Season 3
Episodes 4 - 5
Watched these two this afternoon here at home.
That Episode 5 is what Old School Star Wars heads been waiting for since Boba Fett debut in “The Empire Strikes Back”. Seeing all those Mandalorian’s together like that in live action interacting with each other along with fighting together as a team was great to see.
We got to see how Grogu made it out of the Jedi Temple and off Coruscant. With him at the Forge and thinking back, it’s got me thinking differently of him. With what Ahsoka pointed out last season that he was afraid and why he suppressed his Jedi abilities, there could be a possibility that Grogu could easily go the path of the Darkside being he is overcomed with fear. It’s a wildcard and could be possible being we know there are Sith wandering around out there after the collapse of the Empire. If there is one lurking out there and discovers Grogu, that could be a game changer for the series.
Episode 6 brought back Carson Teva from the New Republic. Tim Meadows debuted as a requisition officer showing how fucked up the New Republic is. We got a hint on The First Order rising up with what Carson said.
Big surprise cameo with Zeb from “Star Wars Rebels”. It’s good to see he is still alive and had hooked up with the Rebellion and made it thru. First time seeing a live action version of his character.
And it looks like Moff Gideon will be making his comeback later.
Holy SH*T...
I thought that looked like him I thought I was bugging!!!!