
Rising Star
Kelly's a piece of shit but this is ridiculous making this nigga out to be Leatherface or someone shit. This the same bitch saying she has PTSD everytime she sees a Hummer from what Kelz did to her in that truck. :rolleyes: Stop it bitch.


Your right.. Were watching the media slowly turning r kelly into a modern day boogieman!!!


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
holy shit...a friend retweeted this shit this smh



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
I was teaching in New Orleans in 2003 when the news broke about the tape. I asked a few of my co-workers at the time (black) what they thought about the situation. Nobody had shit to say about Kellz. One woman got mad at me and told me not to say anything bad about him. She had a 15-year old girl. I asked her if she would let her daughter hang with R. Kelly....this was with full knowledge that he pissed on a 13-year old....and she said yes.

kind of a funny coincidence cuz I was teaching @ the time too...and there was a woman working sensible chic...down to earth...not too many ppl I like and/or respect but she fell under both categories...I didn’t ask...I was the only black guy @ the job so I’d always touch base w/ the sisters during planning...see how their day was or w/e...I stumbled onto 3 of them speaking on it @ the time...2 of them were pretty disgusted by it...she didn’t see it that way tho...she just kept going back to the music and how it made her feel and she didn’t know if these girls were telling the truth...crazy shit is the other 2 chics were in their early 20s...she was in her 30s...was completely surprised by her stance


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Some of them chicks stretching the truth. I believe some of them tho. Also, a lot of women still on R Kelly's side.

I asked a friend last night if she was watching and she said “NO”, because she loves R Kelly

I feel sorry for the underaged girls he took advantage of, but all the adults he was fucking claiming to have been manipulated and parents that were offering their kid up to dude with hopes of fame and fortune can kiss my ass :dunno:

Yeah those grown women knew what they were dealing with before they started dealing with him. His ex-wife is using her situation as her 15 minutes of fame

*typical bgol response*
"I ain't defending him..." (then says something in defense of him)

Like you said typical BGOL response


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I asked a friend last night if she was watching and she said “NO”, because she loves R Kelly

Yeah those grown women knew what they were dealing with before they started dealing with him. His ex-wife is using her situation as her 15 minutes of fame

Like you said typical BGOL response

this nigga married aaliyah when she was 14-15 and videotaped himself pissing on another 14-15 year old girls face...AND has a history EVERYONE KNOWS of being predatory on young females to the point where he can't even answer a straight question about does he like underaged girls...and all cats want to talk about is all the adult females who had issues with him as some kind of abuser... WTF???

again I've seen people like DL Hughley spend 15 minutes talking about how horrible Bill Cosby is BASED ON HEARSAY...yet he aint said shit in comparison about a fucker with video tape evidence and an annulled marriage certificate to TWO UNDERAGE GIRLS...

Nick Cannon can pontificate on every subject you can think of yet when asked about r kelly this nigga smiling talking about how he's immature in personality so it makes sense that he'd go for young and under aged girls :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Why is it two incidences isn't enough to make this asshole (who hasn't done shit for the black community but write a song) a child predator and get the repercussions for being a child predator...yet 40 year old hearsay and stories from ADULT WOMEN can destroy the life and legacy of a man who not only helped the black community but helped build up schools and scholarship for his people.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
this nigga married aaliyah when she was 14-15 and videotaped himself pissing on another 14-15 year old girls face...AND has a history EVERYONE KNOWS of being predatory on young females to the point where he can't even answer a straight question about does he like underaged girls...and all cats want to talk about is all the adult females who had issues with him as some kind of abuser... WTF???

again I've seen people like DL Hughley spend 15 minutes talking about how horrible Bill Cosby is BASED ON HEARSAY...yet he aint said shit in comparison about a fucker with video tape evidence and an annulled marriage certificate to TWO UNDERAGE GIRLS...

Nick Cannon can pontificate on every subject you can think of yet when asked about r kelly this nigga smiling talking about how he's immature in personality so it makes sense that he'd go for young and under aged girls :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Why is it two incidences isn't enough to make this asshole (who hasn't done shit for the black community but write a song) a child predator and get the repercussions for being a child predator...yet 40 year old hearsay and stories from ADULT WOMEN can destroy the life and legacy of a man who not only helped the black community but helped build up schools and scholarship for his people.

This is a good question. My take is perhaps because Cosby probably upset a few people when he was giving them moral code and was seen as America's dad. Not saying it's right, but there is a disconnect here. There isn't a balance with how people have outrage.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I feel sorry for the underaged girls he took advantage of, but all the adults he was fucking claiming to have been manipulated and parents that were offering their kid up to dude with hopes of fame and fortune can kiss my ass :dunno:
Real talk.



Rising Star
I feel sorry for the underaged girls he took advantage of, but all the adults he was fucking claiming to have been manipulated and parents that were offering their kid up to dude with hopes of fame and fortune can kiss my ass :dunno:

Exactly, like as a parent you failed. Kelly isn't the only one to blame, what self respecting parent would allow their daughter to hang out randomly with a grown man without checking in on that continuously. And Sparkle can shut the hell up, from working with him you knew 100% what went down and you still introduced your family member to him.

