Read everything I said.
I said working in a white owned corp. determines what one says, or how strongly one says it.
In other words, most will never express the raw emotion on TV for fear of offending white sensibilities.
A lot has happened in the last two years, and the responses by blacks celebs has been very measured. Wearing fucking t-shirts have angered CACs. You don't think these black celebs aren't aware that they can't say how they REALLY feel?
No need to front.
Black people have been biting their tongues for the sake of employment for longer than any of us have been alive.
I understand it. As Dave Chappelle said, he can't feed his children integrity sandwiches.
Its a reality of being black in a white dominated society.
These sell-outs wouldn't feel the need to do so if we had something for them to buy into.
But, black people want absolute commitment to the community with nothing tangible to offer.
Thats not entirely realistic.
If you have any ambition in this society, and you aren't the business owner type, you will bend. Period.
Shit, niggas are out here bending for crumbs. Fuck you think they'll do for a life-changing come up?
Has nothing to do with militancy.
Is Kenny Smith militant? Was Stuart? Tom Jackson?
SAS ( as well as Don Lemon ) are sending the dangerous message that you have to insult black folk to get ahead.
All he's proven is what his balls are worth.