STAR WARS ANDOR (2022) Disney+ (season 2 Discussion Thread) Jesus Christ this shit is Fantastic!!


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I looked up and rewatch the scene with Luthen and his antiquities shop.

Dude had a lot of shit in that mofo.




The official list of what we saw that has been explained is below….

- Mandalorian Armor
- Gungam Shield
- Dark Lord Starkiller (from video game)
- Twi’lek Kalikori (from Star Wars Rebels)
- Wookiee Helmet
- Utapau Monk Clubs
- World between worlds (Star Wars Rebels, this confirms time travel)
- Plo Koon’s breathing mask?
- Two-Headed Serpent (Star Wars Rebels, Admiral Thrawn had this, it connects to the Mayan Culture)
- Sith and Jedi Holocrons
- Indi’s Whip (following tradition of George Lucas who put Easter Egg references in his films)
- Shankara stones (Indiana Jones)
- Cyber Crystal

There is no word yet if these items were put there as cool Easter Egg references, or if they will be explained in future projects.

The interesting objects were the Serpent Snake heads related to the Mayan culture. There have been rumors since the late 70s that Star Wars actually takes place in the Milky Way Galaxy where Earth is. A old theory is Earth is located way out in the farthest edge of the Milky Way Galaxy in a part that the Star Wars folks are not aware of and haven’t reached yet in the Outer Rim.

If Disney plans on exploring that, it will be interesting.

The other objects in the store might get some explanation in the upcoming series “The Acolyte” and others in the near future.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Word is going around that Ben Mendelsohn (Orson Krennic) may make a cameo in reference to the Death Star.

A theory going around is that he was in the Imperial Shuttle we saw arriving in Episode 5.


We will wait and see….


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Another cat who is long overdue to make his live action debut. We haven’t seen a live action version of him since 1977.

If you going “Who?”….he is probably the least recognizable character and probably one of the most powerful in the Star Wars Universe that nobody gives any thought too.

Wullf Yularen

In the SW timeline, he first appeared in “Clone Wars” as a Admiral in the Galactic Republic.


He appeared next in “Star Wars Rebels” as a Colonel in The Imperial Security Bureau.


And his only live action appearance was in Episode 4, sitting at the Death Star briefing room table. He was in the classic scene with Darth Vader doing his famous Force Choke on Admiral Motti who was talking shit about the Force. Wullf just sat there next to him watching being cool and calm.



We saw him again later briefly, walking past Luke, Han and Chewie when they were waiting for a elevator on the Death Star.


I believe he took over as Director of the Death Star from Krennic after his Fuck up in Rogue One.

It would be interesting to see Wullf have a major role in this series.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Andor don't be bullshittin. That mufucka will pull the trigger without hesitation. That first ep when he killed those security dudes.

This ep when buddy was talkin to him about stealing the whole load and doin a split I thought to myself "He gon haveta kill that mufucka". Fuckin nanosecond later quick drawed on that bitch.LOL


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Episode 6 and 7

Just watched these two episodes this morning.

Episode 6 was pulled off perfectly. Pretty much followed the same tone as “Rogue One” when the heist went into effect. The suspense played out well like the movie. Even though in the back of your head you kind of new how it will end, the way it was presented did give you some doubt.

Nice seeing in live action TIE Fighter pilots setting up to fly.

The brother Taramyn being revealed as a former Stormtrooper gave good insight on his character.

The scene with Cassian and Arvel. I liked how that played out. Definitely caught me off on how Cassian handled the situation. That scene gave good insight on his character.

The start of the episode with that Imperial Office who arrived talking shit about the locals and the Empire’s view of them showed clearly how Fucked up the Empire is.

Episode 6 overall played out better than I expected.

Episode 7 you would think would be a disappointment coming off of 6, but it played out well with Mon Motha going into her politics and making the decision to go deep into the Rebellion. Her conversations with Luthen and Tay.

Luthen assistant Kleya, not sure if anybody caught it, but she looked eerily similar to Princess Leia. Not sure if that was by intent, but it definitely would have been interesting if they had put in Leia. The decision Kleya made on Cassian in regards to the Rebellion would have put a whole new spin on Leia if they had went that route.

And Wulff Yularen made his debut!!!

Dude came in and went full Imperial on them cats in the ISB. He is in direct communication with Palpatine at this point.


Two more episodes left, will wait until both debut and watch back to back.

Looking forward to them


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

If you noticed, the internet is not flooded with cats bitching about LGBT and female empowerment agendas.

And they ain’t bitching about the other nitpicking nonsense they normally throw out for other shows.

This series has none of that.

They can’t find anything to bitch about. Just look at the activity in this thread compared to She-Hulk.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If you noticed, the internet is not flooded with cats bitching about LGBT and female empowerment agendas.

And they ain’t bitching about the other nitpicking nonsense they normally throw out for other shows.

This series has none of that.