Plus you can tell some of these stories a bit stretched cause some of the girls (who were involved in threesomes) will try to act like they didn't know at all the time the other girl was underage. I call bs on that, she knew.

As with everything, the truth is in the middle. Of course Kelly is sick and has blame in this for preying on underage girls but their parents have blame too as well as the girls who were old enough to leave on their own (some girls were in their 20s I believe) cause some of that was them wanting to be around the fame/fortune.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I feel sorry for the underaged girls he took advantage of, but all the adults he was fucking claiming to have been manipulated and parents that were offering their kid up to dude with hopes of fame and fortune can kiss my ass :dunno:
Agreed. We already know R. Kelly clearly has issues and is a scumbag in his personal life. But these grown-ass women claiming to be manipulated and brainwashed are full of shit.
And as much as some of y'all don't want to hear it, most of these under-aged girls he was with, were offered up by their parents or the parents chose to ignore what was going on after the fact (including Aaliyah) in the hopes of their children becoming rich and famous.
The mainstream media has made it their mission to end R. Kelly's career the same way they did with Cosby and others and all of y'all dumbasses are just going along with it and can't see the big picture here.
If we started pulling back the curtain on the personal lives on all entertainers and judging, most of them would have no careers. The media chooses who they want to protect and who they want to destroy.
Clearly right now, the media wants to destroy R. Kelly.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed. We already know R. Kelly clearly has issues and is a scumbag in his personal life. But these grown-ass women claiming to be manipulated and brainwashed are full of shit.
And as much as some of y'all don't want to hear it, most of these under-aged girls he was with, were offered up by their parents or the parents chose to ignore what was going on after the fact (including Aaliyah) in the hopes of their children becoming rich and famous.
The mainstream media has made it their mission to end R. Kelly's career the same way they did with Cosby and others and all of y'all dumbasses are just going along with it and can't see the big picture here.
If we started pulling back the curtain on the personal lives on all entertainers and judging, most of them would have no careers. The media chooses who they want to protect and who they want to destroy.
Clearly right now, the media wants to destroy R. Kelly.

*typical bgol response*
"I ain't defending him..." (then says something in defense of him)

We already know R. Kelly clearly has issues and is a scumbag in his personal life.
thats all you needed to say homie....

But these grown-ass women claiming to be manipulated and brainwashed are full of shit.
And as much as some of y'all don't want to hear it, most of these under-aged girls he was with, were offered up by their parents or the parents chose to ignore what was going on after the fact (including Aaliyah) in the hopes of their children becoming rich and famous.
how does any of this change the fact that he's a child predator?

The mainstream media has made it their mission to end R. Kelly's career the same way they did with Cosby and others and all of y'all dumbasses are just going along with it and can't see the big picture here.
the only thing they have in common is being successful black least one of whom has actual evidence of crimes of the worst sort and we're supposed to be worried about their careers because why again??

If we started pulling back the curtain on the personal lives on all entertainers and judging, most of them would have no careers.
as they shouldn't IF THEYRE DOING CRIMINAL SHIT...again whats the point here?

The media chooses who they want to protect and who they want to destroy.
Clearly right now, the media wants to destroy R. Kelly.
Not really this is just tabloid fodder for the mainstream white if kelly pissed on a underage WHITE GIRLS face and had a history of being a predator to young white bitches who came out with horror stories about how he abused them THEN his ass would be in jail TODAY.. thats the difference between cosby and kelly


LOTTA white bitches in that pic.. id it were all black and brown skin latino women cosby would most likely be free today..think about that.

a single pretty white female's tears has more value than a black female's bruises.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thats all you needed to say homie....

how does any of this change the fact that he's a child predator?

the only thing they have in common is being successful black least one of whom has actual evidence of crimes of the worst sort and we're supposed to be worried about their careers because why again??

as they shouldn't IF THEYRE DOING CRIMINAL SHIT...again whats the point here?

Not really this is just tabloid fodder for the mainstream white if kelly pissed on a underage WHITE GIRLS face and had a history of being a predator to young white bitches who came out with horror stories about how he abused them THEN his ass would be in jail TODAY.. thats the difference between cosby and kelly


LOTTA white bitches in that pic.. id it were all black and brown skin latino women cosby would most likely be free today..think about that.

a single pretty white female's tears has more value than a black female's bruises.
Not gonna go back and forth on this topic, I've said my piece already. I just wish y'all had this same energy for Woody Allen and all the other known confirmed white pedophiles in the entertainment industry.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Ill probably wont see this,but this piece of shit ,should of been in prison along time ago...With,that said,I dont why people are blaming black men for his fuckery. Black men didnt tell him to fuck underage girls....From,what I read in the thread this fuckery been going on for years yet folks want to turn a fucked up situation into blaming someone....How about blaming R. Kelly for his fuckery..

Also,any parent that allowed their daughter around this piece of shit should be thrown in prison along side of him....That's like having your son be around a fucking Catholic priest.

R. Kelly is a piece of shit and I hope this finally end his career.....


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
A lot of undercover CACs in this thread
(Where is surviving a catholic priest)

Easiest thing to do in the U.S. is to get a brotha locked up!

