Why do sum of yall, give these sellouts your ENERGY?? Yall do understand, the people you see on the television are not on your team!! It dont matter if they look like you, sound like you or whatever, those folks soldout for the fame and the chips along time ago and will do and say whatever they are TOLD to say!! The television/entertainment industry is nothing but a mental pysops machine and their only purpose is to keep the people confused, divided, distracted, misinformed and to keep the people in a coma state of mind!!! A person has 2 choices, unplug from their system and live your life or sit back at let them fuck with your subconscious mind???
This guy soldout for the fame and chips, now he a puppet along with the rest of those in the entertainment industry!! The sad part of this is, how many people will defend these sellouts as if their family members!!
he clearly rtold Monique his integrity is for sale - money is more important to him than his own integrity
look at this negro in these pics.... you can see the light dimming in his eyes - his soul is dying here
This guy soldout for the fame and chips, now he a puppet along with the rest of those in the entertainment industry!! The sad part of this is, how many people will defend these sellouts as if their family members!!