STAR WARS ANDOR (2022) Disney+ (season 2 Discussion Thread) Jesus Christ this shit is Fantastic!!


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PLOT: A new Disney+ series based on Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) before the events of STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE. Starring: Diego Luna

New Trailer

The “Andor” series will explore a new perspective from the Star Wars galaxy, focusing on Cassian Andor’s journey to discover the difference he can make. The series brings forward the tale of the burgeoning rebellion against the Empire and how people and planets became involved. It’s an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue where Cassian will embark on the path that is destined to turn him into a rebel hero.

Official Trailer: 1

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
It looks good..... I'd check it out, but honestly.... not paying for another streaming service.... even Disney.... there's barely enough time in the day to watch the shit I've got now.... :smh: :smh: :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It looks good..... I'd check it out, but honestly.... not paying for another streaming service.... even Disney.... there's barely enough time in the day to watch the shit I've got now.... :smh: :smh: :smh:

Shit that's what the summer time is for when nothing is on TV. Well thats how it use to be anyway.TV about 10 year ago was much tougher the best series were those 20 episodes a season series.....


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Cassian and or is kne of the most uninteresting characters in the star wars universe. I hope his droid k2so will be there also.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That Rangers of The New animated show i presume?

No.. A direct spin off for this Character...




The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Star Wars: Andor Set Photos Bring Back Imperial Enemy from Rogue One

The new Star Wars: Andor series on Disney+ will undoubtedly nod to Rogue One in quite a few ways. In fact, new set photos already reveal at least one Rogue One easter egg.

By John Saavedra
May 7, 2021

Rebel spy Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) returns for his on Disney+ live-action series, suitably titled Andor. Set before the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the show presumably tells the story of how Andor ended up joining the Rebel Alliance and becoming one of the group’s most elite operatives.

The series, which was been in development for a few years now, has recently been shooting in Cleveleys, a coastal town in the UK that’s just a few miles north of Blackpool. It’s at this location that a leaker has managed to snap a few set photos that reveal Luna back in costume as well as a familiar Imperial enemy from Rogue One. Below, Cassian encounters a coastal defender stormtrooper, the same kind of infantry unit he, along with Jyn Erso and company, faced on Scarif during the mission to steal the plans to the Death Star.

You likely remember the action-packed third act of Rogue One, which many fans have hailed as one of the finest battles ever crafted for Star Wars on the big screen. Some fans would even rank the Battle of Scarif right up there with the attack on the Death Star in A New Hope and the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. Like in the latter film, the final fight in Rogue One takes place both in space and on land. The Rebel fleet provides support from above while Cassian and Jyn lead a group of freedom fighters on the sand-swept beaches of what looks closer to a resort planet than an Imperial stronghold.

But the charge through Scarif is meant to evoke the beaches of Normandy during World War II and that certainly comes across as Cassian and his team fight their way through insurmountable odds, including countless units of the aforementioned coastal defender stormtroopers. The challenge is so great that the operation will eventually turn out to be a suicide mission that no one will return from. Indeed, by the end of the movie, Cassian and Jyn Erso will have met their ends when the Death Star fires its ultimate weapon on the Imperial base, completely ravaging the planet’s surface.

Fortunately, Andor rewinds a bit to a happier point in Cassian’s life — well, probably not happier judging from his backstory in Rogue One, but at least he’s alive. Like most Star Wars stories, Andor will likely find plenty of ways to rhyme with and reference other movies and TV series set in the galaxy far, far away. This coastal defender trooper is probably the first of many easter eggs we’ll be obsessing over when Andor premieres on Disney+ in 2022.











The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

This mofo looks epic!

It’s looking like the series is gonna go into what devious shit Palpatine is up to and the evil, crappy shit the Empire was doing to folks in the Galaxy.

They showed the Clones, so there must be more going on with them that’s gonna be revealed along with the Cloning program being they showed Empire Medical mofos secretly working on something.

Hopefuly this series fills in a bunch of plot holes that George Lucas left us.

Definitely looking forward to this!


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
I hope it carries it's own weight without guest appearances. If asohka or boba fett shows up in this I'll be pissed.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Ashoka at this point of the timeline took off to look for Ezra being this series takes place after “Star Wars Rebels”.

Boba Fett is running around like he lost his Fuckin’ mind out in the Galaxy around this timeline from what we saw of him in “Star Wars Rebels”.

Probably the only cameos we will get is Palpatine, Vader and some characters from the earlier animated series like “Clone Wars” and “Star Wars Rebels”.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Looking forward to this series after what I saw with Kenobi.

And I can already tell mofos will be going into full hate mode before the first episode end credits roll. Especially when it debuts a new female character in a dominant, prominent role.

Looking into it, it looks to mainly give us insight on the start of the Rebellion. Not looking like it’s gonna have Sith and Jedi running around smacking each other up with lightsabers.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Andor's Genevieve O'Reilly brings Mon Mothma into the spotlight: 'We really get to develop her as a character'

"We see her literally and figuratively take off her cloak and reveal herself as a woman in a way we've never seen before," teases the actress.

By Devan CogganSeptember 02, 2022 at 09:00 AM EDT


There are only four female speaking roles in the original Star Wars trilogy. From A New Hope to Return of the Jedi, only four women ever speak on screen: One is Princess Leia. Two is Aunt Beru, who bites it in the first act of the first film. Three is an unnamed Rebel stationed on Hoth. And the fourth and final woman is Mon Mothma, the regal Rebel leader who pops up in Return of the Jedi. She doesn't get much screen time, just there to deliver a quick briefing before the Battle of Endor. But she leaves a solemn impression, gravely reminding her Rebel cohorts that many Bothans died to bring them this information.
The glamorous, imperious Mon Mothma has never been a major character, but she's long been a fascinating part of Star Wars history. Caroline Blakiston originated the role in Return of the Jedi, with Genevieve O'Reilly taking over for the prequel trilogy. (Most of her scenes in 2005's Revenge of the Sith wound up on the cutting room floor, but she appears briefly as a background character.) Later on, Mon Mothma would take on a slightly larger role in the Star Wars galaxy, with O'Reilly returning for 2016's Rogue One and later lending her voice to the animated Star Wars Rebels.