29 years of witnesses and accounts ? TALK TO THE D.A. not LIFETIME

Kelly has some issues ...but most of these accusers wanted to get something from him.

When they didn’t he’s Freddy Kruger


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of undercover CACs in this thread
(Where is surviving a catholic priest)

Easiest thing to do in the U.S. is to get a brotha locked up!

29 years of witnesses and accounts ? TALK TO THE D.A. not LIFETIME

Kelly has some issues ...but most of these accusers wanted to get something from him.

When they didn’t he’s Freddy Kruger

While I agree, there are several documentaries that exist about Catholic Priest, the shit that goes on Hollywood, and child sex trafficking rings. Not just in America, but several parts of the world. Enough to dedicate a whole tv channel's worth of programming for a weekend. It's just not a part of their agenda to put a "Spotlight" on it. That would need generational accountability amongst all races and genders. They may peek into the issues here and there, but there's not enough desire to accuse, build a thorough case, convict the accused, and put forth a plan to rebuild from the true damage that would come from really holding people's feet to the fire.

If people are done with a high profile person business wise, it's open season. Unless he can just be a fall guy for other people's dirt. Weinstein is a fall guy for an establishment, he's no kingpin. There are several passes being given to folks who associated with him because it's either let him fall on the sword or bring all the folks around to front who he could have used to influence his behavior. Who out there is gonna question Oprah and Meryl Streep about what they knew. You think they didn't?

R Kelly maybe get shame at the most because at this point, if ain't about jail, it's about using his situation to fuel another fire. Somebody like Kevin Spacey is gonna end up murdered by natural causes if he keeps going on the way some are speculating with not going out without a fight. Even though he's a piece of shit too.


Horace C. Jones II
Why is it two incidences isn't enough to make this asshole (who hasn't done shit for the black community but write a song) a child predator and get the repercussions for being a child predator...yet 40 year old hearsay and stories from ADULT WOMEN can destroy the life and legacy of a man who not only helped the black community but helped build up schools and scholarship for his people.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of undercover CACs in this thread
(Where is surviving a catholic priest)

Easiest thing to do in the U.S. is to get a brotha locked up!

29 years of witnesses and accounts ? TALK TO THE D.A. not LIFETIME

Kelly has some issues ...but most of these accusers wanted to get something from him.

When they didn’t he’s Freddy Kruger
curious..what are his issues???


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
A lot of undercover CACs in this thread
(Where is surviving a catholic priest)

Easiest thing to do in the U.S. is to get a brotha locked up!

29 years of witnesses and accounts ? TALK TO THE D.A. not LIFETIME

Kelly has some issues ...but most of these accusers wanted to get something from him.

When they didn’t he’s Freddy Kruger

I'm waiting for Surving Seventh Heaven Dad,Roman Polanski,Bryan Singer,Woody Allen and many Hollywood white executives.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny they make a show about this, but I see Lifetime never did a Survivors show about Hugh Hefner or Woody Allen, just saying....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Only Two Musicians Agreed to Be Interviewed for Surviving R. Kelly
By Bethy Squires

Photo: Lifetime

Surviving R. Kelly, the Lifetime documentary series, features over 50 interviews. Oddly for a musician, only two fellow artists are featured: John Legend and Stephanie “Sparkle” Edwards. In an interview with the Detroit Free Press, executive producer Dream Hampton said many artists were asked to be interviewed but declined. “When it comes to celebrities, it was incredibly difficult to get people who had collaborated with Kelly to come forward. We asked Lady Gaga. We asked Erykah Badu. We asked Celine Dion. We asked Jay-Z. We asked Dave Chappelle,” she said. Little Monsters and the Beyhive have been at war ever since on the matter. Gaga collaborated with Kelly on “Do What You Want” in 2013, and Beyoncé’s husband made two albums with Kelly. Both artists have disavowed him since then, yet refused to comment for Lifetime.

In an interview for Shadow and Act, Hampton said Questlove was approached for the doc, but declined. “I remember Ahmir [“Questlove” Thompson] was like, ‘I would do anything for you but I can’t do this.’ It’s not because they support him, it’s because it’s so messy and muddy. It’s that turning away that has allowed this to go on,” she said. In since-deleted tweets, Questlove said that he declined to be interviewed because he thought he was only being asked to praise Kelly and not condemn him: “I didn’t wanna be in the ‘good times’ portion of the doc, like stanning for his ‘genius.’ I was asked to talk about his genius. I do not nor have I EVER stanned for him.” Hampton disputed this version of events in tweets that have also been deleted.

tweeted. “I believe these women and don’t give a fuck about protecting a serial child rapist. Easy decision.”


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
Some of y'all bitch ass niggas have no morals. And dawg is a scr8 up creep.


Human furniture. I've kicked my feet up in a heaux bike while watchin' cartoons. Had that heaux on all fours. Had that same heaux wipe my ass after I pooped. "Show me your devotion". "Yes, sir". D/s dynamics ain't sum'n vanillas folks can understand.

:lol::lol::lol: :cool: