Thanks, I wanted your input on this.I don’t care how they talk to each other, but I correct them when they talk to me. It’s building professionalism and understand how to read the audience.
I disagree with banning the words. That’s silly.
Thanks, I wanted your input on this.
I agree with banning words in her classroom is silly.
Yeah, you gotta check them when needed to make sure they carry themselves with decency.
To me it isn’t the language but more so how often they use it. Nothing wrong with “Bro” but tell me you ain’t never been around somebody that said bro 20 times in 5 minutes and you didn’t wanna smack his head off his shoulders. Even my kids, they say Bruh to damn near everything until I get ready to put Belt-to-ass.
Banning these words is a losing fight tho. They’re not derogatory or offensive imo.
ThanksBaka means stupid in Japanese,if anyone wants to know....
I know a coworker that says nigga every other word. Me,a few others plus the supervisor have to tell him to chill out when it comes to that word.
Bruh, dis bitch high key doin' too much. Bitch got L rizz. She on some censor type shit. I ain't fucked up about it, tho. I told her "On God, I know you a hater but I love that for you". You wanna keep hatin'? Say less, I got you. I'm finna low key record this shit and post up. Let the chat peep the mood. Then, we'll see if er'ythang gucci or not.
That's cap. I'm just gone put all her tires on flat in the parking lot and key her car then hit up Roscoe's. Them chicken strips be bussin', yo!
Brah, you're out here preaching today. Talk Heavy!Denigrating the way people speak is a form of oppression.
When I was a teacher, I told my students that speech was like clothing.
You might sit around your HOME all day long, in your drawers, eating frosted flakes and watching cartoons at breakfast time.
You would NOT show up to the dinner table on Thanksgiving wearing nothing but your drawers.
There are multiple ways of dressing.
There are multiple ways of communicating.
Telling children they "don't talk right" is implying they are somehow intellectually and/or culturally inferior.
Just sayin.
In with it, the higher the expectations the higher the results… all those words are low vibrational shit. Master English before your start fucking it up and taking shortcuts. The little fucks can’t even read cursive and want to use slang. Let that resonate
I don’t care how they talk to each other, but I correct them when they talk to me. It’s building professionalism and understand how to read the audience.
I disagree with banning the words. That’s silly.
We talking college or high school or middle school?
We talking college or high school or middle school?
When he says "correct them", he means shame them into exclusively using the dialect you see on the news in the Midwest.
At least what you USED to see when we had news. Way back when.
The good thing is you got the jest of my statement, mistakes and misspellings happen. Thank you for your correction, but what’s your opinion on the topic?In that case, you owe yourself 40 lashes.
I'm with it is misspelled, and, even if spelled correctly, is a colloquialism.
As is the term "low vibration shit".
I am not saying it is wrong.
I am just pointing out the irony in your statement.
I’m not a wordsmith, so banning words is wild to me at any level of school. When talk to me, they have to adjust and most do without me saying anything. Others may need some guidance.
The good thing is you got the jest of my statement, mistakes and misspellings happen. Thank you for your correction, but what’s your opinion on the topic?