They can’t find anything to bitch about. Just look at the activity in this thread compared to She-Hulk.

they b*ching bro...

saying it was slow and boring

but I am happy that the real ones shut that sh*t down QUICK


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
they b*ching bro...

saying it was slow and boring

but I am happy that the real ones shut that sh*t down QUICK

Yeah, I seen the slow and boring with them.

It’s “Slow and Boring” cuz they spending all their time looking and focusing on nonsense….and they can’t find any.

And by the way, I need to correct myself, there is some lesbian action so far. Ver and Cinta are in a relationship. It goes over your head if you are not paying attention, but it’s there.



Mr. Pool
Excellent series, started off slow and methodical but the world/character building, character and story are all top notch. The production itself is the best we've seen since Lucas, the sets, cgi, props, costumes ect are all movie quality and imo they should let Gilroy oversee all future star wars. He gets star wars without being bound by it and it's traditions. Really solid show.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
If you noticed, the internet is not flooded with cats bitching about LGBT and female empowerment agendas.

And they ain’t bitching about the other nitpicking nonsense they normally throw out for other shows.

This series has none of that.

They can’t find anything to bitch about. Just look at the activity in this thread compared to She-Hulk.
Thats because the main character is male and and all the main characters are white even though Andor has a accent. Btw there is a gay couple.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Thats because the main character is male and and all the main characters are white even though Andor has a accent. Btw there is a gay couple.

Who is the gay couple?

The only couple I spotted are the two I listed earlier, the Indian and White chick.

Is there somebody else?


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Episodes 8 and 9

Watched these two last night before going to bed.

Episode 8, damn good episode showing how the Empire runs a prison. No Fucks given on anything. About the only thing they can do is breathe in that joint. I was wondering why they didn’t use droids for the labor, but they made it clear that droids are expensive and human labor is cheaper, expendable and replaceable.

This is the same logic used by Moff Tarkin in “The Bad Batch” in replacing the Clones with regular humans. The human population in the Galaxy must be in the high trillions or higher for the Empire to make decisions like that.

Dedra at the ISB has proven she ain’t no joke. I was thinking she was just a opportunistic bitch trying to prove herself amongst the men. But this bird is more sinister and ruthless than what I expected. She has impressed Wulff and her immediate supervisor with her commitment to duty.

The torture scene was interesting. That “Josef Mengele” nutjob doctor explaining how they accidentally developed the torture machine, that mofo was enjoying himself telling the story like it was a fairy tale or something.

Mon Motha, her character is still developing on good pace with her slowly moving forward and going all in with the Rebellion. She still trying to be nostalgic on the Old Republic being for the people. (which has been made clear in “Tales of the Jedi” to be false) That ship has sailed when we saw the reaction of the Senate to her speech.

Saw Gerrera made his debut. Dude is just as hardcore as what we saw in “Clone Wars” and “Rogue One”. He didn’t seem as beat up and injured as in Rogue One. He wasn’t using a oxygen mask. But had scars on his face. It also looks like he is the one who brings the X-Wings to the Empire.

Saw questioned Luthern on who he was. Luthern never answered. I’m suspecting Luthern must know about the Death Star(s) being built and is moving the pieces to get everything setup to destroy it. I’m also suspecting he is working under somebody bigger who is leading the Rebellion effort.

Andor, in the prison, you could see how it impacted him and came close to breaking him when he arrived. But he managed to stay focused and started scheming to break out of the joint. When Kino discovered what was actually going on after the old man died, he immediately sided with Andor. Also, the actor who plays Kino played Snope in Episode 7. I doubt Kino/Snope are the same character, Lucas was known to double cast when he had the property. Disney is most likely following that tradition. Dude is a good actor and fits in perfectly.

I suspect the prisoners are building the parts for the Death Star. Somebody higher up wants production to move up and made the decision nobody is leaving.

And Syril getting Thirsty for Dedra is pure comedy. I think Dedra is impressed by him but is more focused on protecting her job. She gonna slip up and Fuck Syril and that Brotha in the ISB that hates her is going to find out and take her down.

3 more episodes left. Will let 2 stack up and watch together and save the season finale for last.

Definitely looking forward to them.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Sitting here at my company’s terminal here in Southern California.

Couple of cats here were talking about this series.

Somebody brought up how Syril’s Mother looks like Rosie The Waitress from those old 70s/80s Bounty Paper Towel commercials on TV.

I knew she looked like somebody, we all busted out laughing.





A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
its unforunate this show isnt popping on these e-streets
is the first real adult star wars property ever (which means it doesnt have space knights/ninjas, magic and space dogfights)

alot of Star War fans complain about recycling the same shit
but we finally get a hard boiled, adult, sophisticated show

this might be my favorite show of the year PERIOD


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I'm six episodes in and I'm struggling to really care for this. It's not bad, but I just don't like it as much as the prior series Disney+ put out, save for Boba Fett (that sucked). I guess it's because I was never a huge fan of Rogue One.

I think it's because I just didn't care for any of the characters in Rogue One. I would prefer a series that took place on Coruscant showing it's shadowy underbelly instead. Will continue watching it, I just wish it were more "Star Wars".....