Now, after nearly four decades, this elegant leader is finally getting her time in the spotlight, with O'Reilly starring in the upcoming Disney+ series Andor.
Diego Luna plays the titular spy, but series creator Tony Gilroy (who also worked on Rogue One) says that Andor is just as much Mon Mothma's story. The show (debuting Sept. 21) is set several years before the events of Rogue One, and at this point, she's not yet the stoic Rebel leader we know and love. When the series begins, she's just a politician serving in the galactic senate, trying to effect change and take small steps to combat the oppressive Empire.

Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma in 'Andor'

"We really get to develop her as a character, and we get to learn about her not just as a senator, but as a woman," O'Reilly, 45, tells EW. "[We learn] what her life is like, what she has to wrestle with, what are the dangers to her life, what it costs to be her. Tony's writing is so intricate and so taut. It lives in this world of the spy genre, of a sociopolitical drama, and yet it's set within a Star Wars world. So it feels universal and intimate all at once."

When O'Reilly first landed the role for Revenge of the Sith, she rewatched Blakiston's scene in Return of the Jedi to help figure out the charactersomething she still does. "I was always interested in her," the actress explains, "and each time I go to play her, I go back to that scene." Wearing that familiar white robe and short hair help her get into character, of course, but O'Reilly says the most valuable asset is listening to Blakiston's voice — particularly that iconic line about the Bothans.
"You can see when Caroline does that in that scene, for me, there was always a pain at the heart of it," O'Reilly explains. "You could see that she was carrying a pain, and I was really curious about what that was. What has happened in this woman's life? What has it cost to be her? What are the sacrifices that she has had to make along the way to be that leader of a rebellion?"
Andor hopes to answer some of those questions. When the show begins, Cassian Andor and Mon Mothma are (literally) on different planets, and it'll take a while for their stories to intersect. But O'Reilly hopes that as the two-season series continues, it'll bring a new depth to Mon Mothma's past appearances and show a new side of the stoic Rebel.
"We see her talking to senators, and then we meet her at home with her husband," O'Reilly teases. "We see the public and the private. We see her literally and figuratively take off her cloak and reveal herself as a woman in a way we've never seen before."


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Adria Arjona teases her 'fearless' but 'caring' Andor character

The Good Omens actress plays Bix Caleen in the upcoming Disney+ series.

By Devan CogganSeptember 08, 2022 at 10:00 AM EDT

Adria Arjona is heading to a galaxy far, far away.
The 30-year-old actress is no stranger to geeky genre fare, having starred in projects like Good Omens, Morbius, and NBC's Emerald City. But now, Arjona is officially joining the Star Wars universe, starring opposite Diego Luna in the upcoming Disney+ series Andor (debuting Sept. 21).
Arjona is Bix Caleen, a mysterious figure who crosses paths with Cassian on the planet Ferrix. She soon proves herself to be a valuable ally, but Arjona says that despite Bix's seemingly cool exterior, she's got a tender heart underneath.
"She has this sort of façade of this really strong, powerful, fearless woman," Arjona teases. "Which she is. That doesn't negate that. But I also think she has this incredible caring side that is sometimes detrimental to her own well-being. [She seems like] she has everything put together, by the book. You look at her and you're like, 'Oh, she knows what she's doing.' Yet she gets in tricky situations sometimes."


Adria Arjona in 'Andor'

Arjona says she quickly fell in love with Bix's warmth and bravery, but she almost wasn't involved in the show at all. She admits that she almost skipped her initial Andor audition: After sending in a tape, she was invited to record a screen test with Luna in London. It was still early in the COVID pandemic, and she wasn't sure whether she should travel. So, she called her mom for advice.
"She was like, 'You have to go. You're a swan. You can swim in a lake of s--- and not get stained. Let the Force be with you,' " Arjona remembers with a laugh. "I was like, okay! Then, she hung up the phone on me, which has never happened in my entire life. Moms don't hang up the phone! You hang up the phone on moms because they don't stop talking."

Once she arrived in London and read with Luna, Arjona says the entire screen test took about 10 minutes. She quickly convinced herself that she bombed the audition — until series creator Tony Gilroy pulled her aside and told her she got the job.
"Tony just looked at me and was like, 'So, welcome to Star Wars,' " Arjona explains. "It all happened within like 10 minutes. Then, we go outside and he's like, 'Hey Diego, meet your new costar. Adria, meet your new costar Diego.' It was one of those moments where you're like, Is this happening? The casting director was having a heart attack. She's like, 'This is not the way that it's supposed to go.' "
Once she arrived on set, the actress says she had to remind herself not to geek out — especially when wandering through some of the elaborate practical sets built for the planet Ferrix. She found herself opening prop drawers on set just to see what was inside or gasping when she saw creature actors decked out in prosthetics.
Fortunately, Arjona explains, she had her own personal Jedi master on set — a guide who already knows his way around the Star Wars universe.
"The first day on set was pretty special," she remembers. "I was so nervous and scared and excited. I almost wanted it to end, but I never wanted it to end at the same time. I just really held on to Diego, and he sort of helped me through it. Like I said, he's a remarkable scene partner. He understood because he was me when he did Rogue One. It was cute. I was like an 11-year-old girl!"