Sports News: ESPN replaces Sage Steele with the woman she tried to get fired - Elle Duncan


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster

suprise, suprise but she still got it
everyone has the freedom to take the vaccine if its mandated it by their employer...but they have to be willing to seek employment, are independently wealthy, willing to become self-employed or willing to take an extended unpaid leave


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Fucking MAGA bedwench. Not surprised. If she felt so strongly against getting the vaccine she should have just quit.

She ain't believe in the vaccine that bad huh?

Advising others on her platform NOT to take it but she won't do it herself

So HER job her livelihood MORE valuable than everyone else?

They ain't force her... she chose.

Just like she chose to diss Kaep and support Trump.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
She ain't believe in the vaccine that bad huh?

Advising others on her platform NOT to take it but she won't do it herself

So HER job her livelihood MORE valuable than everyone else?

They ain't force her... she chose.

Just like she chose to diss Kaep and support Trump.

its the same bullshit on Fox News and leaders on the right
they all talk about freedom and the vaccine shouldnt be mandated...but they took
classic 'do as I say not as I do'


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
ESPN anchor Sage Steele told Jay Cutler it was “fascinating” Obama indicated he was Black on his census form “considering his Black dad was nowhere to be found.”

This is news:

According to Sage, you can change your race on your census form if your father was missing in your life. Be as black as they come, but you can claim to be white, because that imaginary father was there, right?
Her sense of reasoning is lacking


Rising Star
ESPN anchor Sage Steele told Jay Cutler it was “fascinating” Obama indicated he was Black on his census form “considering his Black dad was nowhere to be found.”

This is news:

According to Sage, you can change your race on your census form if your father was missing in your life. Be as black as they come, but you can claim to be white, because that imaginary father was there, right?
Her sense of reasoning is lacking


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
ESPN anchor Sage Steele told Jay Cutler it was “fascinating” Obama indicated he was Black on his census form “considering his Black dad was nowhere to be found.”

This is news:

According to Sage, you can change your race on your census form if your father was missing in your life. Be as black as they come, but you can claim to be white, because that imaginary father was there, right?
Her sense of reasoning is lacking

aint this the same Sage Steele that was upset when her BLACK colleagues didnt include her on a show to discuss race.
I wonder why? By her questioning of Barack I guess she didnt qualify cause she aint black.

we all know in America you are what you look like. Barack is Black cause even though he was raised by a white family when ppl saw him they saw a Black Man. I guess that might be Sage's problem. For all her 'controversial' comments, her white husband and cooning when she look in the mirror and America sees her shit still a black woman.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was a SS fan. She was a good looking chick but not a goddess(body wasn't there). She was always smiling! But she seemed to perfect, like one of those phony ass cheerleaders! All veneer no substance!
I cutback on my ESPN watching and one day I was checking BGOL and a there was a thread about her and my thoughts were confirmed! That heifer is the devil! :devil2: She's just empty! Not even worth the time or energy!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think they don't want to get rid of her, because they'll cry about how they're treated
Yep, the minute they get rid of her she'll be crying racial/gender/political discrimination in a lawsuit.
ESPN is pretty much stuck with her for now. They demoted her and hoped she would quit, but that didn't work.