what one says, or how strongly one says it.

In other words, most will never express the raw emotion on TV for fear of offending white sensibilities.

A lot has happened in the last two years, and the responses by blacks celebs has been very measured. Wearing fucking t-shirts have angered CACs. You don't think these black celebs aren't aware that they can't say how they REALLY feel?

No need to front.

Black people have been biting their tongues for the sake of employment for longer than any of us have been alive.

I understand it. As Dave Chappelle said, he can't feed his children integrity sandwiches.

Its a reality of being black in a white dominated society.


These sell-outs wouldn't feel the need to do so if we had something for them to buy into.

But, black people want absolute commitment to the community with nothing tangible to offer.

Thats not entirely realistic.

If you have any ambition in this society, and you aren't the business owner type, you will bend. Period.

Shit, niggas are out here bending for crumbs. Fuck you think they'll do for a life-changing come up?

excelsior, you are the man. Much respect. I appreciate your thoughtful delivery of words that do not allow for misinterpretation. there are some brothers for the cause and some brothers for the Fall. You are very much the former


Son of Community
Why cant we be happy for a brother who is doing well for himself? guys find fault in everybody but


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor

hatas gonna hate


Support BGOL
Why cant we be happy for a brother who is doing well for himself? guys find fault in everybody but

Be happy?

Would I be happy if I found out my son became rich by knocking off banks?

I do feel that some people hate to see blacks 'make it', but those types of blacks and blacks without the hate in their blood...

...will NOT support you when you willfully spit in our faces.

I can understand why intellectually...

...but, I'm a black man. Period. I can't rock with that bullshit Stephen A. does. Its too much.

Just don't speak on the issues. Be what you are. No one needs to know what Stephen A. feels about social issues if he's going to be nothing more than a white sympathizer.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Especially when they spanked him the first time

Had the nigga doing pod cast and going on Hannity for that quick check to bash Obama lmao

he could have really done something then ex: bomani Jones, but didn't/couldn't.
Brother Ex is right though we already knew what he had become and to me Beadle castration which is funny because she herself left ESPN only to come back on her knees was a defining moment in his career. He is no longer taken seriously he is cartoon worse then Barkley. Like they trot out CC every time a black athlete has drug problem he is their faux black social mouth piece.
Sad thing is he just scared, but deep down I can see at times he wants it both ways because he can't - not anymore and honestly the black audience wouldn't support him enough if he did become more honest in his views. So take the check but realize you probably can't come back home.


Support BGOL
he could have really done something then ex: bomani Jones, but didn't/couldn't.
Brother Ex is right though we already knew what he had become and to me Beadle castration which is funny because she herself left ESPN only to come back on her knees was a defining moment in his career. He is no longer taken seriously he is cartoon worse then Barkley. Like they trot out CC every time a black athlete has drug problem he is their faux black social mouth piece.
Sad thing is he just scared, but deep down I can see at times he wants it both ways because he can't - not anymore and honestly the black audience wouldn't support him enough if he did become more honest in his views. So take the check but realize you probably can't come back home.

I consider Stephen A. to be a true sell-out...

...because I think Stephen A. is going against how he really feels, in order to make white people feel comfortable.

There are people like that, tho'.

They have to be in the game, and they are willing to do whatever THEY think it takes.

I don't consider Clarence Thomas to be a sell-out. I think he is what he is, to the bone-marrow.

Being black doesn't make you a brotha.


Niggaz round these parts hate dude

Niggaz round these parts hate niggas who are doing their thing and are productive. NIggas round these parts support black criminals and delinquents. Nigags round these parts have hated on every single productive black male in existence from Michael Jordan to Obama... Meanwhile niggas will cry outrage if a black mass murderer and rapist gets killed by the police.... We have bum niggas on a bum ass site.... what do you expect?
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I consider Stephen A. to be a true sell-out...

...because I think Stephen A. is going against how he really feels, in order to make white people feel comfortable.

There are people like that, tho'.

They have to be in the game, and they are willing to do whatever THEY think it takes.

I don't consider Clarence Thomas to be a sell-out. I think he is what he is, to the bone-marrow.

Being black doesn't make you a brotha.


can't argue with that at all