most real Trekkies have Kurtzman on the slushy hit list (check their message boards)
Paramount CEO has the entire production on the chopping block (shitty ratings + other financial problems)
So Discovery team are especially appreciative of all positive feed back
PARAMOUNT isn't about to give up on "STAR TREK".
It's another cash cow Franchise with a generational (and a newly growing) fan-base
They're going to wait it out.
CBS' streaming service is still new.
And a rating system for streaming services haven't been completely substantial.
That's been the controversy especially with NETFLIX and DISNEY+
Yeah. Some older ST fans are whining.
I'm on quite a few of those boards, forums, etc.
I've been a fan since the late 60s.
And my (late) Grandfather took me to conventions during the 70s
He wasn't a fan. But He knew I was.
But overall, the newer shows are winning older fans over.
And gaining newer fans.
The news involving "STRANGE NEW WORLDS" has definitely excited fans.
And "LOWER DECKS" has been a fuckin' revelation.
Especially since I initially HATED the idea.
Kurtzman, Fuller, Osunsanmi, Paradise, McMahan, and others are doing a phenomenal job.
And people are becoming more appreciative of it.
It's a GREAT time to be a STAR TREK Fan nowadays.