Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
are you fucking daft???
I don't think folks think Hillary will change shit...we just think Trump will make a bad situation worse
You will see. I promise it will get worse.
White people have been foaming at the mouth over Obama. Now they have a candidate that openly supports white supremacy. You will see if Trump wins
You don't know what the fuck will change if he wins. That's the worrisome shit. You ever heard some of the fucked up shit and thoughts that come out of his mouth? THings can't get worse....yes the hell it can. What makes you think more of us won't end up in prison or can't? Or more won't end up dead?
When Goerge Wallace won as governor, he was openly racist. The same man who said "No integration, today no intergration ever" legitimized racism.

That same year there was an increase in hangings, killings and black churches burnt to the ground.
When you legitimize racism, racists become emboldend and act upon it. You've given racism a platform.
you really think Trump can't make our life worse?

If that was true all these cacs coons and KK remember wouldn't be voting in droves for Trump...
just having their shit VALIDATED by having him elected into offis?
is what is the nail in our coffin
the police kill us with impunity
we are divided within ourselves with coons and traitors
we are not allowed to even PROTEST the evils perpetrated on us.
At least with that devil Clinton the appearance of fairness and some of the back room deals she made with us have to be met as meager as that is at least she will never allow her legacy to be marred by completely screwing us over as the first woman president.

I hear all of your viewpoints and and honestly feel that we are already experiencing the worst of the worst. I think this will help us unite more against the actual enemy which happens to be systematic white supremacy. Both Trump and Clinton are agents of this belief and practice. I appreciate you brothas trying to inform me of how this can possibly get worst but like I have previously stated, WE'RE THERE.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
no you do not - post facts or even read!
r i f
an uptick in 2015 is not automatically an increase over 2008 - even worse to quote this article: "over all violent crime has been on a decline over the last 20 years "
Chicago is far worst than what it was before Obama was in office. What did Obama do to help Chicago situation?


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
It's funny how close it is, because they didn't even campaign here since early

Obama came here multiple times in 2008 and was here practically every week leading up to the election


Rising Star
Didn't yall learn your lesson from 2012? The election is decided by 10-11 everything beforehand is all political theater.

I'm sure she'll win but it was never going to be a blowout.

They sold it as a blowout to cause all this panicking when it wasn't just to keep people tuned in.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor actually right...Virginia been doing this shit since 2008...looking real crazy until the last minute when Fairfax jumps in and changes it...I don't really think Florida is that big a deal because I never really thought she had a chance there until a few days ago when they were talking about the influx of Hispanic would be a nice win because it would completely shut Trump down...guess we gotta wait a little longer
If she gets VA and PA its over
statistically Va is a wrap ... Clinton got it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol, if anyone really thinks Trump can win then I've got a bridge to sell you.

This is WWF shit

Aren't you in the UK fam? Didn't ya'll go through this with Brexit?

This is shit real.

Fuck anyone with any fake confidence. This orange ninja is majorly overperforming


Rising Star
Man, this is not good -- I'm watching CNN and based on where Trump is up (not finally decided), he'll gain another 120 electoral votes, assuming he keeps the lead and wins those states. This shit might not even be close


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What effectively changes if Donald Trump is elected president? How is Medicare or Medicaid affected? How are the lives of you and I affected?
Healthcare will change to something that favors corporations more than it already does.
You will have right wing supreme court appointment which could effect abortion.
Money for social programs will dry up.
Deregulation in many industries


Rising Star
You have to be patient with this counting shit. Them small counties who are couting votes on paper take longer.


Rising Star
I can't believe any level headed individual really thinks Trump is going to win.

Hasn't previous elections taught you anything?

They're just making it seem close to keep the ratings up. This has happened so many times before and you're taking the bait.

Be smart people, if a Super Bowl was 24-0 in the first quarter, would you stay and watch?

It's not rocket science.


Rising Star
dudes in here are lost..the fact that its even this close states to us that RACISM is at a all time high. win or fucking lose