tanyatehanna - I wouldnt but I know a lot of you would

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Breh, I feel you.
One of my friends gets tripped out by clowns, I feel the same way bout these lil people.
Shit just seem unnatural and they give me the creeps.
Word. Plus I always punish fuck bitches bruh. I can't choke this little muthafucka like I normally do bitches. It'll be like me choking a stuffed animal. :smh:



Rising Star
OG Investor
I don't think I can do it man :smh: I would need to talk to her and have some real adult conversations before I get down. I need to know this is a grown, mature woman, bill paying woman before I allow my dick into her lil hands and pussy. :smh:

Hey man, you need to pull back on em morales, get rid of some of that whatchamacallit........ Self respect.


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
shiddd that might be the best looking midget I've ever seen

Bruh i said the same shit!! Man id fucking the shit outta her...all u would ever hear is you going ova shorty house...umm humm yep yep!!:fucking: