Sports Cacs Cacing: Mark Cuban: 'I'm bigoted in a lot of different ways'


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Mark Cuban: 'I'm bigoted in a lot of different ways'

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is known for bold statements, and he made a few Wednesday at a conference in Nashville on the topic of banned Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

"I know I'm prejudiced, and I know I'm bigoted in a lot of different ways," Cuban said in an interview shown at the annual GrowCo convention hosted by Inc. magazine, according to The Tennessean.

"If I see a black kid in a hoodie on my side of the street, I'll move to the other side of the street. If I see a white guy with a shaved head and tattoos (on the side he now is on), I'll move back to the other side of the street. None of us have pure thoughts; we all live in glass houses."

Cuban's point is that we all have preconceived notions of various things. He is not advocating for racism but rather suggesting that we all have flaws. Still, the comments come at a difficult time for the NBA, in the wake of Sterling being recorded making racist comments to friend V. Stiviano by phone. Sterling was banned for life for those comments.

When asked about voting on Sterling's ouster, which he will have to do June 3, Cuban said he knows how he will vote but isn't ready to comment on it. He then was asked about keeping bigotry out of the NBA.

"You don't; there's no law against stupid," Cuban said. "I'm the one guy who says don't force the stupid people to be quiet. I want to know who the morons are."

Cuban, who bought the Mavericks in 2000 and frequently has been fined by the league for public criticism of officials, previously called a vote to force Sterling out of the league a "slippery slope." Wednesday, he added that he hates to be a hypocrite but may have to be in voting for or against Sterling.

The interview, conducted by Inc. editor Eric Schurenberg, opened with Cuban proclaiming he would go "full Mark Cuban."

"I just want to warn everybody, if anybody is upset by cursing ... I apologize in advance," he said.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
This is why the NBA needs transparency when it comes to the owners votes. So players know which one of these assholes agree with Sterling.

Sent from my Nexus 5


BGOL Investor
This is why the NBA needs transparency when it comes to the owners votes. So players know which one of these assholes agree with Sterling.

Sent from my Nexus 5

That's the thing if it were transparent those owners wouldn't expose themselves lol


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This is why the NBA needs transparency when it comes to the owners votes. So players know which one of these assholes agree with Sterling.

Sent from my Nexus 5

I feel like they will now all talk like this to protect themselves so that they can vote against and STILL get the 2/3.

Cuban thinks he's slick...

he tried to drop the same bullsh*t early and got smacked for jumping the gun (the other owners were probably PISSED!) so he had to chill till now.

Notice how ALL the white people in sports LOVED Durant's speech about overcoming poverty with the support of his strong Black mother...

but crickets when Lebron was telling them Sterling HAD to go?

Why can't BOTH their messages be applauded?


Rising Star
:smh: This fool was trying to distance himself from Sterling and at the same time try to defend him on the low. Cacs can't help themselves...btw another funny observation of how a cac has to be bald headed and full of tatoos to draw suspicion, but a brotha just has to wear a hoodie..:hmm:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Defending outward racism from a white man go figure. Still defending that Trayvon murder....does he cross the street when zuckerburg wears a hoodie.

Sterling and Cuban have the right to feel a way, but Black men/women certainly should have their right not to work for them or go to their games.

That hoodie comment is real personal, and twists the knife deep if you ask me.

Black "kid" = danger???

I do hope collectively Black people take a stand against this sideways kick in the nuts talk from white people lately


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
".btw another funny observation of how a cac has to be bald headed and full of tatoos to draw suspicion, but a brotha just has to wear a hoodie"

Good call!

Im telling you, this dude tokowitz aka sterling, proved in 20 min

that racism is alive and well and embedded in society,

He made the supreme court look so out of touch, especially

after their decision to abolish affirmative action....

alito, roberts, scalia, clarence some powerful clowns boy I tell ya!!!

I cant wait to hear the rest of those tokowitz tapes..

tmz needs to get on it....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Defending outward racism from a white man go figure. Still defending that Trayvon murder....does he cross the street when zuckerburg wears a hoodie.

Sterling and Cuban have the right to feel a way, but Black men/women certainly should have their right not to work for them or go to their games.

That hoodie comment is real personal, and twists the knife deep if you ask me.

Black "kid" = danger???

I do hope collectively Black people take a stand against this sideways kick in the nuts talk from white people lately



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yea Cuban is on the list too...he can kiss my ass too.



Osca Lee

he is afraid of black kids in a hoodies and bald headed white guys with tats

but loves and feels comfortable with the racist vile mfs in business suits everyday

fuck this dude


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
On whether the NBA should ban Clippers owner Donald Sterling for his racist remarks:

"I think [NBA Commissioner] Adam [Silver] had to do it. There's a lot at stake for the NBA--it has to be a leader in the culture… but it's a slippery slope.

"You can't keep that ugliness out of the league. There's no law against stupid--I learned that a long time ago," Cuban said.

Cuban also admitted that prejudice is something everyone has to fight. "I know I'm bigoted in a lot of different ways. If I see a black kid in a hoodie and it's late at night, I'm walking to the other side of the street. And if on that side of the street, there’s a guy that has tattoos all over his face--white guy, bald head, tattoos everywhere--I'm walking back to the other side of the street," he says. "No one has pure thoughts… but it's about recognizing when you have thoughts that aren't right."

(For an exclusive interview where Cuban elaborates, check out this Inc. video).

Read more:


Support BGOL
he is afraid of black kids in a hoodies and bald headed white guys with tats

but loves and feels comfortable with the racist vile mfs in business suits everyday

fuck this dude

Osca, come on, bro...

...societal conditioning and stereotypes make all of us cautious about certain things.

Black kids in hoodies don't bother me...

...but a black male in a hoodie, with a certain body language does make me uneasy. I've seen niggas rob stores, and they've ALL worn hoodies, and held their heads down. I know the look when I see it.

Bald white males with leather jackets, who ride motorcycles in packs? There is a bar in my town, and those motherfuckers stay fighting. They are usually some big motherfuckers too, looking for a fight. Fuck that shit. Whose trying to take an L from a pack of big, country strong CACS?

When I see kids dressed in red, or blue, or what I know to be gang attire, I'm not telling you I'm not uneasy about the situation. You motherfucking right I am.

Self-preservation takes precedent over everything.

Its unfortunate that some people get stereotyped unfairly...

...but its far worse for me to get fucked up than for your to be stereotyped as far as I'm concerned.

Old white men in suits do not make people fear for their lives.

Osca Lee

Osca, come on, bro...

...societal conditioning and stereotypes make all of us cautious about certain things.

Black kids in hoodies don't bother me...

...but a black male in a hoodie, with a certain body language does make me uneasy. I've seen niggas rob stores, and they've ALL worn hoodies, and held their heads down. I know the look when I see it.

Bald white males with leather jackets, who ride motorcycles in packs? There is a bar in my town, and those motherfuckers stay fighting. They are usually some big motherfuckers too, looking for a fight. Fuck that shit. Whose trying to take an L from a pack of big, country strong CACS?

When I see kids dressed in red, or blue, or what I know to be gang attire, I'm not telling you I'm not uneasy about the situation. You motherfucking right I am.

Self-preservation takes precedent over everything.

Its unfortunate that some people get stereotyped unfairly...

...but its far worse for me to get fucked up than for your to be stereotyped as far as I'm concerned.

Old white men in suits do not make people fear for their lives.

I have been around it all.... the only time I have been uneasy around certain people is when I am out numbered like 5 to 1...other than that no one make me feel uneasy


Support BGOL
I have been around it all.... the only time I have been uneasy around certain people is when I am out numbered like 5 to 1...other than that no one make me feel uneasy

I understand...

...but it only takes one bullet from one man to put an end to me.

My head stay on a swivel.

The advantage is, people in our community who are about that life, tend to conform to certain standards of fashion. For instance, you're far less likely to be robbed by a dude dressed like Carlton Banks, than you are a dude with a big red T. Every 'goon' I know dress about the same.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I feel like they will now all talk like this to protect themselves so that they can vote against and STILL get the 2/3.

Cuban thinks he's slick...

he tried to drop the same bullsh*t early and got smacked for jumping the gun (the other owners were probably PISSED!) so he had to chill till now.

Notice how ALL the white people in sports LOVED Durant's speech about overcoming poverty with the support of his strong Black mother...

but crickets when Lebron was telling them Sterling HAD to go?

Why can't BOTH their messages be applauded?
because most of the owners are heads of very powerful businesses and will not really give a fuck about what you or I think - all that will matter is does this hurt NBA business vs how much shit can Sterling throw during the following legal battle that might hurt business even more & how much power are they willing to cede to the NBA commissioner that may set a poor precedent.

Seriously -if the Dolans (Knicks - Cablevision, etc), or the Russian oil csar / gangster that owns the Nets votes to keep Sterling what kind of pressure do you think can be leveraged against them? Why would either of these owners agree to something that in the long run further reduces their autonomy, unless a guarantee, or agreement is in place?

Today's market culture they fear insulting Jews / Faggots 1st then women, then latinos, then asians, and last on the list is Black...why? because niggas continue to support a ton of industries that steal from and actively work against African Americans and their best interests or are just straight insulting laughing at this community. I bet every owner in the NBA, Jordan too agrees with most of what Sterling said.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
he's right.

And yeah, he's not necessarily defending Sterling, but he is pointing out the apparent hypocrisy t would take for the others to go hard at Sterling, because once they do that, any little thing any of them do can be perceived as just as bad as what he did. They're all in glass houses, and he knows that Sterling won't rest in exposing them if they do that to him.

And yeah, who doesn't look crazy at a young black kid in a hoodie, or some skinhead looking white boy? There are lots of signs in peoples appearance that would make any smart person pause.


Rising Star
While i think its true that most people gripe is the timing of these comments is another deflection tactic.
There is a significant difference in prejudging some one and acting on your prejudgement to the point of depriving someone of a right or privilege...which Sterling has practiced for decades.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm REALLY surprised by the responses on here...

Sagging jeans, piercings, hoodies, tats, snapbacks, colored hair, bald, etc...

you know how many people especially in NY or California are dressed like that who are models, own their own businesses mothers fathers, honor students, tech pros, artists, actors,mechanics etc.

I've worked with a bald tattoo covered pierced white guys who were mad cool...

and brothers in 3 piece suits who were f*cking snakes.

living in the city you got a sense and just because a dude is wearing slacks and button up shirt don't make him Mr. Goodguy.

Of COURSE how someone looks matters but dont let them use THAT to spew this garbage.

He said a black kid in a hoodie ...PERIOD.

what hell is wrong with ya'll.

He didn't say gang colors or scarves he equated an extra on Sons of Anarchy to a young black kid wearing a damn hooded sweatshirt?

Again you damn well KNOW what the difference is....they playing you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:smh: This fool was trying to distance himself from Sterling and at the same time try to defend him on the low. Cacs can't help themselves...btw another funny observation of how a cac has to be bald headed and full of tatoos to draw suspicion, but a brotha just has to wear a hoodie..:hmm:

Shit a black man could be in a suit and they ll cross the street......

and black guy hoody.......Trayvon's exact situation....

and Stephen A playing the good house n- on first take now.....


Rising Star
Cac's gonna stick together. I keeptelling you guys this.

You guys won't tho. smh. CAC's gonna stick together and back each other up and try to say "everybody does it"

Universalism Caciness


Support BGOL
All cacs are either consciously or subconsciously racist. That's right I said ALL. At least he has the guts to admit it, but I already knew.:smh:

I guarantee if he sees a tatted up bald headed white guy he ain't moving to the other side of the street. So he can stop it with that "we all have flaws" bullshit. Fuck outta here Cuban!!:angry:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Mavs fans will brush this off and continue to give this jew their money and support. The way these jews are sticking together no.matter what, we need to emulate. Blacks need to start getting rabid about our self preservation the way these CACs are.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you have to be somewhat realistic too... a black kid in a hoodie... yeah that's fucked up and definitely a stab at trayvon on the low, but also the image that comes up to most americans when thinking about a black kid in a hoodie is these young thugs wildin out in the 'ghetto' all strapped and shooting up anything that moves. didnt we just have a vid of some of these young assholes flashing guns and teaching their kids gangsigns on this site two days ago? we have a generation of kids that were raised by the kids who were making urban areas a literal bloodbath 20 years ago, when they could easily get ak's and full magazines, etc.

And, a bald tatted up white guy, that gives you the image of biker gang. The image of the hells angels and the outlaws etc, running guns and drugs, bombing residences, having wars on the streets, killing and pimping like it is going out of style.

The real take away shouldn't us being surprised that a man has some prejudices. Of course he does. We all do, that's what' supposed to keep us safe. How many people have been seriously burned by making wildly unsafe decisions trying to prove stereotypes wrong.

The take away should be about the importance of your appearance in this society. Cuban is being truthful about prejudices that we all have, not trying to promote racism. Just because he's white we may not like to hear it, so the fuck what? If it's a brotha saying 'no, don't go to that popeyes, them lil niggas from 140s be over there wildin out' we take his advice and go to ihop on 133rd instead right?

It makes it harder on us, bc you can't do anything to hide being young and black, but at least teach your children the truth and give them a chance to negotiate life without making it worse.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I feel like they will now all talk like this to protect themselves so that they can vote against and STILL get the 2/3.

Cuban thinks he's slick...

he tried to drop the same bullsh*t early and got smacked for jumping the gun (the other owners were probably PISSED!) so he had to chill till now.

Notice how ALL the white people in sports LOVED Durant's speech about overcoming poverty with the support of his strong Black mother...

but crickets when Lebron was telling them Sterling HAD to go?

Why can't BOTH their messages be applauded?

Because white people love to believe the fantasy that every poor black person can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and be successful if they just work hard enough. That way when an average black person stays poor due to oppressive racist policies and they stay rich the white men can say, it's not our fault, he was lazy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yea, I read this and thought, dumb ass Cuban just ruined any chances of the Mavs being relevant again.

No respectful brotha will want to sign here again. I thought it was gonna happen after Cuban went after Kenyon Martin's mother in the stands but I think its definitely gonna happen now. :smh:

Cuban thinks he's being against the grain and thoughtful but he's not smarter than everyone, just rich.
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A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
".btw another funny observation of how a cac has to be bald headed and full of tatoos to draw suspicion, but a brotha just has to wear a hoodie"

Good call!

He thought he was throwing us a bone with the white guy example. To semi quote Samuel L. Jackson: "Now I let me ask you....what 3 groups would have a reason to fear a skinhead"


Rising Star
Yea, I read this and thought, dumb ass Cuban just ruined any chances of the Move being relevant again.

No respectful brotha will want to sign here again. I thought it was gonna happen after Cuban went after Kenyon Martin's mother in the stands but I think its definitely gonna happen now. :smh:

Cuban thinks he's being against the grain and thoughtful but he's not smarter than everyone, just rich.

what world you live in?